Chapter 8 - A piece of the past

Love is nearer than you think.

---Yuri's POV----

The next day i waited for sica at the bus stop...15 min had passed, if i don't get moving i would be late.. as I was about to head to school....

"Hey Sica!" I shouted

"Y-yuri? What are you doing here?" She was hiding something.. i can sense it

"Oh... I was waiting for you but i thought you wouldnt show up.. so i was planning to go on ahead"

"Oh.. sorry I didnt meant to kept you waiting.. lets go then"

I noticed she wasn't feeling right today... I was starting to feel worried then i noticed her right hand was always in her pocket.. I started to feel curious

I tried as many ways i can to see her right hand but it all failed... I even ask her to show me how to solve a math formula and write it down but she just simply tell me.. I guess i can't force her though..

"Riing~~" The bell rang...

I grabbed sica's hand and dragged her to the roof knowing that the TaeNy couple would be so obsessed talking among themselves to realize we were gone.

"H-h-hey! Yuri! What are you doing?!"

"Just come with me.." I said impatiently

---At the roof top---

"Y-yuri! What are you doing!" She got impatient

"Sica... whats wrong?"

"W-what are you talking about"

"Don't act dumb" I snatched her right hand out of her pocket. I was shocked, her whole hand was wrapped with bandage which was stained with blood.

I looked at her but she just looked down...

"What happen sica?" I managed to ask.

She just started to cry...I feel sorry for her.. it really looks like she suffered alot. this made me even more determined to win her heart

"Thats right.. just cry, let it all out ... it will feel better"

She bury her head on my shoulder but this time she at least said some things that was bothering her....

We skipped lessons for the rest of the day so she would feel more comfortable...although we received a wave of questions from the TaeNy couple later that day

---At Tiffany's house----

"Kwon YURI!! where were you the WHOLE TIME?!?!" Tiffany shouted

"Yah! do you know how worried you were! Luckily Tiffany know you would not skip class without a reason and cover you! So you owe us an explaination!" Taeyeon said

"....Sica hurt her hand badly.. I knew something was wrong so i spend the day with her"

"Awww and you called us obvious..!" Tiffany said

"What happen to her by the way" The taeny couple askedk


-----Flash Back-----

After letting her cry her tears out I managed to ask her... she was more open compared to the last time

"So what happen to your hand... why is it in such a bad shape" I asked worriedly

".....I punched the photo frame of my family.."

"Why would you do that?! Did your family send you to the doctor?" I was about to ask more but i stopped myself

"N-no...I bandaged it myself... as for why.....I hated my family thats why" tears flowed down again

"W-why would you hate your family?"

"When I was 5...."

-------Jessica's POV 12 years ago------

"Good night jess!" "Sweet dreams" my appa and umma said to me

I was supposed to sleep.. but I can't...I tossed , i turned suddenly...

"THIS WAS THE THIRD TIME ALREADY" umma voice startled me...

I curiously made it to the door and saw what i should not had saw.....

Appa and umma had a fight.. no it was more than a fight...

"Shh! You don't want to wake the kids" appa said

"Stop changing the topic! I am sick of it!"

"Please just give me another chance!"

"3 times is not enough!? There is a line do you know that! You just crossed it! We are over!"

"No! Don't say that!"

"Does it mattered?! You have her already!"

"Just give me 1 last chance?" Appa was begging umma

"You wretch! I didn't expect to marry such a man!"

"G-give me a chance!" Appa begged on his knees

"Hah no way not even in hell!" umma screamed as she ran out of the door

"Think about them! Will you!" 

"The children? You always used them as an excuse! It won't work this time"  stormed out

-----------12 years later------

"T-that was the..." Before sica could continue she broke down and cried

"I'm sorry Yuri... I can't bring myself to continue..." She cried ..

"Its okay sica just cry.. you always have me to lean on now..."

---------Flash back ended--------

-Tiffany;s POV---

"Th-that happened to her?" Taeyeon asked. The mood changed into a some what sad atmosphere..

"She was only 5...." I said pitying her but something just keep running in my head I just can't seem to get it.

"guys....some how I don't think thats all to her past...." Yuri said..

No one said anything....

---That night---

----Jessica's POV---

I was lying on the couch thinking about today...

*She was the first and probably the only person who i opened up to......why...*


"Its okay sica just cry.. you always have me to lean on now..."

--- end of flashback---

*Could I really rely on her... does she mean it... no one bothered to know me so well...I think i need her... but I'm not ready... not yet at least..just wait alwhile Yuri let me clear my doubts first...*

---Tiffany's POV----

I decided to reveal my relationship with taeyeon to my parents... they were so happy..

"Good for you Tiffany!"

"Don't lose her! You would not find someone as good as her if you end your relationship"

"Nae! Thank you appa, umma"...

--30 mins later--

W-why do i remembered so little of my past.... why when Yuri talks about sica i bothered to remember the past...

I really could not recall anything... at least I have my tae tae here... by me..


































----Tiffany's appa POV----

*Its glad that you have your relationship... as your appa I'm happy for you... but also sad... I don't know if you can handle whats going to hit you in the future....

I hope the best for you though..... just enjoy your relationship with your taeyeon.. for now* I thought as I saw my tiffany sleeping soundly...




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it’s been so long since i last read this story
_A1233 #2
Author-nim, please enable your offline mode. Please. Thank youuu.
Chapter 35: RllyNgga... Hmm
grc_grace #4
Chapter 35: I read this in one day, and I enjoyed :)
Will continue the sequel, kekekeekeke :D
Chapter 35: I read this all in one go, now I will read the squeal, because I need answers
mascott #6
Chapter 35: Oh my gosh!
SNSDforever22 #7
Chapter 35: Omo!! Nice story author-sshii!! But how is jessica related to tiff??!!
Chapter 35: Thanks for this fic! Will be reading the sequel! *runs to sequel*
siwonlex #9
Chapter 35: Love the story :-)
siwonlex #10
Chapter 34: So cheesy ~~~~~