our tomorrow's promise.

Please Subscribe to read further chapters


In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take, relationships we are afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make. - anonymous 


"Will you be my girlfriend?" 

I froze at his question. Wasn't I expecting this anyway? 

"I'm sorry, Luhan..." 


And now it's too late.

And now he's just looking at me as if we don't know each other.

And now there is no tomorrow to look forward to.


And now he's gone.

Our tomorrow's promise completely erased.


"I'll always love you Song Lena... Always. Just remember that."


A/N: again, here i am with another story pmsl 

Credits/Special thanks to Nights Out for the beautiful poster <3


P.S. This sounds so cliche, but I hope you'll like it once the first chapter's out. 


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