Christmas, Baby

Under The Mistletoe (Christmas/New Years One Shot Collection)


Requested by @Mariejo
Wooyoung (2PM)
Min (Miss A)
Enjoy :)
It was the morning of Christmas Eve, and Min had never been more than excited about the upcoming holiday the day after. It had been two years since she and her husband, Wooyoung, had been married, and about nine months since she started carrying their first child. Though something had been worrying the both of them lately; Min was two weeks overdue. They had both anticipated for the day to come, but unfortunately their hopes were crushed with every false alarm. With Christmas approaching, they wondered if their child would be born by then.
"Wooyoungie, when am I going to get this little one out of me already?!" Min complained. Wooyoung went up to his wife and pulled her into a hug.
"Soon, yeobo." He kissed the top of her head.
"Aish chincha. What if he doesn't come out by tomorrow?! Then we can't spend Christmas as a family for the first time!" Min pouted. Wooyoung chuckled.
"Then we can celebrate it together next year. There's going to be other Christmases, don't worry." He assured her. She sighed.
"Neh, I guess." He smiled.
"Don't worry about it, we'll get to see him soon. Now, let's go do some last minute shopping before we leave tomorrow, arasso?" She nodded. The both of them grabbed their coats and made their way out the door.
Throughout the whole day, the only thing that was on Min's mind was the baby. Though Wooyoung told her she would give birth soon, she couldn't help but wonder how soon. The doctors had told her she'd deliver the child during the first week of December, but when the week passed, Min found herself still pregnant. The following week, she had high hopes that her child would be born, but of course, it didn't happen. Now that it was the last week of December, she had wondered why nothing happened yet. She longed to see her child, to hold him, to kiss him and love him with all her heart. She looked at her husband and smiled. The thought of having a child that looked like Wooyoung brought joy to her heart.
"What are you smiling about?" Wooyoung asked her when he caught her smiling up at him. Min blushed.
"I was just wondering if our baby would look like you." She said.
"Aniyo, I want the baby to look like you, that way when you're at work or away, I'd have him to remind me of you." Min blushed.
"But if he looked like you, he'd be the cutest baby in the world." Wooyoung chuckled.
"Well, I guess." She slapped his arm playfully.
"Yah, so conceded." He laughed and kissed the top of her head.
By 5:00, Min and Wooyoung arrived back at the house and plopped themselves on the couch. Min felt something move on her stomach. She placed her hands over her tummy as she felt her baby kick.
"Omo, Wooyoungie, he wants to get out already." Wooyoung moved closer to her and put his hand over her stomach, feeling his baby kick. He smiled.
"Baby, you want to see your beautiful umma and your handsome appa already?" He asked the moving child. Min laughed.
"I think he does." She said.
"We want to see you too, baby. We want to see if you resemble your umma or appa already!" He pouted. She pinched her husband's cheek.
"Aigoo Wooyoung, I think you and the baby are going to get along well."
"Of course, cause boys stick together!" She rolled her eyes playfully.
"I think I'm going to go and pack our belongings. We have a long drive tomorrow." Wooyoung helped his wife up as she made her way upstairs.
It was already 10:00 when Wooyoung and Min were sleeping. She was cuddled up in his arms, dreaming peaceful dreams when she suddenly woke up. She felt the need to use the bathroom, so she got up and made her way to the bathroom. She felt a sudden wetness between her legs. She looked down to see her pants had been mysteriously soaked. When she felt a pain in her stomach, she realized what was happening and went over to wake Wooyoung up.
"Wooyoungie!" She shook him. He groaned before his eyes popped open and looked at his wife.
"Neh yeobo?" He asked.
"I think it's time." She said. Wooyoung's eyes widened and he jumped out of the bed.
"Are you sure?!" She nodded excitedly. He grabbed the already prepared bag they were planning on taking with them to their trip to the hospital and ran out to the car. Min quickly changed into a fresh pair of pants before carefully following Wooyoung. She sat herself in the passenger seat and he started to drive off.
"We will see you soon, baby. We can't wait." She smiled as they speed along the streets. Luckily, there weren't many cars out that night.
As soon as they arrived at the hospital, the nurses quickly put her into a room and set up everything for her. They had informed her doctor and she arrived as soon as she got the news.
"Minyoung-ah! You've finally made it here." Her doctor greeted happily.
"Ahh Dr. Kim, I'm so glad you're here." Min smiled.
"How are you feeling?" Dr. Kim asked.
"I'm fine, I guess. I can't wait to get this little guy out." She laughed.
