Romantic Lullaby

Little Treats


Title: Romantic Lullaby

Description: Jungkook somehow finds peace in Yoongi’s raspy voice


It would have been a romantic night. Except that nothing can turn romantic when Yoongi is in the picture.

Genre(s): fluff, romance, (very terrible failed attempt at) humour

Rating: pg

Warning(s): (still unbeta-ed) none

Word count: 321 words (Option 1), 369 words (Option 2)

a/n: Based on this poll on twitter and my twitfics here and here. Also, for mrs_coee who kindly requested me to turn those twitfics into a fic. I hope you like this enough >.<


Lullaby [Option 1 (Yoongi)]


Jungkook tousles around the bed, trying to get comfortable. It’s already 2:23 in the morning. They have to get up in less than three hours; he can’t waste the sleep time anymore. Sighing, he decided to search for comfort in this boyfriend’s bed.

Jungkook turns the knob and pushes the door to Seokjin and Yoongi’s room quietly. Making his way silently to Yoongi’s bed, he gets under the blanket. Apparently, the rustling of the blanket and sheets were enough to wake Yoongi up.

“Jungkook? What’re you doin’ here?” his voice hoarse and raspy.

“I can’t sleep, hyung.” Yoongi scoots aside to give Jungkook some space. Jungkook lies on his side, facing Yoongi.

“Now sleep.” Yoongi says and he snakes an arm around Jungkook’s waist to pull him closer. Yoongi is almost falling asleep again.

“Hyung,” Jungkook whispers. Yoongi only hums in acknowledgement. “Sing me a lullaby.”

Jungkook doesn’t get any respond. Yoongi isn’t sleeping yet, he knows it. The only sound that can be heard is Seokjin’s snores. Jungkook is about to open his mouth again when Yoongi speaks.

“I don’t sing, brat.” Yoongi grunts. Jungkook isn’t going to lose in this war.

“Hyung~” Jungkook makes sure to whine with that little high-pitched voice that he knows Yoongi wouldn’t be able to resist. It’s dark and he knows Yoongi couldn’t see it but he puts on his best puppy eyes. He even goes as far as pouting just for good measure. When he hears Yoongi sighing, he knows that victory is his.

 And sing Yoongi does. It’s a song about stars that Jungkook doesn’t recognize. Yoongi voice is raspy and he sings timidly. Jungkook loves it. It soothes him in some way. He feels his eyes grow heavy with every passing second.

Jungkook doesn’t remember when he had fallen asleep or when Yoongi had stopped singing but he remembers waking up from the best sleep he has ever gotten so far.




Romantic [Option 2 (Jungkook)]


Jungkook lies on his side, head resting on his palm supported on his elbow. He looks down to Yoongi beside him.

“What?” Yoongi snaps as if Jungkook staring at him is a very offensive thing to do. Jungkook is used to Yoongi’s harshness. He knows Yoongi doesn’t mean it. So, he just shrugs at the older.


Yoongi then shifts a little before pulling up the blanket some more. “Then go to sleep, kid.” Jungkook just hums as he watches Yoongi turning to his side with his back facing Jungkook. He stares at Yoongi’s back.

Yoongi’s frame is much smaller than Jungkook’s, that’s obvious. His body is also lean with only hints of muscles and abs. Very adoring. And sometimes, just sometimes, Yoongi looks very delicate and almost fragile. He doesn’t know what compels him to do it but before he knows it, he starts singing to a song softly. His voice is honeyed and gentle.

He doesn’t even get to sing the chorus yet when Yoongi suddenly speaks. “What are you doing?”

“Uh… I was just singing? For you?” Only then Yoongi turns to face Jungkook and smiles teasingly.

“What?!” Jungkook snaps.

“What? I didn’t even say anything!” Yoongi says, already turning into a laughing fit.

“You don’t have to, hyung. Your ugly face says it all. You’re mocking me when I was just trying to be a romantic boyfriend!”

“Romantic boyfriend. Right.”

“Shut up, jerk. Such a mood ruiner. Why do I even love you?”

“Mind your language, you rascal. Who wouldn’t love me anyway?” Yoongi chuckles when Jungkook sighs dejectedly. “Just go to sleep, kid.”

Jungkook lies on his back and looks at the ceiling. He feels Yoongi shifts to lie on his side again, facing away from Jungkook. There’s no sound but the faint buzz of the cars in the night and their breathing. Yawning, Jungkook keeps staring at the plain white ceiling. He’s about to drift off to sleep when he feels Yoongi shakes very slightly. Frowning, Jungkook looks at his hyung. He’s about to ask if Yoongi is okay when he realizes Yoongi is shaking from trying to hold back his laugh.

“What an ” Jungkook mutters before turning his back to Yoongi.


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Chapter 4: I have really mixed feelings about , but when it comes to SugaKookie I somehow get over it lol. Besides, you wrote this really well, with Yoongi not being overly rough but still showing clear dominance, with Jungkook whimpering and enjoying every bit of it, and also the edging at the end!!! omg yes!!!! I wish there were more stories like this out there... *sighs*
This was really, really good, how can you say you can't write ? It was amazing, I loved it!!
Chapter 2: omg look at these dorks asdfghjkl I like how the first option, with Yoongi singing, is the cute one and the second option, with Jungkook singing, ends up with them bickering at each other. Normally I'd have expected it to be the other way around, although, to be honest, Jungkook fanboying over Yoongi's voice is one of my weakness, and so is the opposite, so in the end I guess it works either way xD But really, this fitted so well with them and it was so adorable! I love it!!
Chapter 4: Intaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn this was really good especially since it's your first time writing . Like, this was good. Really good and you should probably write more. The more you write the easier it gets for you to write it. (That is how it happened to me lol) I'm actually not a fan of the whole but with the whole situation of the story I feel like it fit a lot more and I didn't mind at all. Especially, since it's Yoongi being called Daddy and not the other way around. (like how does one even have Yoongi call Jungkook daddy to begin with no, i just can't) SOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo my point here is that since I'm not a fan of but I still enjoyed your fic and thought that it worked well that's a pretty darn big compliment I just gave you which means you should write more ly things with or without plot (with is personally my fave) ^^
Lmao Yoongi why XD these are too cute
NightKnight2002 #5
Chapter 1: It's like 5am and I'm dying, what a great 'date'.