Art from the Heart

A Collection of YoonMin Drabbles
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Prompt: My love for art & galleries
Rating: G
Length: 1031

Jimin browsed through the paintings with a sketchbook in hand, prepared for those spontaneous euphoric feelings of inspiration. Eyes shining with pure joy, he relished the smell of aged oil paint and cloth canvases. Pausing, he leant forward to inspect the small description written beside the artwork and jotted down some ideas for his project. The small grin that had tugged at the corner of his lips vanished as he felt the unmistakable flash of a photo being taken. On the inside, he was screaming.

His head snapped towards the culprit, ready to share his knowledge when the words died in his throat. A blonde man with messy locks was gazing at his camera screen with a frown upon his face. The hair falling just far enough to frame his features as his slim, pale fingers fiddled with the buttons on the device. 

Jimin cleared his throat, “Hey, you shouldn’t do that.”

The man opposite him looked up, startled. “Do what?”

The unexpected baritone voice almost caused Jimin to forget what he was about to say. “You shouldn’t take photos with your flash on.” He began awkwardly, “It’s really damaging to the paintings…” He trailed off, trying to hide the fact that he was feeling intimidated from the blank look the other was giving him.

The said man lowered his camera, a sudden apologetic look in his eyes. “Sorry, I’ll be sure to remember next time.”

Jimin’s eyes grew wide, before they disappeared as he gave a huge grin, startling the slightly taller man by their sincerity. “Thanks! It means a lot to me that these paintings are able to be treasured for as long as possible. I mean it’s frustrating sometimes when some people aren’t as appreciative enough so they aren’t as thoughtful and you don’t want to tell them because it might sound rude so you might appear like an when you’re really not but on the inside you’ve already said a thousand things-”

Yoongi quickly found himself growing amused, surprised at his own feelings in contrast to the frustration he felt a few minutes ago. The kid with the baby face was the complete opposite of him: a man of many words. And him: a man of few words. This would probably explain his growing curiosity towards the other. With an amused smirk, he reached out a hand to interrupt the other’s ongoing rambling. “Min Yoongi.”

A pink hue coated the other’s cheeks as he bashfully grasped the outstretched hand. “P-Park Jimin. And sorry about that.”

It was Yoongi’s turn to smile. “No need, it’s admirable to have

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notes_of_hell #1
Chapter 2: aw I really love this so far! I cant wait for the next chapters! You are soooo good at writing!