"Okay well, it looks like you'll be able to deliver soon. Just tell us when you feel anything, arasso?" She nodded.
"Kamsahmnida Dr. Kim." The doctor nodded as she made her way out. Wooyoung came in a few minutes later with a cup of water.
"Yeobo, I brought you some water." He handed the cup to her. She gulped the water down before setting it on the table next to her. He sat next to her and held her hand.
"Aigoo, I can't believe it's finally happening." She smiled.
"Looks like we'll all be able to spend Christmas together after all." He smiled back and kissed her hand.
Hours passed, it was 11:30 and Min still hadn't given birth. Dr. Kim checked to see how she was doing every half hour. Min sighed as the doctor came in.
"Anneyong Minyoung, how are you feeling now?" Dr. Kim asked.
"Aish doctor, when will I be able to deliver?" Min pouted.
"Well, it looks like you're ready right now." Her eyes widened.
"Chincha?!" The doctor nodded.
"Neh. Just let me prepare and we'll be ready to begin." A smile crept on her face as her doctor made her way out.
"Wooyoung! Wake up!" She shook her husband till he was fully awake.
"Neh yeobo?" He looked at her with sleepy eyes.
"Dr. Kim said that I can deliver now." She cheered. He smiled.
"We'll finally get to see our baby boy." He rubbed her tummy and kissed it. "Can't wait to see you little guy."
Ten minutes later, a team of nurses came into the room, along with Dr. Kim.
"Are you ready?" Min nodded. The nurses set everything up and Min got herself ready to deliver.
"Alright Minyoung, when I say push, you push, arasso?" She nodded. Wooyoung held her hand tightly.
"You'll be fine yeobo, I'm right here." He kissed her soft lips as she took in a deep breath.
"Okay, push!" With that, Min gathered all her strength and pushed.
After a few more pushes, and a couple of screams, a baby's cry was finally heard. Min panted as she saw the nurses cleaning, weighing, and wrapping her newborn baby into a blanket. The doctor held the little boy in her arms and looked at her.
"Congratulations Min, you have given birth to a beautiful and healthy baby boy." Dr. Kim smiled at her. Min smiled back widely.
"C-can I see him?" Dr. Kim nodded as she handed the baby to her. Tears welled up in Min's eyes as she looked at her baby for the first time. A smile grew on Wooyoung's face as he looked at his baby.
"Yeobo, he looks exactly like you." He said. "He's perfect."
"Anneyong, we're your umma and appa. Welcome to the world, Jung Minwoo." Wooyoung looked at her.
"Minwoo?" She nodded.
"It's both our names combined." He smiled.
"It's perfect." Min turned her attention back to Minwoo when Wooyoung looked at the clock and smiled.
"Yeobo. It's 10 minutes past midnight." He pointed to the clock above the door. She looked at the clock and smiled.
"Neh, it is." She looked back at her husband.
"Merry Christmas, yeobo." He gave his wife a sweet, but passionate, kiss. "And to you too, Jung Minwoo." He kissed his baby boy who wiggled in his mother's arms.
"This is the best Christmas gift I've ever had. I couldn't have asked for anything better." She said.
"Me neither. Saranghe, Lee Minyoung."
"Saranghe, Jung Wooyoung."
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omg daehyun
Chapter 9: this one was so cute *o*
can i request?
Exo Lay and girl OC
like when the snow falls outside and hes with you and its all sweet and stuff XD
Batrizy #4
Love all your oneshot.its so sweet.can i request two fanfic?<br />
One about miss a suzy and infinite L.Another one is Na Chunsa(OC) and Woohyun infinite.Dont mind if the story is sad.
nanie92 #5
Wow... I really love the my oneshot.. Sunggyu have finally confess to her although he has many fail attempt before.. Hehe <br />
Thank You~
Omgosh!! I just read the Oneshot I requested its wonderful!! Anyway thank you!!^^
Hello!! May I please request a story? Your one-shots are so adorable and fluffy X3<br />
Kwon Arie (OC) and Park Thunder/Cheondung/Cheondoong/Sanghyun (MBLAQ) please ^_^
Oh!! The 2 girls re both OCs!!! I frgot 2 put it there!!! Hehe sry'm^^;;
Can I request fr 2 oneshots?? <br />
D other one's fr my friend...<br />
My friend's:<br />
Kang Jaemin and lee jinki( shinee)<br />
Mine: <br />
Sung Jiwook and Lee jeongmin (boyfriend).....<br />