Sometimes I wonder where these thoughts spawn from

Hold Me Down



Now, I ain't much of a poet but I know somebody once told me
To seize the moment and don't squander it
'Cause you never know when it all could be over tomorrow
So I keep conjuring, sometimes I wonder where these thoughts spawn from



Our eyes locked. I vaguely registered the song ending the in the background. I was in a trance looking into those eyes, eyes that were like two black pools me into unknown depths. The bleakness of his gaze unnerved me but his mouth formed an almost friendly smile. 

He ended the moment by turning his his back to the crowd and announcing, “We’ll be right back!”

I snapped right back to reality. I blinked and shook my head clearing my unsettled thoughts. I heard the crowd boo as the band retreated to the back. It’s strange because it’s only the first song but they’re already going on break. Then again, they were pretty late in performing tonight, I’m guessing they’re not really good in following a schedule.

The night has taken a turn for the worse. I don’t think I can handle this after all. That little incident, although petty, was disconcerting. 

With the audience pumped up and dancing, it’s gonna be difficult to weave my way back to the front door. I decided to make a hasty escape through the back. I went to the back door, exiting through the back alley. The cold night air greeted me and I held back the urge to shiver. I should’ve brought a jacket. Heck, I should’ve brought a friend. I just realized how unwise my clothing choice was tonight. It wasn’t skimpy per se but it sure showed enough skin to attract attention in a bad way. My black camisole hung a few inches above my hips letting a little flesh peek out. I’m thankful enough that my skinny jeans didn’t have any gimmick to them. I may not be wearing the most provocative outfit but there are still desperate thugs who might take interest.

I looked around and there were a few people hanging out. There was a couple making out on one corner and on the other side were some guys taking a drag. I was about to start heading home when I heard the door open from behind. I turned around and to my surprise saw that familiar face again.He was subtly panting, a thin sheen of sweat covered his forehead. What was he doing here?


“Where are you going?” he asked. I shifted back facing him wearily. 


“Home.” I simply answered.


I was about to turn around again but he suddenly grabbed my arm. My brows furrowed and I looked at him questioningly.


“The gig’s not over,” he said, a charming smile forming on his lips “don’t you wanna hear more songs?”


I shrugged off his hold and shook my head. “No, I’d rather go home”


“Our music’s not your style huh?” he mused


I gave him a final look before retreating back. I took note of his getup. He was wearing a casual black attire, a fitted black tee and dark denim. As simple as his look was, he pulled it off. He had this undeniable charm to him and with his good looks he could most likely pull off anything. It's just too bad though...


“Your music’s good,” I said, slowly walking away. 


“But you don’t like it?” he smirked. He inserted his hands in his pockets. 


I shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t really like songs about drugs”


My words struck him. He looked momentarily put off. His mouth opened to speak up but I cut him off.


“I also don’t like watching a singer perform while he's high” I said. Such a shame. 








He stood there momentarily stunned. He watched her walk away still reeling from what she said.

How did she know?

When he saw her in the crowd, he thought she was lost. An innocent, naive little girl that wandered off to somewhere she clearly didn’t belong in. Those big brown doe like eyes, those pouty lips, her sweet flushed cheeks…she didn’t belong to that place. Her seemingly angelic face stood out from the audience. She stood out from the bleak crowd looking so pure and wholesome. But then she wasn’t so lost now was she? She wasn’t so innocent.

She didn’t look at him because she thought he was attractive. She wasn’t captivated by his seemingly “overflowing” charm. She wasn’t looking at him with admiration.

She was mesmerized by his eyes though. His dilated pupils.

He chuckled. The girl actually saw him for what he is, a complete and utter Up.

She was smart. She didn’t even dance to the song that everyone thought was awesome. They thought it was cool thinking it had a catchy beat and nice clever lyrics. Oh but it was clever alright. The lyrics happily shared about his heroin addiction.

“And I’m not giving it up…” he hummed, laughed to himself.





AUTHORS NOTE: Thank you subscribers! :D Feedbacks are really welcomed and appreciated. The next chapters will be longer, I'm still testing the water out with this story if you guys will like it.  

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Dhize4ever #1
Chapter 2: Hmmmm, lets see...please update more.
mariyana #2
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
mariyana #3
Chapter 2: Update please
chen_free #4
Chapter 2: I like the way you write.
Crystalic607 #5
Chapter 2: Still loving it! It's really good!:) new plot that's why it's interesting
Crystalic607 #6
Chapter 2: Ooh!! <33 *applause*!
The first chapter got me intrigued..... I like it. (∩_∩)
Crystalic607 #8
Chapter 1: Love it!!!