
Steps left near the aisle

Sometimes I think...


Is it really for me to walk down this aisle?


Is this where i'm supposed to be?


Is this supposed to be my wedding dress?


Is he supposed to be the guy waiting by the altar?


Is this supposed to be my day?


It made me tear up once I reached the altar, not from happiness, but from the sadness building up in my chest. My dad handed me to this guy, who I've been with not too long ago. He doesn't look happy, like me. If i could turn back time I would.


Back to the time I met him just outside the office of my bar, drunk and helpless. I didn't know what to do but bring him inside. I was too kind, they say.


Back to the time he asked me to marry him. Still, I didn't know what to do. In the end, I suddenly blurted out a yes.


Back to the time I was at the back of the church, panicking in front of my bridesmaid. It looked as if I was yelling at her, but, I wasn't. I simply didn't know what to do at the moment. Run away and forget this ever happened. Or walk down the aisle and marry the man waiting at the end.


"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Min Seonmin and Wang Jackson in holy matrimony..." The preacher started. I wanna back out. I wanna cry and run away. Can I do that?


I looked around, searching for a way to get out from all this. But, what I did only made me feel worst. I saw my ex, my best friend, the man I hurt, behind the piano, playing a soft melody he composed for this wedding. This feeling in my chest wouldn't go away as everyone watched him as well. He was singing his heart out, just like always.


When our eyes met, he smiled at me, and I, at him. It brought back memories.


I was with him when Jackson was outside the office of my bar. He was the guy who helped me bring a drunk Jackson inside. The guy who told me it was a bad idea to do so but helped me anyway.


I was talking to a friend in the bar along with one of my staff. He was the guy who pulled me away for awhile to talk. He was there when Jackson proposed suddenly.


I was with him when I was panicking at the back of the church. Just a smile from him did the job actually. It made me smile. But that smile made me change my mind more.


The smile that made my heart flutter. The smile that made me think why we ever broke up. The smile that made me wonder what we fought about to break up.


"... Thank you Mr. Park Chanyeol for that wonderful song. Its time for the vows. But before that, if anyone wishes to object to this wedding, please speak now." Is this my hope?


I looked around, wishing and hoping that someone would object. Chanyeol was just sitting their behind the piano, not even bothering to look at me but the keys of the piano. Chanyeol, please say something...


A girl stood from the crowd. I don't know her actually but I was so thankful. Everyone looked at her with gazes of hate. But she didn't care about them, she just looked at Jackson.


"I, Heo Youngji, object to this wedding!" Everyone gasped at what she said. Jackson looked at me and held my hand, then looked back at Youngji. I pulled my hand away and wiped the tears that were forming in my eyes. I wasn't sad. I was so relieved. "Jackson, I know you don't wanna marry her. Please..." She pleaded in front of everyone. I envy her. I envy how she's so brave just to save the one she loves.


Without a word said, I removed my shoes and ran out of the church, as fast as I can. I heard a fit of gasps and objections to what I did but I didn't care. The sky seemed to reflect what I feel and disagree with this wedding. It was so dark and it seems as if its about to rain.


My suspicions were correct, not long after, as I was walking around, it started to rain. I didn't bother running to a covered place. My make up was ruined along with my hair and dress. I shivered from the cold feeling from the droplets of water but it didn't matter anymore.


"Yah!" I felt a pair of strong yet warm arms hug me from behind, making me stop in my tracks. He turned me around and used his blazer to put it over my head. "Why the did you leave in the middle of a pouring rain? Youill get sick." He said, fixing the blazer and cupping my cheeks. "Are you okay?" His voice was soft as he asked me. I'm such a crybaby today. Tears started to form in my eyes once again. "Yah yah! Uljima... Stop crying. Aren't you happy to see me?" His voice sounded a bit hurt. I quickly hugged him. "Aniya... It's you I wanted to see... Chanyeol-ah... I never wanted that wedding." I mumbled, sniffing ever so lightly. He sighed and hugged me back, I felt like a fragile object. I felt so protected in his arms, as cliche as it seems.


He pulled away and looked at me, which made me look down. "Chanyeol-"


"Shh... Seonmin-ah, I know that you just ran away from marriage. But..." He took out a ring from his pocket. "Will you marry me?"


Huh? Why am I still in the altar? I thought I ran away when Youngji was speaking? Oh wait, this is reality. Everything never happened. There was no objection. No Youngji in the crowd. Jackson didn't look sad about marrying me. And lastly, Chanyeol was nowhere to be found.


"If anyone wishes to object to this, speak now or forever hold your peace..." We all heard the preacher say. Just like in my daydream.


"I object to this wedding!" Jackson and I turned around, I was wishing that it was Youngji, so that everything I dreamt about would come true., but I was happier when I suddenly recognized that voice. That voice that made me sleep every night through a song. "Who wishes to object?" My mom and dad asked, along with Jackson's parents. When he was near the aisle, I sighed in relief. "I, Park Chanyeol, object to this wedding." Tears started to form in my eyes. Without a second thought, I ran to his arms, it sounds so cliche but that's what I needed to do. "Why did you come just now you idiot?" I said, sniffing a bit as I hit his arm. He just grinned sheepishly. 


"Mr. And Mrs. Min, I'm sorry, but I love your daughter so much. I would never do anything to hurt her. I wouldn't have done this if I didn't." Chanyeol confessed in front of my parents. "That guy in front-" "My name's Jackson." "-Sorry man. Jackson, isn't the right guy for her to marry. We broke up before but that didn't mean we don't love each other. We didn't hurt each other, we just needed a bit of space. I was there with her every step of the way. When Jackson proposed to her, I can see how she couldn't reject him. Your daughter is far too kind to decline to his offer. When Jackson was in front of her office, lying on the floor, she couldn't leave him outside."


He turned to me and cupped my cheeks in between his large hands. "She's perfect the way she is. And I know I'm the man that can make her happy... I know I sound offensive but, I'm for her, not Jackson." He said softly, resting his forehead on mine. "I love her so much it hurts... I know I sound so cheesy, but I love you so much Seonminnie~"

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Chapter 1: Kyaaaaaa! Sweet. Well done
Great story.. It's so sweet.