Chapter 3 part 3


Sojin drummed her fingers on the table. Her eyes wandered around the library for a good minute until her phone buzzed in front of her, quickly catching her attention.

Keumjo: Hey sorry I'll be there in a minute, I just forgot something in my locker.

Sojin was about to respond, but what Keumjo sent after that caught her off guard.

Keumjo: And thanks for the candy gram :) I'll get you something for White Day XD

Sojin felt her cheeks heat up all of a sudden, and she had the urge to throw her phone across the room.

"Moon. Hyuna. I swear." She mumbled under her breath while massaging her temples.

Sojin's phone vibrated yet again, but this time it was from the cat lady herself.

Hyuna: By now I'm pretty sure you've figured out that you sent a candy gram to Keumjo :p have fun <3


Hyemi rolled her eyes. "Oh my Lord Keum." 

"Get in there already. You're wasting the poor girl's time." Hyemi said while pushing her cousin towards the entrance of the library.


The chair beside Sojin moved making jump a bit. "Oh, Keumjo."

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Keumjo said as she took out all the things she needed.

"So how did the math test go?" Sojin asked, tilting her head to the side.

Keumjo chuckled nervously, which soon turned into a frown. "It was okay, I guess. But I don't think its enough to get me back into the team." She started drawing random patterns on a blank piece of paper as Sojin scanned her test.

There was hopelessness evident on Keumjo's face. 

Sojin moved her chair closer to Keumjo, and placed the test in front of her.

"Listen, these mistakes can be easily fixed." Sojin pointed at all the 'x' marks on the pages. "You made small mistakes, and just miss some steps here and there. The more you work on it, the better you'll get at it." Sojin said, the tone of her voice higher than usual.

Sojin turned to Keumjo, and it was like that time she visited Keumjo's house all over again. But this time, Sojin noticed. She notices how her hair really made her soft features stand out, especially her eyes; it made her notice the dark circles that formed under her doe eyes from all the studying. How her lips forms a natural smile, like she could just be staring onto space and it would still look like she was smiling. 

The corners of Keumjo's mouth go up, and Sojin felt good that she was the reason for it. "Thanks Sojin. I promise, I'll get you something for White Day."

Sojin chuckled. "Well, that's a month away. For now, let's see how you can ace your next test." She took out a blank sheet of paper, and looked at Keumjo.

"So where would you like to start?"



lol "post it asap" hahahaha :'))) hope you guys like it :P (even tho its short ^-^')

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Chapter 4: ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 6: Dawww, cute story. Even though you seemed to have abandoned it, thank you for writing! ♥ I enjoyed it :)
Chapter 6: Could you update please?
NamyuLover #4
Chapter 6: AHHHH!! Yay an update!! The ending was super cute omg my feels >.<
soeunbang #6
Chapter 5: My organs are shutting down from all the fluffiness (that means this is really good and I love it) please continue!!
babybutt #8
Chapter 4: Kya this chapter is too cute >.<!! ah i love shy sojin so much T_T and i love cheeky hyuna HAHAHAHAHA

the v day chapter is really great~
Chapter 4: aaaAaaaH!!!!!!! this story is so darn cute oh my gosh --- i really love the plot for this and i can't wait to see it continue omg ; ;

sojin and keumjo pls get together soon my poor heart will die if you don't !!!!!!
Chapter 4: "none of that crazy stuff yet" lol hyemi is me
but yo this is cute, i'm liking where you're taking this :3