Sequel Part One

Just Talk to me Already

Jackson’s Pov.


    What have I done?




Nobody’s Pov.



Mark and Jackson have been officially dating for a few months now, and they couldn’t be more happy. After Jinyoung “accidentally” posted something about Jackson and Mark being together, they were worried about what everyone would think. But in the end there worrying didn’t matter, as the whole school accepted them as the first gay couple. Especially some of the girls, they couldn’t hold hands and walk down the hall without girls fangirling over them.


But as great as this all was, there were still some people who didn’t know about them dating, Jackson's parents. It was becoming harder and harder to keep it a secret, because all Jackson wanted to do was be with Mark like all those other couples. Which included all the cute couple things they did. He wanted to watch movies and cuddle with Mark, he wanted to go out on dates and feed Mark, he wanted to have stupid couple clothes and accessories, he wanted it all. But he just couldn’t, not if his parents didn’t know.


He didn’t want to feel like he has a big secret being with Mark. So he knew that sooner or later he would have to tell them, but how? How could you tell two extreme homophobes that you were gay, and in a happy relationship with a boy aswell. So Jackson decided to put telling them off for a bit. But the longer he put it off the more he wanted to do it, the more he wanted to scream to the world that Mark Tuan was his boyfriend.


The desire only grew, especially now that prom was almost here. Jackson had originally planned to just go with friends, he even came up with a great excuse to why he couldn’t take a girl as well. But that all went down the drain when he met Mark. Now instead of trying to convince his parents that he's not gay, he has to tell them that he is.


Jackson’s Pov.



    “Jackson Wang!! Unless you plan on failing this class, I suggest you pull your head out of the clouds and pay attention. This is going to be on the test you know!!” Mr. Kim yelled at me. But It didn’t faze me that much, he always says that stuff will be on the test, but it never is. Mr. Kim goes back to teaching, but I just couldn’t pay attention. There's only two months left till prom, and my parents still don’t know that I’m taking a boy to it.


Well I guess It’s more want to. Seeing as I know that Mark will be expecting me to ask him, and not just assume we're going because were dating. But I don’t want to go through all the trouble of asking him out if my parents will just say no in the end. But even if they do say no, that's not going to stop me from being with Mark. I should of started planning this a while ago I don’t think two months if enough time.


But first things first, when I get home I’m going to tell my parents that I’m gay. Do it fast, like ripping off a bandage, right? But on the other hand, if I just tell them that I’m going the the dance with friends instead and build it up to telling them I’m gay they might take it better. What to choose, what to choose?


But in the end it didn’t even matter because there was a surprise waiting for me when I got home.


“Mom, I’m home!” I yelled out, because my mother was the only one home, seeing as my father has a job that gets us more then enough money. “Oh Jackson, your home. Great I have a surprise for you!” My mother said cheerfully as she walked over to me.


“Oh, I have something to tell you too, but you go first” I said still trying to decide what approach to use. My mother smiled at me before saying “I got you a date to prom. It’s one of your fathers close business partners daughter, and don’t worry she’s gorgeous.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, my mother got my a date, by herself. That wasn’t part of our agreement. “What? but mother I already got myself a date!” I said hoping that she was joking. My mother gave me a stern look before folding her arms and saying “Well you should've told me sooner. Are agreement was that you could ask whoever you wanted, but if you couldn’t do it in time I would do it myself.”


This had to be a cruel joke, she never told me that. She said that it was my prom, and I could do whatever I wanted, and go with whoever I wanted too. She just made it very clear that she wanted me to ask some pretty girl out. “Mom, you never said that?" I said trying to get some clarity on the subject. “Well I may of whispered it, but still” My mother said trying to act innocent. But I was beyond mad, I wanted to go to the dance with Mark not some random girl.


“Well what about the person that I want to go to the dance with?” I asked my mother. “You tell them that you can’t go with them anymore.” My mother said. My jaw dropped I knew my mother could be unreasonable, but this was a new level. “But mom, you told me I could go with who ever I wanted.” I tried reasoning with my mother. “Yes I did, but you took too long, If you had told me sooner then I wouldn’t have done this. But you did, so know your going to the dance with Youngji, and that's that.” My mother said before walking away.


Oh man, I should have told my mother sooner that I was going to the dance with someone else. But I didn’t, and know I’m paying the price by being forced to go with some girl named Youngji. What am I going to tell Mark, worst then that what am I going to tell the fangirls.


~End Of Flashback~



Jackson's Pov.


     What have I done?


End Of Part One

So I don't know how many parts will be in this story, but don't worry they'll be longer then this. I just wanted this one to help you get more into the story. I'll try to update it as soon as possible. But anyway thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. :) 

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ilovesnsd2 #1
Chapter 8: The wicked witch of the West is truly evil! What kind of mother would kick her own son because his gay???
Anyway, thus is my first boyxboy story I've EVER read, but it was so cute and awesome I loved it!!!! Markson till the very end!
JulyChans #2
Chapter 8: This is so cute, very good story, i loved the end, Jackson's mother was completely crazy, thanks for sharing :3
Zico01 #3
Chapter 7: 대박~~ !!!! This was amazing
Nachtice #4
Chapter 8: Good ending! Markson fixes everything!
KTsuki-chan #5
Chapter 8: Aww that was a cute ending~~ well a bit harsh for Jackson at the beginning, but everything is fine now huh?? Congrats for finishing the story, and hope your health will get better :)
Chapter 8: Woah, that escalated quickly, but the most important thing in here is the happy ending! I hope Jackson's mother will learn a good lesson someday though, and I didn't expect the news about Mark's parents ;+;
Thanks for this lovely story girl! Sad that it ended so soon, but I get the reasons, so it's all fine~ :*
MarkSon! ♡
Chapter 7: Oh boy, what the is that witch doing there?! Just lemme kick her arse to the moon first >,<
KTsuki-chan #8
Chapter 7: Fighting Jackson, I belive you can go though it (maybe not without damage but....) waiting for the next chapter~~
Nachtice #9
Chapter 7: Oh poor Jackson, but you wouldn't've been able to keep the facade up for ever. Stay strong!
prettygirl20 #10
Chapter 7: lol I don't know why but I was laughing my off with this chapter XD. I find this so funny. Probably only me thou! #WeirdMe