I don't mind the wait

The Simplicity of it

“So, boss." Sooyoung walks in her boss luxurious bedroom "I told the driver to be-“


“Don’t bother,”


“Wait!” Sooyoung tears her eyes away from her Pokemon Go and straight at her boss, who looks like in deep thought trying to figure out which top to use. “What do you mean?”


“I’m driving Yoona around,” Yuri answers before settling her the classic sleeveless black top.


Sooyoung blurts out a loud snort; Yuri snaps her head at her.


“What’s so funny?”


“You’re driving?”


“I know how to drive.”


“I know you do, but wow boss, Yoona must be something if you’re willing to drive her.”


Yuri raised a perfectly waxed brow before turning back to her mirror. Her answer might sound a little bit cold, but the expression reflecting on her vanity mirror is betraying her.


“She is.”




“Hey you.”


Yuri didn’t even get the chance to answer when Yoona steals her answer by placing a sweet kiss on her lips. It was quite unfair really, how does Yoona expect her to think if she just gives her surprise, welcome kisses like that?


“Ready to go?”




“W-wait!” Taeyeon almost gave Yuri a concussion when the lens of her camera almost smack Yuri in the head. Taeyeon regardless of how small she is, was cunning enough to squeeze herself between the two. Her gigantic camera which could rival the biggest fansite masters in her grip.


“You can’t go without a picture!”


“Picture?” Yoona covers her face. She usually let Taeyeon run around and do the crazy things that she does, but this is downright mortifying. She and Yuri are still in their getting to know each other phase, how would Yuri react to this, she doesn’t know.


 “Taeyeon unnie were just going to grab something to eat.”


“Why won’t you let me do it?!” For someone so short, Taeyeon sure has a very high pitch whine. “You let me take a picture of you and Seo.”


“WAIT!” Yuri wedges herself in the conversation. The name Seo was enough for her to cut through any conversation. “Seohyun, her ex, Seohyun?”


“That was a prom picture.”


“Well, then we will take a picture!” Yuri was already making her way to the living room, checking her reflection on her phone.


“Yuri, c’mon.” Yoona let out an exasperating sigh. Who would have thought that one of the most influential company presidents in Asia is going to be so childish over exes? But maybe it goes with the territory that Yuri is pretty much the first in everything in both her business and now, her personal life.


“N-n-no Yoona,” Yuri refuses to budge an inch until she gets a better, sweeter picture with Yoona, than the one she had with Seohyun.



“Is here okay or maybe we should go to the Park for a better background?”


Yoona could hear the anxious tone in Yuri’s voice. She squeezes her girlfriend’s hand reassuringly, hoping to take away even a tinge of the worry.


“How about we take pictures while were on our date instead?”


Taeyeon who is already in her Asian photographer stance, squatted and all, pouts cutely.


“But I’m already ready!” Her unnie whines. And it was always moments like this that makes Yoona wonder who is the older one.


“Okay, take one here.” Yoona tugs on Yuri to face her. The doe eyed girl smiles as she sees her girlfriend gulps cutely. It was good ammo to know that she got a hold on her girl. “Ready?”




Yoona didn’t give Yuri a chance to answer as she stole a kiss on those gorgeous red lips, just at the right time when they heard Taeyeon’s camera flashed.


“That’s perfect,” Taeyeon exclaimed.


And as the two pulls away from their kiss, with Yoona tugging on Yuri’s lower lip and Yuri leaning close for more, both of them couldn’t agree more.


This was perfect.




“You are driving?”


Yuri frowns as she sees Yoona’s exaggerated expression as she steps inside her BMW. Why are people questioning her driving skills all of a sudden?


“Why don’t people think I could drive? I drive!”


“Alright, Alright…” Yoona was about to strap on her seatbelt when Yuri leaned close and took it from her. What they weren’t anticipating was this small, cramp space with barely any room to breathe.




But Yuri didn’t even get a chance to figure out a word to say when flashes of camera lights almost blinded them.


“What the- UNNIE?!!!!!”


