the muses


there you see them the gorgeous guys they stand out and you notice your not the only one watching you try to make it through the crowd to get a better look but then trip you see a hand and grab on to it without looking you say thank you and walk away but suddenly the man grabs your and says " thats not a very polite way to say thank you" you turn and see that it's chen from exo the man who stood out from all of them he smiles and winks at you and goes back to his group you couldnt believe it.


"wow" you said as you entered the palace well it wasn't really a palace more like a big house. you get embarassed since you notice that everyone is dressed so nicely while you on the other hand is dressed in ripped jeans and a muscle thought to yourself of how you were gonna make it through this ball the whole night a man comes to you and says "are you mi-cha" you think for a second should you answer this mysterious man slowly you begin to answer him " me" he looks at you up and down grabs your hand and drags you to a room  you think what have i done now.


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Exo-mExo-kExo-l #1
Chapter 9: Oh. My. God. U rlly don't know how much I screamed for this last chapter. God damn. U kill me Bethany.