Chapter three

Smiling silently for love

Why does this always happen to me? Min Ah thought when the school nurse put the icepack on her forehead. The coldness of the icepack stung her but she didn't notice it after a while. She didn't really feel the pain anymore because of the person who stood two meters away from her. Choi Minho.
When Ki Kwang had walked away a ball had come flying torwards Min Ah and hit her right on her face. She hadn't noticed that the boys had yelled "Look out!"  before the ball hit her. Min Ah's world had turned black and the next moment she was in the nurse's office with Minho.

"He carried you all the way here" The nurse had said to Min Ah and winked "A fine young man!"
"I have an appointment right now.." The nurse started saying and Min Ah was ready to get up "No no no you two youths just stay here~"
"But we have lesso-.."
"It's ok~~!" The nurse said and hurried out. The room fell silent but Min Ah could hear her heartbeat increasing.

"I'm sorry for making you carry me....." Min Ah started saying quietly
"No I'm the one who's sorry!" Minho said and Min Ah looked up at him confused "I was the one who shot the ball after all..." He smiled alpologizing and scrached the back of his ear.

How cute... Was the only thing she could think of but the thoughts got disturbed when Minho suddenly said "Your Lee Min Ah right?"
He knows my name, He knows my name.... Was the sentence that rotated in her head
"Your the one who gave back my hakerchief right?"
He remembers!!!!!! Min Ah screamed inside but tried to act cool by not showing any emotions. "Y-Yeah, It was me...." She wanted her voice to be strong but failed misrably.


Minho seemed to truble with his words and Min Ah could not understand why. A cool guy like Minho shouldn't have a problem with talking to a girl like herself.
"Anyways thanks.. is your head ok?" He said and walked up close to her. Minho reached his hand out to touch her forhead and Min Ah couldn't understand that it was happening. His fingertips touched her head and Min Ah felt like a lightning had hit her.

"It lookes ok now, I hope it doesn't turn in to bruise" Minho said and smiled at her. Min Ah looked up and smiled back at him.
Minho retreated backwards like someone had hit him, "I guess your ok then.. See you later Min Ah-ssi.." He said and walked out of the room.

Min Ah raised her hand to and breathed on it. She later checked if it smelled bad. Nothing. Then why did he leave so quickly?


The weird thing that happened after that incident was that it seemed she saw and bumped into Minho more ofter than ever! Even in the convenience store in her neighborhood!

Her mom had asked her to buy some milk and as the good daughter she is Min Ah went to the convenience store. She went into the store and greeted the shop assistant and went to get the milk. When she had taken the milk she was ready to go and pay but right when she was on her way there Min Ah saw Minho walk into the store. Min Ah had not bothered to put on any make up or any nice clothes before she went out so there she stood with no make up on and faced her crush.

Min Ah knew she had to react fast so insted she turned back and hid behind a shelf. Minho walked in and got what he needed her walked to the counter and was ready to pay when an ahjumma walked and stood behind Minho in the line. Minho saw that and he let her go ahead of him. The old lady thanked him and that made Min Ah,who had watched all this, chest get all warm and she found herself smiling over this. When Minho had walked out Min Ah went over to the counter herself and payed for her milk. She walked out just to find Minho standing outside, like he was waiting for someone.  

Min Ah didn't know what to do so she tried to sneak by but Minho turned and met her gaze. "Oh, Lee Min Ah-ssi, you where here?" He said and sounded surprised. "What a coincidence"
Her heart skiped when he said her name. I can not show him my face without make up!!  She thought and quickly put on her hood to atleast cover her eyes alittle bit.

"Y-Yes.." Min Ah said and hoped that she didn't sound like a weak little girl. "well i'll see you someother day" She said and bowed alittle and started walking but noticed Minho followed her. She looked back and looked at him with a confused face.

Minho saw that "I live in this area too...."

"You do?!?" Min Ah blurted out before she could stop herself. Minho chuckled and Min Ah's face turned bright red. She turned around and started walking faster, if she hurried home she'd stop embarrassing herself.

"You dance right?" Minho said out of the blue, who had cought up with Min Ah. "Yes, how did you know?" Min Ah asked. the question had cought her by surprise and she had to know how he knew.

"You danced at the graduation cermony last year right?" Min Ah nodded and Minho smiled. She could not figure out what was going through his head and didn't really think when she asked him "what?"

"Oh nothing" he said and suddenly they where by her house. Min Ah thanked him for the company and walked in without looking back. She didn't want to be seen as desperate.


I can't possibly tell you that I fell in love at first sight when I saw you dance, right? Minho thought as he walked torwards his house.  



Hi~ I'm sorry it took so long to update... and sorry if this D:

It'll get better in the future ! Pinky promise! >.<

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ummior #1
Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Sevaouna #2
Update soon my dear <3
@nana och tillie gud vad jag älskar era kommentarer <3 but i really wish others would comment too xD
Sevaouna #4
HAhaHA my favorit parts: smile and wave,his eyes say die die die hahah XD and his NOT a stalker grejen \ Jag DOG av skratt my darling <3 spasomen mojs Updatin hahaha XD
Sevaouna #5
Du har updated!!! :D som tillie happy moments XD fett gullig kikwang iss vill nypa han i kinderna ahahahXD det var det som var ett ar sen...trode att jag hade missat not der haha XD (cepig stavning jag vet...) update soon!!! miss yaa <33
@Tillie and @Sevaouna å jag älskar era kommentarer ! <br />
@Tinkerbell jag har inte skrivit det än :P jag ska i nästa kapitel!
en update !! :D haha , hennes mamma är awesome ^^<br />
vad hände för ett år sen.... ??? har du redan skrivit det och jag har förträngt det , eller kommer det här bli en megajobbig situation ???? "/