
How Could He?

Hansol was a few weeks into his summer vacation,  studying for future activities throughout the year. He was home alone often during this time, his mom hitting a huge bump in her career, so she took on two part time jobs. Hansol never really minded, though. He spent most of these days with Byungjoo, but today Byungjoo excused himself from going over to Hansol’s place to hang out because football tryouts were today, Byungjoo had always been passionate with the sport, and to get into varsity, which to be in by the end of the summer break, you had to pass tryouts. Hansol didn’t mind in the slightest, he was happy for his friend and was often there to cheer for him during games.

It was late, about 8:45 PM, and Hansol had yet to receive a call or text from Byungjoo regarding how tryouts went. A sigh escaped Hansol’s lips as he poured himself a glass of juice, sipping at it afterward. After a minute of standing in conflicting silence, Hansol picked up his phone and dialed Byungjoo’s number. He stood, the phone ringing about four times, before the brunette picked up.

“Hello?” Byungjoo asked

“Hey,” Hansol responded quickly,

“’Sup?” Bjoo countered, though it sounded muffled. Hansol could hear loud music and a whole lot of voices in the background.

“.. I was just wondering how tryouts went?”

“They went fine, yeah I’m in. Did you really have doubts for me?” Byungjoo chuckled through the line.

Hansol smiled to himself, “Good! Of course not, I just wanted to make sure, I thought you would’ve called me.” Hansol responded, a brow cocking. Half of him wanted to ask where Byungjoo was, but the other half didn’t want to seem like he was creeping onto the other. He heard Byungjoo sigh.

“I was gonna, but I got distracted.”--

“Byunggiiee~ Come play with us! We’re starting another drinking game.” Hansol heard a girl’s whiny voice, and rustling around from the other line, assuming she’d thrown herself all over Byungjoo.

So he’s at a party..

The line got a lot quieter, But he heard a muffled. “I’ll be there in a sec.” .. Hansol assumed Byungjoo was holding the mic away from his mouth. “Hansol..? Hey I’ve got to go.”

“..You’re drinking, at a party, after getting into the varsity team?” Hansol asked, honestly ashamed of Bjoo.

“..No one’s gonna find out. No one mentions the alcohol around teachers of course.”

“You’re too young for stuff like this, you know.”

“.. Yeah I know, but it’s fun. I would’ve taken you with me-”

“I wouldn’t have let either of us go..” Hansol sighed, biting his lip. Byungjoo returned the sigh.

“Talk to ya later.” And the line went dead. Hansol locked his phone, and stood up from the counter he was leaning on. He walked back up to his room, plopping onto his bed. He worried, a lot. He didn’t want Byungjoo getting hurt, or into deeper issues, like with the police, his school or sports. Alcohol had an age restriction for a reason. After about an hour after he spoke with Byungjoo, his thoughts exhausted him to the point where he’d just drifted off to a slightly uncomfortable slumber.


Hansol woke to the sound of shuffling around his room, when he was able to focus, he saw Byungjoo sitting on his floor, wiggling his feet around as he browsed through the different yearbooks Hansol had collected throughout his 9 years of school life. Hansol sat up, rubbing his eyes tiredly. “Let yourself in?” Hansol asked in a short yawn. Byungjoo looked up to him, and they locked eyes. They smiled at eachother after Byungjoo nodded in response to Hansol’s assumption. Hansol crawled out of his bed and sat cross legged in front of Byungjoo, gazing down at the year books. Hansol didn’t know why he collected them each year, he never was in any of the featured photos on the pages, but he just believed one day they’d be valuable to him. But when Hansol noticed the particular page Bjoo was gazing at, his cheeks dusted pink, and he grinned.

“Aigo, you were so small.” Hansol awes at the picture. It was the classroom baby pictures. He remembered it too, in 4th grade, the teachers arranged a secret photo exchange at parent conferences, where mothers was entitled to bring a baby picture, and when the children came back from break, their pictures would be hung onto a poster in the middle of the classroom. The kids got a kick out of teasing each other, it was all fun though. Hansol remembered it. It was one of the days he really enjoyed.
He gazes at Byungjoo who seemed to be in a trance. He studied him closely, examining him down to the way his eyelashes brushed his pale cheeks with every blink. It was times like this Hansol could see himself throwing himself all over Byungjoo, and that’s exactly what he did. In the blink of an eye, he slid over to Byungjoo and placed himself comfortably in his lap, cupping the ladder’s now rosy cheeks as their lips brushed together passionately. It wasn’t the first time they’ve made out, but they’d never let it ruin their friendship. They set a very strong barrier, and they were still in a very tight complex. Though, sometimes they just needed to let loose and give their urges a break.

“I was worried about you.. you’re such a jerk.” Hansol mumbled against Joo’s lips, before pulling away for a quick breath. Byungjoo wasn’t very patient with him, quickly pressing their lips back together.
He felt Byungjoo’s tongue glide against his bottom lip, expecting an invitation. Hansol didn’t want to give him access so soon, but when he felt Byungjoo’s impatience in the form of his thigh being squeezed, he gasped and Byungjoo went in for the kill. He felt Joo exploring his warm cavern, eyes closing contently.

“..Joo~  mhh…”

Even though they’d done this multiple of times, Hansol still treat each session as if it was going to be their last. Little did he know, this time it really was going to be their last.


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Meep21 #1
Chapter 2: Please update!!!! This story is so good!!!
Elizabethromo #2
Chapter 2: Please update soon!
momijiii #3
Chapter 2: Please update soon. I know this is gonna be amazing and I need moreeeee
Chapter 2: Hmmm... Yeah, Bjoo is kind of a jerk~ lol
And that's why Xesol ftw~
Update soon ^^
Chapter 1: I can already tell that this story is gonna mess me up.... Good job!