It Led To One Miracle... You

Under The Mistletoe (Christmas/New Years One Shot Collection)


Requested by @pshhhmary
Lee Howon/Hoya (Infinite)
Lee HyunJi (OC)
Enjoy :)
As the snow heavily fell from the sky outside, Lee HyunJi slid on her white dress, getting herself ready for her date with her boyfriend, MinHyuk. It was Christmas day and all HyunJi looked forward to was to spend time with him since lately, he had been busy. She had been looking forward to it all week and the day finally came. She sprayed some perfume on her before walking out to go to MinHyuk's house, which was not far from hers. She stopped in front of his door and knocked. No answer. She knocked a few more times and when no one answered, she typed in the pass code to his dorm. She slowly opened the door and walked inside the quiet dorm. She looked inside to see an empty room. She looked everywhere, in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and when she finally heard something coming from his room, she quickly made her way over and slammed the door opened. Her eyes widened.
HyunJi's heart dropped as she looked at the sight in front of her. There she stood in front of her boyfriend of three years in the arms of another woman. They looked at her in surprise as they both hadn't expected her to be there so early. HyunJi was on the verge of tears.
"H-HyunJi-ah, y-you're early." MinHyuk stuttered. HyunJi's eyes shot daggers at him. Her glares gave the both of them chills.
"HyunJi-ah, I-I can explain." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Then explain." She growled which made him jump a bit.
"O-okay maybe I can't." He looked away sheepishly.
"What the hell is this MinHyuk?! And who the hell is she?!" She pointed to the blonde headed girl standing next to him half-.
"It's not what it looks like!" MinHyuk put his hands up in defense.
"No, it's exactly what it looks like. Don't try to give me some ridiculous excuse, I'm not stupid." She crossed her arms. He sighed.
"Yah, let's talk out there." He grabbed HyunJi's arm and led her out of his room. The blonde stood there dumbfounded.
"Yah, explain, NOW." She crossed her arms again and glared at him. He gulped and looked away, avoiding her evil looking eyes.
"HyunJi-ah... I don't think it's working out." HyunJi looked at him wide-eyed.
"BWOH?! What are you trying to say?!" Steam came out of her ears.
"I-I wanna break up." He took a quick glance at her and saw that her face had turned red. She shook in anger.
"I just don't feel the same anymore. Mianhe?"
"Please understand HyunJi, I lo-" He was cut off.
"DON'T YOU DARE SAY 'I LOVE YOU' WHILE YOU'RE WITH THAT IN THERE!" She pointed to his bedroom door. From the other side, the blonde could hear every word they were saying. Her eyes widened at HyunJi's anger.
"MERRY CHRISTMAS, JERK." She stomped out of his dorm and slammed the door. She slid her back against the wall and she had finally let the tears she'd been holding in, out.
When she finally let all her tears out, she gathered all her strength and left the building. Never did she think that Christmas could be this bad. She wandered around the streets deep in thought. She came across a bar and decided to go in. Seeing that the place was empty brought relief to her heart. She didn't want to see anyone she knew. She took a seat at the bar and sighed.
"Anneyong beautiful, can I get you anything?" A man who appeared to be in his mid 20's smiled at her.
"Bring me a bottle of soju." The man nodded and handed her the bottle, along with a cup full of ice.
"Kamsahmnida." HyunJi poured the beverage into the glass and gulped it all down. She sighed as she poured another glass and gulped that down too. Having such a low alcohol tolerance, she started to feel a little dizzy. Before consuming another drink, she paid the bartender and left.
The snow was even thicker now than it had been before she left. Her feet started to ache from the constant walking she was doing, despite the fact that she was in heels, and her legs were numb with cold, but she didn't care. There was no point in caring since the holiday had already been ruined for her. She walked around for hours, lost in her thoughts, and a content look on her face. She had ran out of tears from earlier's event. She didn't realize where she was going or who was around her when she felt someone crash against her body.
"Lee HyunJi?" The voice spoke. It was deep, indicating that it was a boy. HyunJi looked up and her eyes widened, realizing who she had bumped into.
"Lee Howon?!" She asked.
"Yah, it's Hoya, remember?" He smiled at her.
"Ah, neh, Hoya oppa!" She cheered.
"HyunJi, it's been a while." He said.
"Neh, it has. What are you doing in Seoul?" She looked at the man curiously.
"I live here now. I'm attending Seoul University." He answered.
"Chincha? So do I. When did you move from Busan?"
"Earlier this year. I transferred schools when they asked me if I wanted to attend."
"Wow, daebak."
"Neh, so what are you doing out here in the cold wearing that?" He pointed to her white ensemble. HyunJi sighed and looked down.
"Well, I was supposed to go out on a date with my boyfriend, but I found out that he's been cheating on me and wanted to break up." Her eyes stung with tears. There were still left over after all.
"Wow, mianhe. He's really a jerk for doing that to you on a day like this." She shook her head.
"Aish, don't remind me." She sighed.
"It's fine." There was a moment of silence. Hoya was deep in his thoughts when he thought of something.
"HyunJi-ah, would you like to accompany me today? I'd really like to catch up on things." She looked at him and gave him a warm smile.
"I'd love to, Hoya oppa." He linked arms with her and they made their way to the nearest cafe.
When their coffee arrived, HyunJi immediately grabbed the warm cup and pressed her fingers against it. The frosty feeling in her fingers started to fade. She looked up at Hoya and studied his face. She had always admired his good looks, though she had never been that attracted to him, but something about looking at him now made her blush. He had definitely changed the last time she had seen him, growing from looking like a young boy to a grown man. He was quite handsome actually. She wondered how many girls had thrown themselves at him. He noticed her staring at him and chuckled.
