Easier Said

so uh okay here

italics are thoughts

bold is emphasis lol idk

bold and italics is writing

"He's totally my type." Jonghyun mumbled, sipping sadly at his mango smoothie. "It's almost unfair."

"If you're that into him, hyung," Taemin rolled his eyes, flicking his balled up straw wrapper at the sad excuse of a human being infront of him. "Why don't you go- maybe, I don't know- talk to him?" Jonghyun groaned, face-planting into the waxed cherry wood table of their booth.

"Taemin, literally everything is easier said than done." An incredulous eyebrow rose on blonde's face, as if he was saying "'Oh, really?'"

Standing from his seat, Taemin walked directly towards the register, leaving Jonghyun behind to sputter in mild fear and indignation.

"Lee Francesco Taemin, what in the hell are you doing?!" Jonghyun shrieked quietly, waving his arms wildly when he was ignored.

Taemin smiled at the young cashier stationed at the register. He couldn't have been much older than he was, his dark hair stylishly pushed back with gel that added a wet look- like he had just gotten out of the shower and combed his hair. Bow shaped lips quirked in amusment at the actions of his (unbelievably) older companion, and his eyes crinkled at the corners when he could no longer stop his smile.

Jonghyun was so lucky that Taemin was madly in love with Jinki, because he probably would've tride to slide otherwise,

"So, my friend over there,"  Taemin jerked his neck at the sulking 25 year old, noticing that -a quick glance at his name tag- Kibum's eyes took another glance at the slumped over form. 'This may be easier than I thought.' "He's been whining to me, non-stop, literally every time he sees you, about how much he likes you."

Kibum stared blankly, before snapping back to reality. The apples of his cheeks flooded with color and his eyes darted around in search of an answer. "O-oh." "Yeah."

"In all honesty, I only came over here to size you up and make sure you weren't the same type he usually falls for. He's been hurt a little too much for my liking, so I've taken it upon myself to," A glint entered the young mans eyes. "Clean up." Kibum would later lie and say Taemin wasn't as intimidating as he thought he was.


"So, yeah."


"'Well?' What?"

"Do I pass?"

Taemin's eyes widened slightly, before a sly smirk took over his lips. "Do you want to?"

Kibum bit his lower lip, looking past him to glance at the brunette, who was now staring at them with a mix of confusion and trepidation. However, when he realized the cashier was glancing his way, his face turned an inconcievable shade of red and he quickly covered his face with both hands.

"Maybe." He whispered, glancing at his fingers. Taemin's smirk grew into a grin.

"Don't ever say I've never done anything for you, hyung." Taemin slid back easily into his seat, ignoring the scandalized look on the others face. 

"Taemin. Oh my actual God, Taemin. What. Did. You. Do?"  Jonghyun moaned in despair, ready to tear out his hair. The sound of an object being placed infront of him made him look up, the smell of a fresh chocolate chip cookie reaching his nostrils and nearly making him forget.


"We're not through talking about this yet, Min. How could you do this to me, your only hyung?" Jonghyun fake sobbed around the warm baked good in his mouth. Taemin rolled his eyes, yet again.

"You're not my only hyung, so shut up and wipe your face." "So disrespectful...where did my cute, obedient dongsaeng go?" Jonghyun dramatically mourned his loss, reaching for the napkin that was underneath the cookie, before noticing something strange.

Underneath where the cookie once was, were dark marks that did not resemble melted chocolate.


Call me later, if you want.

Kibum (=^w^=)

Jonghyun was hyper aware of everything and anything at that moment. 

The genuine smile on Taemin's face.

The default text tone coming from a phone two tables down.

The clink of the ice melting in an empty glass.

And he was definitely-


Aware of the eyes on his back.

'OhGodOhGodOhGodOhGod, I'mactuallygonnadie!'

Turning, he found himself making eye contact with the cashier.

The super cute cashier.

The cashier who's cheeks were dusted pink- 'OhgodhessoingcuteI'mgonnadie.'-and was waving at him.

Here lies, Kim Jonghyun. .

l8ter he and kibum the tiny smols that they are hang out and make out bc jjong is rly cute and kibum is a er for cute things and jjong is not used to being treated nicely in relationships and he tells kibum this and kibum cries and tells him he'll protect him for as long as he needs him to and jjong cries too bc sensitive bab and u w us for days

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Chapter 1: LOL LOL LOL nice little piece ah!
Chapter 1: this is gold lmao i cracked up really bad