
Lee Joon, that's what they call you now. SEQUEL. [ON HIATUS]

Author’s Notes: I’m finally back after well…a very long time. I actually had written some chapters, but I lost them through a virus. So basically I had to rewrite some and atm, I have the worst writers block for this story. I’m so sorry for going on hiatus. And also, you might want to reread the previous chapters just to refresh your brains. Meanwhile, please enjoy this chapter and comment down below. Sorry guys <3

I was about to go out just to confirm if it was Changsun when someone grabbed my hand.

“W-wae..?” I looked at my stylist.

“Why do you sound like a damsel in distress,” she rolled her eyes, “Younha called from her radio station and says that we’ll be doing a recording at her building later. There’s going to by a group going to, but a the moment, I’m not quite sure who. Just prepare yourself and I’ll get the van ready. I’ll message you later”

I nodded and told my assistant to help gather to fans’ presents into the back of the van while I grabbed my personal accessories and got ready.

I’m ready

  • Kaeri Unnie <3

I locked my phone and headed out to the secret passage led by the security guards. Even though it was a secret passage, I could hear the piercing screams of the fans. Once the doors were pushed out by the guards, nonstop flashing of their cameras flickered on and off. I put on my shades and just smiled and waved to the fans as I was quickly led to my car.

“Wow, the fans these days are no joke!” I giggled as the driver drove towards Younha sunbaenim’s radio station.

“Come on! Wakey Wakey! We’re 5 minutes late!!” Kaeri nudged me.

I whined complaining about how sleep derived I am but in the end, I got pulled out to of my seat. I walked into the building where a glass wall separated me and the fans. Some were literally like superglue stuck on the wall trying to just get a glimpse of me. I shudder at the thought of saesang fans. They’re so nice but so creepy. TOO creepy.

“Come on, stop daydreaming” Kaeri pushed me into the studio.

I stepped in and quickly bowed to Younha.

“Hey Unnie~” I said.

She smiled and told me to take my seat. We had to wait for the other guests till we could start the show so Younha bought us drinks while waiting. I flipped through my Ipod and sipped my slurpie when I heard a group of voices mumbling. I look up and choked as my eyes stared into disbelief.

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Chapter 1: I'm sooooooo confused
OOOOH, so is it MBLAQ?!
Anytime noww, update? ): new reader here btw
jaynevier #4
whoooo little ninja~ do update soooon~ =D
izzie_inlove #5
D: WTH?! I'm confused.. Was it him? Was it not? Ah my head is turning u___u Can't wait for next chapter~~<br />
moohaninspirit #6
mian everyone !! i'm going to update soon!!!
coolme #7
Awesome story!!! I am a new reader and i loved it!!! It rocked to the max!!!!!! :) Please update soon...HWAITING!!!
Omo omo. Is it joonie??
jaynevier #9
omo~ i cant wait for the next chapter! changsun wrote that he's her number one fan? Hahahahahahha