Yoona yells out at her unnie. How can they not even notice Taeyeon just climbing on the hood of her car, snapping pictures of them on their date? Their personal paparazzi has a gigantic grin plastered on her face while giving her two thumbs up.


“If you run her over, Yuri, I won’t even be mad.”




“So, where do you want to go?”


“HappyBee… have you been there?”


Yuri scoffs, a bit too overconfident if you asked Yoona. “My family are shareholders to the biggest fastfood chain in Korea.”


“yes… I know… so cocky” Yoona didn’t sound too impress, and Yuri couldn’t help but frown at the lack of praise. “I’m asking you if you had been there?”


“Well,” Yuri clears . “Actually, not yet.”




Yuri almost run over a biker at Yoona’s sudden outburst.


 “How dreadful, Ms. Kwon. HappyBee is part of everyone’s childhood.”


Yuri’s brow lined up in irritation. She didn’t like losing even if it’s to someone like Yoona. She really likes the girl but nawww… Losing is never an option.


“Oh no… I wonder if I could ever get it back?”


“Don’t worry… I’ll make sure you will.”




“Come here and take a picture.” Yoona was already shoving Yuri close to the statue, while she pulls out her phone. But Yuri didn’t seem too keen on posing next to this bizarre animal with a chef hat and a gigantic .


“What the hell kind of animal is that?


“It’s HappyBee…”


“So, he’s a bee?”


“He is, now go on and pose with him.”


“How come he’s orange and not yellow?”


“I don’t know.” Yoona sighs in defeat. “Maybe he got a tan, now come get your picture. Now go on, go on.” Yoona waves to her girlfriend, urging her to move closer. Yuri stood straight, frowning like a petulant child being forced by a parent.


“Oh c’mon Yuri, could you smile?”




“How about if we take a selfie together with HappyBee, would you smile?”




Yoona walks over and squeezes right next to Yuri. There was barely any space between her girlfriend and this gigantic bee, but Yuri wasn’t going to complain anytime soon.


“Ready? On the count of three, one, two-”


This time, it was Yuri who stole a kiss on her girlfriend’s lips. Just in time for the flash of the camera in Yoona’s phone to capture the sweet moment.




“Where is the hostess here?”


Yoona pursed her lips, trying to hide the smile she has from her girlfriend’s too innocent question.


“It’s a fastfood, Yuri.” She wrapped her long, nimble fingers around Yuri’s hands. “Don’t worry if there is anyone in this world who knows the HappyBee menu, it’s me.”


“Lining up for food? It’s like a cafeteria.” Yuri frowns, she abhors this already, but she didn’t mind lining up if she gets to hold Yoona’s hand like this.


“There are things worth waiting for. And trust me, when you taste their fried chicken and fries, it’s totally worth it.”


 “What do you want to eat?”

“Where’s the menu?”


“It’s right over there,” Yoona points to the overhead menu.


“oh… ummm…well…” Yuri scratches her head, and if Yoona could take a picture of this cute moment of Yuri, she would have already.


“It’s okay, babe. I’ll order for you.”




“Are your unnies coming or something?”


Yuri curiously asks as Yoona brought back two trays filled to the edge with food. Greasy, fried food that she had been avoiding for the rest of her life was now being set in front of her. She could already feel the clogs in her arteries from just this meal.


“No, why?”


“That’s a lot of food.”


“Well, you need to try them all,”


The curiosity continues as Yuri watches Yoona made a bizarre concoction of ketchup and mayo. Before dunking a couple of fries in there and serving it to her.


“Try it.”


Sauce and French fries?




“C’mon, you only live once Yuri, you got to enjoy these things before the time comes and you can’t eat this kind of food anymore.”


It was becoming more and more embarrassing for Yuri how she has lived here her entire life but didn’t even get to experience this life.


“I have never tried that before.”


Yoona leans back in the booth; her doe eyes just wide in surprise. Who would have thought that the girl who has everything didn't have the chance to try this?


“Well, Kwon Yuri. I’ll be more than glad to show you more if you let me.”


