Chapter 3

The Stranger

2 years later.

Soeun walked hand in hand in the park with a cute little boy who always smiled when people greeted him. It was the last day of the year 2014 and Soeun wanted to spend the holiday with her precious little guy. She’s not working at the restaurant anymore because she had found a good job after she got her degree. Her new job was enough for her to support the both of them.

Soeun looked down at him. He easily attracted the crowds because of his cuteness and sometimes people would stop to pinch his chubby cheeks or caressed his silky hair. He loved the attention that he got as his bubbly mouth would talk gibberish to every stranger he met. Soeun left him at the day care centre when she went to work and maybe because of that, he never afraid to mingle with new people. Sometimes she worried about his over-friendliness with strangers because not all strangers have a good intention. After all, he was the product of her mistake for trusting a stranger.

Soeun cannot deny the similarities between him and his father especially the shape of his face and his sharp jawline. She should hate his features but she didn’t have a heart to hate him. Especially when he smiled with his smiling small eyes that she didn’t know from whom he inherited it because as long as she can remember, his father’s eyes also have double eyelids like hers.

She already forgave the delivery guy on the first day she held his son in her arms. Gone all the hatred, pain and regrets as soon as she heard his wail and when she looked at his tiny face, she knew that he was the best thing happens in her life.

“Momma.” Soeun felt his tiny hand tugged hers as his other hand pointed at the stall that displaying variety of candies. He grinned at her as if he knew it was the best technique to make his mother agreed to all his request.

Soeun smiled back at him and she nodded in agreement. He immediately released his grasp on her hand and wobbling towards the stall. Soeun followed him closely because his legs were still weak to stabilise his body, especially with a thick cloths that make him heavier than usual. “Junie-ya, don’t run baby!” But as soon as Soeun said those words, he fell on his fluffy . Soeun immediately carried him in her arms but he stubbornly wiggled his body to make her put him back on his feet. Ever since he knew how to walk, he didn’t like to be carried around anymore.

“Junie-ya, do you want the candy or not?” He nodded his head vigorously. “Then let omma bring you to the stall okay?” He nodded again and stayed quiet in her arms.

Soeun let him chose his favourite lollipop and then she had to put him on his feet to retrieve her purse and pay the cashier. She had to wait for a while to get the small change and when she looked at her side; her son was not there anymore. She felt her heart suddenly stopped to beat.

“Junie-ya! Kim Junwoo!” She screamed his name over and over again while frantically scanning around the park to find his small figure. Luckily she saw him wobbling toward a flock of birds near the fountain a bit far from the stall. ‘How can he walk that fast when I just put him on his feet only for a few minutes?’ She heaved a long sighed as she felt her heart started to beat again.  

She slowly walked towards him as she saw him approaching a guy who feed the birds. She couldn’t see his face because he was sitting on the park bench with his back facing her. Her son rushed towards the man and settling himself in between his legs.  She could see that the guy’s body was jerk up in surprise. She quickened her pace to apologise to him for her son’s rudeness. 


Lee Junho was doing the same routine everyday ever since he came back from England a week ago. After years of study outside his motherland, he finally back for good. He wanted to enjoy his freedom before he fully committed himself to help his father managing his business. After all, Junho was the only heir left in his family.

Every morning he would come to the park and sat on the park bench in front of the fountain to feed the birds. The sound of the birds chirping and also the smell of fresh air really calmed his mind. But his calmness was abruptly shut off by a little boy who suddenly appeared in between his legs out of nowhere.

“Hello there little guy.” He greeted him and lifted him to sit on his lap. He looked to the left and right and found no adult with him. He guessed that the boy was lost. “Can I know your name please?” he gently asked while caressing the boy’s hair, hoping that he could get some information to find his parents.

“Juni.” Came the cute voice.

“Juni? Is it really your name?” he muffled his chuckle after hearing his name.

“Emm!” The boy answered while nodding his head.

“Well hello there Juni and guess what? I’m Juno!” Junho grabbed the boy’s little hand and shake it. “Where is your omma?”

“Momma GRFDTUKLJGSK…*start the gibberishian language for 30 seconds*” The boy eagerly talked to him while throwing his hands in the air to strengthen his points.

“Right…” Maybe he shouldn’t put too much hope in a boy who barely learned to walk.

Junho saw the boy eyeing the bird’s food on his hand and he seemed to read his mind and handed him the packet.

The boy excitedly threw the food at the birds and giggling madly when the birds flew near him. He kept throwing the foods until he ran out of it. Junho didn’t know why his heart swelled upon hearing his cute laugh.

“Nish!” The boy handed back the empty packet to Junho.

“Oh, finish already?”


Junho took the empty packet from him and then the boy poking something on his chest. He managed to grab the boy’s small hand, and he felt it, the unexplainable jolt he felt whenever he touched him.

“Pen, pen..” The boy handed him his lollipop and he opened the wrapper and handed it back to the boy. He quickly the lollipop and Junho grinned widely at the slurping sound created by the boy. Suddenly he shoved it to Junho’s lips and without a second thought, he opened his lips in attempt to it too. The boy grinned mischievously at Junho and tugged his lollipop back at him. Junho pouted his lips and acted like he was hurt at his action. Then the boy stood up and unexpectedly pecks his salivated-lips on Junho’s cheek and hugged his neck.

And the unexplainable jolt hit him again. This time, it hit him hard. Like he was struck by lightning; where his heart threaten to burst, his stomach fluttered uncontrollably, and his whole body shivering by the boy’s simple touch.

His hands slowly make it way towards the boy’s back and returned his embrace. ‘Who are you little guy?’ his mind screaming for an answer.

The slurping sounds continued and Junho could imagine the boy’s saliva dripping on his shoulder. Luckily he was wearing a leather jacket so it was not hard to wipe it clean. But for some reason, Junho didn’t mind at all if the boy stained his clean shirt.

“Momma!!” Junho winced a little when the boy screaming on his ear. He could feel that someone was approaching them from behind and judging by the enthusiastic-jump of the little boy on his lap, he knew that the mother was here. Slowly he looked over his shoulder and saw her.

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Chris12061 #1
Chapter 12: Super love this story. Read it twice. Hope you write more Junsso stories. Thank you.
petite_yeoja #2
Chapter 12: it would be nice if you can continue your story. Seriously, deabak!
I really love your story authornim.. Please update
still shipping for junsso even after 6 years
Songsong2 #3
Chapter 12: Authornim sorry for late recognized this beautiful n great to read this story..the cast, the setting n this story,would U mind to update n continue the story please....warm regard from Ur reader who love Ur story much n Love JunSso n Junwoo too????
esimoto #4
Chapter 12: Authornim, missing this awesome story dearly. Please update soon. ^_^ Happy New Year, Authornim. ^_^
esimoto #5
Chapter 12: Authornim, missing this great story of yours dearly. Hope you update soon. ^_^
esimoto #6
Chapter 12: Authornim
Bubblybetchay #7
Chapter 12: please update your story soon.
esimoto #8
Chapter 12: missing this story dearly. please update soon Authornim. ^_^
camayxxx #9
Chapter 12: ohh hope you update authornim
esimoto #10
Chapter 12: Missing this story sooo much. Please update soon Authornim.