My Special Birthday

My Special Birthday
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12:00 AM


New Message from Koo Junhoe

I reached over my bedside table and reached for the vibrating phone.

Happy birthday ____!! You’re so old… Heol… You’re almost the same age as me. But of course, I’m still your oppa. Kekeke. Let me know what you want to do today for your birthday. I’ll do everything and anything… Sigh.. Only because you’re my little sister...


I groaned at the cheesiness of the text, yet I felt my heart flutter and my stomach began to flips... until I saw the last sentence. Junhoe and I have been friends since we were toddlers because our parents have been close friends since they were in high school. You can pretty much say that we’re as close as brothers and sisters; maybe even closer. Junhoe’s been there for pretty much every milestone I had. He probably even remembers the first day I got my period too.. I was waving my orange fairy underwear at him, both of us screaming from the horrific sight. It’s really an unforgettable memory. I began chuckled at my sudden flashback.


Hahaha congrats! you're the first person to wish me happy birthday! and mmm.. I'm quite expensive koo junhoe.. I don't know if you can handle it~ heheh


I responded hesitantly. Was this too flirty? No no, I shook my head. We talk like this all the time. I wasn't sure if it was because it was 12 am at night, but nostalgic memories came flooding back to me as I began to remember all my past experiences with Junhoe. I remember Junhoe taking me to my first homecoming dance after my boyfriend dumped me the day before the dance because his ex came back to him at the last minute. I remember Junhoe carrying me on his back after finding me coughing and sniffling my way back home alone in the rain at night. I remember me telling everyone that Koo Junhoe was my boyfriend when I was only 9 years old and him agreeing with me. Little did he know, that even then I wasn’t joking with my feelings. It's been… 8 years… since I still couldn't get over my first love.. Koo Junhoe. Would he ever know? Probably not. Would he ever care? Probably not.


New Text Message from Koo Junhoe

Pft, I've dealt with you my entire life. I'm sure I can deal with you today as well. Just trust me. I actually have a fun day planned for your birthday. Look forward to it!


I looked at the text and began to feel really excited. Strangely, it's only been recently when I began to feel the flutters for Junhoe again. Maybe it started again when my last ex dumped me a month ago and Junhoe told me if there was no man left for me, he promised he'll marry me. At that time I felt comforted, but now as I thought more and more, I began to feel more bitter because why would he make a promise with me he can't even keep. As I felt my phone vibrate next to me from all the birthday wishes, I slowly drifted off to sleep, satisfied with seeing only Junhoe’s birthday wishes to me.


*Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep*

I groaned the moment I heard my alarm ring annoyingly loud today. 7:00 AM. I checked my phone for all the notifications I’ve received from the night before


New Text Message from Koo Junhoe

Be ready by 8!


FRICK! I thought hurriedly. Thank God I always woke up at 7 AM. How can he tell me this just now?! I started to run around the house, searching for the perfect outfit.

“Hey ____! Stop creating a mess. This is my last warning to you! I’m really going to get mad if you keep behaving this way.” my mom yelled angrily. I was taken aback my mom’s sudden yell. “Where do you think you're going?” She asked heatedly. “To hang out with friends…” I responded hesitantly. “No, do you think today is your playing day? You have to prepare for college now, why do you only keep thinking about playing?” My mom questioned harshly. Wait? Did she forget it was my birthday? Wait how could she right? It's my 18th birthday... Yet, I didn't want to bring up my birthday as an excuse of me going out to hang with my friends. It felt… childish of me doing so. Plus it wasn’t anything new that my parents would forget about me, after all, I was the middle child. I suddenly felt an urge to burst into tears. Dramatic? I know, but I was so sick and tired of my parents never paying enough attention to me. I wanted recognition as much as my older brother and younger sister did. I always brought home the best grades I could possibly get and came home with countless of awards, but my parents always wanted more. I ran up to my room and began to cry silently, thinking that I have had enough of my parent’s rejection. I pulled out my phone, sniffling, as I texted Junhoe letting him know that my mom wouldn't let me go out to hang out with him. I felt my heart being filled with bitterness.


New message from Koo Junhoe

What exactly did you tell your mom..?


I typed furiously. I told her that I was going to hang out with friends.


Wow… Wait but it’s your birthday.. Doesn’t she know?


I guess not.. Nothing new anyways.. When did they ever pay attention to me…


Just then I felt my phone vibrate and immediately answered as I saw the caller ID.


“Alright ___. What happened. Why are you crying?” Junhoe’s thick voice filled my ears.

I let out a light laugh as I wiped my nose with my sweater sleeve. “How’d you know I was crying?”

“I can tell by just reading your text dummy,”

I scoffed as I didn’t know how to respond; my heart already felt like jumping out of my chest.

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tias_w #1
Chapter 1: Aaaaaaw juneyaaaaaa XD
avisdawn #2
Chapter 1: Err, i like the story :)
But kinda lacking because of her mom :)
blue_deer365 #3
Chapter 1: Umm...the ending was kind of quick for me. But it was straight to the point. I like your style.
Chaeeun21 #4
when will this story come out? ^^