Yuri’s lips spread in a soft grin, her worries disappearing with Yoona’s reassurance.

“I’ll be glad too.”




It took them an entire two hours to finished everything on the tray. Yuri has never felt so full, and she’s pretty sure she’ll be bloated by tomorrow. But maybe Yoona is right about this, maybe they just needed to stop worrying about what happens tomorrow and just cease the day.


Yoona suggested they try to at least walk around the fries until Yuri realized the territory that they are in.


“You know this is our rival mall,” Yuri pointed out.


Yoona answers with a shrug, her hand still intertwined with Yuri’s as they walk around the plaza of the shopping center.


“We are spying on them,”


“Are we?” Yuri asks cautiously. “Or is it because you like this place better than my mall?”




“That’s not funny.”


“You are worrying so much about it, Yul.”




Yuri stops in her tracks almost yanking Yoona down with her. Yoona could only watch her in wonder what's going on in that pretty head of hers.


“What’s wrong, Yul?”


“What’s Yul?”


“Yul? That’s quite a cool nickname right?”


“It sounds masculine.”


“So does Yoong, but I like it. Or should I call you Sunbae instead?”


“Ummm… that will make it awkward.”



“No. Yul is fine. Or baby. ”


“Baby it is,” Yoona leans over, stealing another peck, but this time on the tip of Yuri’s nose. “So, baby?”


Yuri’s lips curve into an elated smile, but she quickly covers it up. She wasn’t going to get caught, it’s too bad Yoona already did.




“How did you like it?”


“HappyBee? It’s good. Small serving, though.”


“I know… I mean you kept stealing my fries.”


“I thought you want to share with me?” Yuri couldn’t help but frown, and Yoona laughs at the cute reaction.


“I’ll share everything but my French fries. You want to watch a movie?”



“Ok, let’s go.”




This decision was harder than she thought.


Yoona was giving her the chance to pick a movie, and they all looked kind of interesting. But the thing is, Yuri hadn’t been in the movies for ages. And even if she has a theater room in her home, she never gets a chance just to sit back and enjoy it.


And if she knew that it was going to cost this much to watch a movie, she might have just stayed at home with Yoona to watch there. She is a billionaire, but those prices are ridiculous…


“Did you pick what you like, princess?”


What's with Yoona and these cute, giggle worthy nicknames?


“Is the popcorn part of the price?”


“Nope. Don’t worry about anything tonight, didn’t I tell you that I’m going to spoil you?”


“Why it’s the great Kwon Yuri…”


Yuri immediately regretted her decision when she turned around to face the woman. She dated this girl, she was a Eurasian model that had no second thoughts on getting in bed with her. As eager as the woman is, she wasn’t that good for her to remember her name.


“It’s Diana by the way.”


“Oh right… hey… how you been?”


But Diana wasn’t interested at all with the question. Instead, she was busy studying Yoona from head to toe. Diana has to admit that the girl was gorgeous, probably a model. She doesn’t have that stuck up y vibe that Yuri is usually seen with, but what surprise her more is seeing their intertwined hands. She and Yuri probably did every position in the kama sutra, yet she can’t help but feel jealous at how something as simple as holding hands seems to be more intimate than anything they have ever done.


“You never took me out to the movies.”


“Well, movies aren’t your thing.”


“It's always restaurant then the hotel with you… who am I kidding? All we do is have .” Diana smiles knowingly at the girl, who blushes and looks away.


“Ummm… well… the movie is about to start.. nice seeing you again.” Yuri answered a bit too fast and didn’t hesitate to drag Yoona out of there.


Hope it’s the last time.


“Well about that.”


Yoona just lets out a small laugh before shrugging.


“You know what they say, Yuri. The past is history, the future's mystery, the present is a gift, that's why it is called the present.”


"Wait," Yuri stop once again, her eyes filled with too much questions. 28 years on this Earth but she had never been this confuse in her life. "Are you not jealous?"


