Smiling Dead Bodies

CSI: Seoul

[Sunggyu's POV]

Gosh, I hate his guts. He acts like he's all big, just because he's the oldest in this team. He talks to me like I'm 5 years old. Now he's talking to the new guy the same way. 

And he stole my boyfriend. 

I hate him so much.

[Yoseob's POV]

Kwangmin and I finished quickly and reached the rendezvous point. We didn't find anything suspicious. 

We reached base and found that everyone else was waiting for us. 

Team 1 started by telling us that they found out that all of the girls were brilliant and excelled at something and that they went to the same camp a few years ago. They searched the camp and found out that they closed up last year. The camp wasn't making enough dough. 

I'm starting to think that we've reached a dead-end. Maybe they're all runaways. Working as a crime scene investigator, there's no such thing as a coincidence. 

We were starting to discuss our possibilities and how we can search the closed-up camp further when Boss called Kibum's cell and told us to come over to Seogang University. 

Two dead bodies were found right next to each other. Both of them were smiling.

Myungsoo was already there taking pictures of who we recognized as Taeyeon and Joohyun.

Kwangmin walked over to the girl who found the bodies and started to ask a couple of questions. His was quiet while the girl answered his questions. He always did that. He says he can observe more when he was quiet. People tend to usually forget he was there in the room with them and start to show their true colors. He said it makes his job easier. 

Kwangmin was the kind of person you trust immediately. He can calm down a heated argument just by being there. In a way, he helped everyone become friends and stay as friends. 

I wonder what he does in his free time. 

I brought my attention back to the bodies. Myungsoo was feeling their bodies and trying to decide when they died and how. He flexed their stiff muscles and frowned. 

"They've been dead for about 24 hours," he said after a while. 

Ricky cleared his throat and shuffled a bit. "Um..I think it's less than that. They wouldn't have been killed in broad daylight. People would've noticed their death sooner too."

Everyone hid a smile and turned over to Myungsoo again. 

"They didn't have to die here," he countered. 

"They either died from the gunshots that went through their heads or from the same knife that stabbed their bodies multiple times. They wouldn't be smiling if they were being stabbed. There would've been a struggle."

"They didn't have to die here," he said again, "There's no knife or gun."

Ricky walked over to the nearest tree and hauled his body over the lowest branch. He put on his gloves and grabbed something we couldn't see. He waved a gun over his head and said, "They were killed early this morning or late at night."

None of us couldn't hide our smile as Myungsoo grumbled and continued to inspect their bodies. We're all responsible enough to know that we shouldn't let pride get in the way of our work. 

Baro took a look at the pictures from the camera. I looked over his shoulder to find out what he was looking for. 

He looked back and forth between the pictures and the bodies who were moved a bit from Myungsoo. He stared into the horizon.

I remembered getting a tour around this university. We're in the Sports Grounds nearest to the...I think it was the Ricci Hall. This place was famous for their Humanities classes, which is why I didn't enroll. Their Natural Sciences weren't as famous. I took out my iPhone and started to search Google Maps.

"Can someone remind me what's the address for the camp that was shut-down?"

"It was near Gongdeok Station," said someone. 



[Myungsoo's POV]

What a punk. He's almost a decade younger than me and he dares to humiliate me in front of everyone. Oh well, as long as I didn't screw up this case. 

It wasn't really my fault. I mean, there was Dongho breathing down my neck. He really knows how to make someone nervous. Especially with his...

Anyways, he wasn't looking at me anymore. He was looking at the surrounding environment, he looked like he was trying to piece everything like a puzzle. 

I turned my attention to the dead bodies again. I couldn't really do anything here so I waved a couple of the waiting men to take the bodies away to my lovely lab. 


Back in my lab with two bodies on two different tables I started my work methodically. I started by taking off their clothes. Baro came to help me, he usually did. At least he knew a thing or two about bodies. 

Everyone else was back at the site of the crime looking for more clues or maybe even the knife.

"Just as I thought," he said. He'd taken off their shoes and socks. "There's blisters and bruises on their soles and feet."

"They were running." He nodded. "But from what?" I continued.

"That might explain why they were smiling. Maybe they've escaped from the captor."

"If they were still smiling when they were shot, then they were shot as a moving target. The shooter must be an expert."

We continued examining the bodies. "There's red markings around their wrists. They were bound," said Baro.

"No sign of , though." I put the kit away.

"If they weren't caught for their beauty, then maybe they were caught for money."

"It's not possible, not all of the missing girls had rich families."

"But they were all smart."

We looked at each other. 

"I think we found out our killer's resolution."

"Now we need to find our killer."

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I want Ricky and Dongho to be besties *_* LOL<br />
So Hyoyeon is being brought in? This shall be interestingggg..<br />
Happy holidays to you too!
So the killer's going for smart girls?<br />
THis is so interesting, I won't sleep well tonight, the curiousity kills me :D LOL
lovedinoandshinee #3
please update :)
This fic sounds really promising~ I love the characters as well, Youngmin so funny xD
sulliviera #5
omg! i really love something like this~! can't wait for the chap 1~!
i've been looking for a story like this for the past few months ;~; FINALLY FOUND IT
Hey Kyu! <br />
I see a cool forward thar! xD<br />
Oh.. Will there be any kind of lurv in here?<br />
I don't like talking all weird like that. <br />
Oppa is just nervous? Yeah.<br />
Update soon! :D<br />
It looks really cool! <3