Would you?

Vinyl, Poetry, and Camera

Saena made a promise to Junyoung that she will try to leave the past that has been haunting her. Herself wanted to be bright and happy again, but this time fully. Junyoung did help her for this past year to keep her head straight and distract her for anything that could take her back to those awful incident, but Saena knew she needs to face it; get over it.

Junyoung gave his blessing to Myungsoo. Saena herself has opened up much more to Myungsoo. Myungsoo would stop by everyday just to check on Saena. Occasionally he would gave Saena flowers and he would smile proudly if he saw the flowers were beautifully sit right next to the cashier machine. Now every thursday, not only Junyoung that would stopped by but Myungsoo as well. He would help Saena to arrange the vinyl collections that just came in, to the opposite where Junyoung would make a mess and just dig through to look for vinyl that probably he wanted. Saena would yell at Junyoung once in a while and Myungsoo would chuckle seeing those two bickering on each other, but actually she doesn't mind if Junyoung make somee mess before left for his schedule.
"I can't stay long, I will come by again tomorrow." Junyoung told Saena.
"Ok, go go~" Saena replied.
"야! Beause there is Myungsoo here, you don't care I'm not staying long?" Junyoung protested. Saena blushed and showed Junyoung a gesture like she was going to bite him. Junyoung and Myungsoo laughed at Saena's child like respond.
Myungsoo now spend more often time with Saena. He wanted to be the one that Saena could rely on. Someone she can lean on when she feels sad, someone she asks for help, everything he can be to make Saena happy. To make him able to see the wrinkle on the side of her eyes when she smiles sincerely.
Even though Saena has opened up to Myungsoo, she still haven't forget about Jonghyun. For her, every sweet gesture that Myungsoo did, would remind her of how Jonghyun used to treat her. She felt bad for Myungsoo.
Myungsoo knew that Saena haven't fell in love with him as he fell for her. He didn't mind, he knew her story and he would wait for her as long as he needs to.
A year passed. Junyoung lesser went to the record store, even he missed a couple of thursday. Saena knew he was very busy since he became more and more famous. One day Junyoung went to the record store for a variety show, he told the world that Johnny Cash Record Store is his favorite place and he came by often. Which after that, a lot of girls would come by just to try their luck if they can meet Junyoung in person. She was glad tho, he helped the store got more customers.
Beside Junyoung being busy, Myungsoo was busy as well. Momo Grandpa health condition is not as good as before, he needs more rest. So Myungsoo are the one who take care the shop more often. Despite of being busy, Myungsoo would always have time to dropped by and gave Saena flowers. Saena's face would beaming right after that, and nothing else he wanted to see beside the beautiful expression of her.
22nd February would be Saena's 25th birthday. From week before, Myungsoo has prepared everything. She wanted to make it perfect for her.
Myungsoo did make sure that Junyoung wouldn't be busy at that day. He also invited her girlfriends that was close with her, Sujeong and Sia; they run the flower shop just around the corner of the street.
So, on Saena'a birthday, Myungsoo booked the commercial library for her. He decorated the reading corner into a high tea party like. He printed out a big picture of Saena on a canvas and put it on display. It was Myungsoo's favorite picture, because that was the first day they went out together a year ago at Samcheong-dong.
Saena actually knew Myungsoo prepared something for her birthday, because Myungsoo kept asking her things and being so obvious. But she had no idea what it is and it would be going on next door at the commercial library.
Myungsoo asked Saena to closed the record store earlier, so she did. After the store was close, Myungsoo took Saena to the next door followed by her workers as well.
Saena's eyes glistened when she saw what Myungsoo has prepared for her. She was so happy with the pictures of her on the canvas, she squealed when she saw a giant pink bouquet of roses that Sujeong and Sia brought, and most of all, she was very happy that everyone was there. Including, Momo Grandpa.
At her birthday, Sujeong and Sia brought their boyfriend with them. Well actually one of them was Sujeong's ex and one of them was Sia's boyfriend. They were an idol, a pretty much well known one. They said it would be nice to ask their company to shoot a music video at Saena's record store, which she responded to a non stop convincing stories about her store. 