"I'm already dating you, she should be jealous of me. In fact, she's very jealous of me." Yoona said smugly that Yuri is worried that her overconfidence is rubbing on her girlfriend. “You have past relationships… I get it…”


“I don’t call them relationships more of friends, really close.”


“Friends with benefits?”


“You can say that.”


“Then, what am I to you?”


Yuri smiles back because she couldn’t be more certain.


“My present and my future.”




“Does Sooyoung live with you?”


Yoona asked, but Yuri could tell that her attention was in her mansion. The villa is a complete reflection of Yuri, it was chic, modern yet tasteful. With painting adorning the wall and vases and sculpture probably worth her entire semester’s tuition fees.


“Ummm no,”


“So, you live by yourself?”


“Yes. I move out of my parents- more specifically my father’s place after college. He lives with his new family now. Do you want some coffee?”


Yuri asked while moving quite rapidly towards the kitchen, trying to get away from this pathetic topic of her and her family dynamics.


Yoona followed along before stopping in her tracks. She felt like she just stepped in a scene of one of those cooking shows with how luxurious Yuri’s kitchen is.


“Your kitchen is quite a place.”


“It is, huh? Maybe one of these days I could cook for you.”


“You cook?”


Yoona tried to erase the memory of the blob of noodles Yuri made for her.


“I could try.”


“Or maybe we could do it together.”


“We could, we could.”


“It must get pretty lonely here, I mean my unnies drive me crazy, but I couldn’t imagine living without them.”


“I got used to it.”


Yuri softly exhaled and even if she wasn’t facing Yoona, Yoona could tell that it affected Yuri more than it should.


“Hey…” Yoona squeezes her hand. “I’m here now.”


“Hmmm?” Yuri turns toward her.


“We don’t need to live together for you to know that I’m here for you. Then, there is Sooyoung unnie and Tiffany sunbae and now, my unnies. You don’t know what you got yourself into Yuri. But look at what you made for yourself.”


Yoona tugs on Yuri softly to face her.


“You might say this is because of your dad, but if it’s some other people they might go reckless but here you are, Kwon Yuri, the Queen of Asia’s economy.”


“I guess I’m quite awesome, huh?”


It usually makes Yoona roll her eyes whenever Yuri is in one of her over self-confident sprees but seeing how it sort of boost Yuri’s mood, Yoona couldn’t help but laugh along.


“You are,” She made a move to step closer, wrapping her arms around Yuri’s tone shoulders. “So, what do you think of our little date?”


She asked as they softly swayed right there in Yuri’s luxurious kitchen.


“It’s alright.”


“Alright! I didn’t impress you enough?!”


It was the best date Yuri ever went too, for once in her life, someone was paying attention to everything she needed. But she’s enjoying this part, where she’s making Yoona sweat a little.




She started pressing soft kisses along Yuri’s skin, igniting spark upon spark upon spark. And just like that, the ball is back in Yoona’s court again with everything she does, from the quirk of her lips to that gaze in her eyes is just making Yuri lose all her grips of reality.


How could someone who looks like an angel, be this devilish?


She doesn’t know if she will ever find out, not that she cares. Because even if it takes forever for her to figure it out, as long as it’s Yoona, then she doesn’t mind at all.  




A/N if you guys are Filipino, you know who HappyBee is... hehe


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Meyoong #1
Chapter 7: I've been reading this numerous times, I hope you update author-nim and find a driving force to continue writing the story. Fighting! Take your time.
Adampark19 #2
Chapter 7: Am re reading for the nth time author nimm, still waiting for the last chapter to come out :')
Re reading it. Again. Still waiting~~~

jazz2202 #4
When will you update?
Chapter 7: hope you will comeback soon author nim. Waiting for you
Adampark19 #6
Chapter 7: Please continue this fic author-nim, promise i will patiently waiting~
bbonz01 #7
Chapter 3: This a witty and funny story authornim. Cant help laughing on this. Waiting for you updates.
Shenji #8
Chapter 7: Update please
Chapter 6: It's Happybee or Jollibee author ? Just asking hhihhi
Aish1994 #10
Chapter 7: Update.. pleasee!!!!!