Sibel - a raindrop that has yet to hit a surface




Children were allowed to rise from the dust of their human ancestors to move a step up on the evolution staircase, the first big step for humanity. Their genes pumped with something other than the old inbred human DNA. A true mix of the best traits. And from generation to generation the gene became stronger powered by youth and will. From child to child it became more vivid, more exceptional. The strength of their powers grew as the rest of the world as the pathetic remains of the human race as it once was decay.



Hundreds of years into the slow decay of the world something was tricked. Whether it was because of polluted water, air or something else no one knew. But it had been needed. First there were two. A pair of twin boys that shook the earth. No one believed them at first but proof was easy to come by when gaps in the surface of the earth opened and closed by their commands. When presented as a media sensation more came clean. One commanded the tides, another made small items just with a thought and a third speed up the growth of plants by touch. The First Generation, as they were named later, consisted of 3000 brave souls from around the world. All sizes, ages and backgrounds. And all could do wonders. They human protested, signed petitions to have these abominations put down before they could harm anyone. But little did it help after scientists began to talk off the possibilities. So instead of being killed off, they were sent of to serve the governments of the earth.


As later calculated, there must have been more. After the powered people were let loose, children with similar abilities popped up, even in places none of the known went to help. Again it came to a small halt on the way to proper rights for these beings. But in the end the majority of the world’s population agreed. As long as no one actively hurt anyone else with their power they were allowed to live. And as almost none dared declined to the offer the powered once again were accepted as humans again, just as before they came into the spotlight.


Allowed to travel again, they created a sense of stability around the globe again and along with hope. As more and more powered offered their service, others were allowed to have time off. And so the birth rate of powered jumped again. Rights movements emerge, demanding more, demanding choice for the powered. Most focused on the government forcing the powered into their services as soon as they stood forward. As humans they should be allowed to have a choice in what they wished to do, it was supposed to be a free world. Most were unhappy with their demands, it would shake their new found stability. It became yet another years-long fight on the rights of the powered. But as their numbers had grown they turned the case and with a few thousands of human voters they got through. And the world had to adjust yet again.


With the ability to choose their own future the powered worked their way up through the labour market. The first years were slow, but again by going for long-term goals, they through their children took over what before had been only for humans. As opposite to before everything became easier. The humans’ number fell and fell, the world had become too polluted for them to live in and so began the age of the powered.


Children were allowed to rise from the dust of their human ancestors to move a step up on the evolution staircase, the first big step for humanity. Their genes pumped with something other than the old inbred human DNA. A true mix of the best traits. And from generation to generation the gene became stronger powered by youth and will. From child to child it became more vivid, more exceptional. The strength of their powers grew as the rest of the world as the pathetic remains of the human race as it once was decay.



Centuries later society had been reborn. With the powered at the top, everything looked different. Over the years, the genes had become somewhat regular so that the different powers could be categories. It turned society into five groups. There were the ones with warmth-induced, with liquid-induced, with soil-induced, with air-induced, and with essence-induced powers. To make everything simpler the new powered government decided to move every willing powered together with others of their categories, so they could train together and learn from each other. And that way each of the group created individual training programs that benefit most each categories and they were spread to the rest of the people.


Again the world was on the move. In the large cities more and more of each category decided to move together in large communes, which caused a great amount of solidarity. But with that a pattern started, the different powered became alienated to one and another. Worried the government decided on choosing leader for each group to represent them and to work together. It became their job to keep all the powered together as one. At with their early ancestors in mind, their fights and their loses, the people again began working as one.


But as the people had strengthened, the earth had gone the other way. Though they tried to keep their surroundings alive, the humans before them had ruined nature, so even the best of soil powered found it impossible to save. In the end they were forced to built cities and focus on smaller areas as large ones were too difficult. It worked, and that was the start of the circle cities.


And oh the circles caused damage. With little space they began building upwards the skies. But the top is a small space. A human gene emerged again, competitiveness. The groups could not afford to take care of the weak when survival was at question. But the left behind did not give up and in the edges of the cities, the dark corners, their continued their life, in the garbage.

Nowadays, the circle cities are done. In the middle, tall shiny building stand as a testimony to what union can create. But along the wall lines the left behinds of the society, like a dark brim. Remind the eye that the way to the top is not without sacrifices.







  1. English is not my mother tongue. I am constantly learning but there will be mistakes and I do not have a beta reader. So please bear with me. If you see a mistake that could easily be corrected, please notify me, if it something more difficult, please write chapter number, maybe what it's about, and I will have a look at it.
  2. None of the gifs or picture are mine. I edited them so they fit but none are mine. Instead they belong to wonderful, amazing people I will post links to when I get everything together. Some are all from videos and some were just found on google, I am working on finding the owners.
  3. Though there probably would be much shipping, please respect whatever there might be. If you wish for other ships you need to go somewhere else.
  4. If you're here for the , yearh.. not gonna happen. Sorry, but I just don't write it.

    Here will later be a small taste ~






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