After everyone left, Junyoung was the only one who stayed to help Myungsoo cleaned up and arranged the reading corner back to how it was. They didn't realize when, but Saena has fallen asleep at one of the sofa. They let her be.
Junyoung went back before Saena woke up, he had a radio broadcast to do. He kissed Saena's forehead before he left and told Myungsoo, "Take care of my little girl. Be good or I'll whack you!" Then he laughed and left the library.
Myungsoo waited beside the sofa, he sat on the floor. He gazed every inch of Saena's face. A sleeping angel his mind said. He actually had one more surprise for Saena. So he put a small pink box with gold ribbon next to where Saena's face were. But while waiting for her to woke up, he fell asleep.
Saena woke up to Myungsoo's face being quite close to hers, it was separated only by the gift box. She sat up and lifted the box, she could guess it was from Myungsoo and she thought it was definitely for her. She opened the box and there is a star shaped hair clip and a piece of folded paper. She wore the hair clip on the side of her hair and opened the folded paper. It wasn't a message, but some kind of clue. Saena love this kind of things, so she went on Myungsoo's game, while Myungsoo himself was still asleep.
The clue told her a row and a shelf number. It led her to the literature section. Knowing her for more than a year enough to made Myungsoo understands how much Saena loves poetry books. But this is game meant more than that. On the shelf that Myungsoo pointed before on the paper, there was a yellow fish shaped post-it on one of the book. She realized what book it was the moment she saw it. It was that Ted Hughes' Birthday Letter. Myungsoo remembered this library has the book by the first time she met Saena in front of this library helding that book. The same book that Jonghyun wanted Saena to read it again.
She took it and saw there were two bookmarks that she knew she was meant to open those pages. She went to flicked the page with the bookmark that written #1, which she supposed to open it first she guessed. It led her to the end of the book, the final letter, final poem that was written for Sylvia Plath. There was a small paper that told her to read a particular sentences.
In the pit of red
You hid from the bone-clinic whiteness
But the jewel you lost was blue
Saena felt she was being slapped. She knew what this words mean. Why Myungsoo addressing this to her. It might be different on what Ted Hughes mean, but in the big picture it was the same with what Myungsoo wanted to say to Saena.
She then quickly opened the other marked page, that was more in the front of the book. There was a small paper and a letter in between those pages. She read the small paper first, Myungsoo told her again to read a poem from that page, but this time the whole poem.
I refused to Interpret. I saw
The dreamer in her
Had fallen in love with me and she did not know it.
That moment the dreamer in me
Fell in love with her, and I knew it
Those was the last line she read. She took a deep breath and sighed softly. She opened the letter. A very beautiful and neat handwriting that was written by Myungsoo, Myungsoo wrote each of his words with all of his feelings.
Our beloved Oh Saena,
I didn't mean to bring your old memories back. But by this letter I wanted you to know, that It is alright. Stop looking for something that only make you more miserable, look for your happiness instead. Tell me what you need and I will try to give it to you. You could tell me anything and I won't judge you, I will listen to you as long as you want me to. I have fallen in love with who you are. I have accepted your love of your past memories. And amongst of all my wishes, I would love to dream together with you; knowing your world, understand your mind.
I asked you but nothing, 
Would you be mine?
Kim Myungsoo
Saena didn't realize she was crying in the middle of her reading. Meanwhile, Myungsoo had been standing beside her. Waited for her to finish. When she was aware that Myungsoo  stood beside her, she faced him and looked at his eyes with a thousand meanings in it. None of them smile, both of their heart were pounding. Myungsoo reached Saena's left cheek and Saena held the back of the Myungsoo's hand when it has reached her cheek.
"I'm sorry," Saena apologized. "You have been very true to me, but what have I gave to you.." She sobbed.
"Saena, you don't need to be sorry. What I need from you, is you!" Myungsoo told her as he wiped her tears.
Saena moved closer to Myungsoo. She tipped toe a bit and kissed Myungsoo. She didn't say anything beside kissing him. It was her way to tell him that she had gave in. It was her way to tell him that she knew she had love him too, no more denying. And it was her way to tell him she belongs to him for now and then.
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