"Like what you see?" He asked. She snapped out of her daze.
"Eh? Ani, it's just, you have changed a lot since the last time I've seen you oppa." She blushed. Good thing he didn't notice.
"Chincha? So have you. You've definitely grown more beautiful since you've last been to Busan." She smiled.
"Aish, Hoya oppa, you're really too much." He chuckled.
"Yah, so, what's been up with you lately? How has life been since you've moved?" He asked.
"Oh you know, school and all. I've met a couple of cool people here. I miss home every once and a while but I can manage. I met a guy, his name is MinHyuk and we've been dating for the past three years. That is, before he dumped me this morning." She looked at him with a sad face.
"MinHyuk? As in Choi MinHyuk?" She nodded. "Aish, I knew it, that guy, he's really something." He said.
"You know him?" He nodded.
"He dated my cousin." HyunJi's mouth formed an "o" shape. "Neh, he dated her for six months until she found out he was dating another girl."
"Story of my life." She placed her left arm on the table and rested her head in the palm of her hand. "So tell me, what have you been up to?" She asked.
"Same thing, school and all." She nodded.
"Met anyone lately?" He shook his head.
"Not anyone special, I mean. I've been dating here and there but nothing big." 
"Mhmm I see." She took a sip of her coffee and looked out the window. Hoya couldn't help but stare at her. He had always found HyunJi beautiful, more beautiful than any girl that he had ever seen, besides his mother of course. They have always been good friends, and when HyunJi moved to Seoul, he was sad for quite some time. Nobody really knew that he had grown feelings for her. He had never shown that much interest in her as he was good in hiding his emotions, though his feelings were never that strong. He hadn't realized how much he liked her until she moved. It was quite a shame that he never confessed to her. But now that they had met again, now was his chance.
"HyunJi-ah." He called out. She looked up from the window to him.
"Neh?" She said.
"C-can I tell you something?" She tilted her head.
"Go ahead." He swallowed the big lump and his throat and grabbed her hand. A shocking sensation ran throughout her body. Her heart pounded against her chest as she looked into his eyes. There was a sparkle in his eye and she couldn't help but smile.
"HyunJi-ah, I know it's been a while since we met, but I'm really glad we got to see each other again. I don't know how long it's been, but it feels like it's been forever. I'm just going to tell you this straight up. I hadn't realized this till after you left, but I've grown feelings for you, and I think I like you." He said. She stared at him, trying to process what he had just told her. Did he just confess to her? He looked at her with a worried look and panic started to take over him, until a big smile that was plastered on her face washed it away.
"Hoya oppa, I never thought you'd say that. I always knew you had feelings for me." He blushed.
"B-bwoh? How?" He asked.
"I noticed that you'd always stare at me in class and whenever we were talking, you'd always have this look on your face that showed it." She laughed.
"I-I didn't think it was that obvious." He looked away embarrassed. She smiled.
"Oppa, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. I've always admired you." He looked at her and smiled back.
"So what do you say we give us a try? I know you just got out of a relationship, but why don't we take things slow?" She nodded in agreement.
"I think I'd like that." He smiled. He had never felt this much happiness in his life, seeing the girl he liked for the first time since she moved away, and now accepting his feelings. For HyunJi, on the other hand, Christmas had gotten much better than before.
"It's getting late, I think I should go home." She got up and grabbed her purse when Hoya grabbed her arm.
"Why don't I take you home?" He asked.
"I'd love that." She smiled. He took her hand into his again as they walked out of the coffee shop back to her house.
The two of them arrived in front of HyunJi's house. They looked at each other and smiled.
"Well, this is my house." She said. He nodded.
"I guess." The truth is, neither of them wanted the other to go. It had been such a long time since they have seen each other and even though they attended the same school, they didn't know when they would see each other the next time.
"Hoya oppa."
"Hmm?" He looked down at her.
"Would you like to accompany me tonight? I mean, if you're not doing anything then, might as well you know?" He smiled.
"I would love to." The two friends made their way inside the house. They had never felt any happier than they had been the previous Christmases. It was definitely a Christmas filled with miracles, and although it had been one hell of a day, it was one that they would never forget.
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omg daehyun
Chapter 9: this one was so cute *o*
can i request?
Exo Lay and girl OC
like when the snow falls outside and hes with you and its all sweet and stuff XD
Batrizy #4
Love all your oneshot.its so sweet.can i request two fanfic?<br />
One about miss a suzy and infinite L.Another one is Na Chunsa(OC) and Woohyun infinite.Dont mind if the story is sad.
nanie92 #5
Wow... I really love the my oneshot.. Sunggyu have finally confess to her although he has many fail attempt before.. Hehe <br />
Thank You~
Omgosh!! I just read the Oneshot I requested its wonderful!! Anyway thank you!!^^
Hello!! May I please request a story? Your one-shots are so adorable and fluffy X3<br />
Kwon Arie (OC) and Park Thunder/Cheondung/Cheondoong/Sanghyun (MBLAQ) please ^_^
Oh!! The 2 girls re both OCs!!! I frgot 2 put it there!!! Hehe sry'm^^;;
Can I request fr 2 oneshots?? <br />
D other one's fr my friend...<br />
My friend's:<br />
Kang Jaemin and lee jinki( shinee)<br />
Mine: <br />
Sung Jiwook and Lee jeongmin (boyfriend).....<br />