Chapter 8

J-Hope - The Secret Matchmaker

The day continued. The bandmembers were all having fun together not doing much, but Jungkook couldn’t seem to relax. Everytime he glanced over at Taehyung his heart made a jump in his chest. Taehyung would give him a smile and he’d have to look away to try and hide his flushed face. He was unable to find peace. He didn’t know why he felt this way, nor what this feeling was. He knew that he had to do something about it. But what was there to do?


They were sitting together, playing a board game that Yoongi and Jimin had brought.
“Ahahahah! I won again! You all have to obey me now!” Hoseok got up from his seat and made some kind of victory dance.
“You were totally cheating!” Jimin pouted. Jungkook didn’t care about this anymore. He stood up.
“Taehyung, may I borrow you for a second?”
The others looked at him a bit confused. Taehyung nodded and got up.
“Hey! Are you mad because you lost?” Hobi teased them, but Jungkook ignored it.


They walked into their bedroom. Both sat down on the bed.
“What is it Kookie? Is something wrong?” He seemed so worried. Jungkook wanted to assure him that everything was good, but he wasn’t sure if that really was the case. Not really knowing where to start he searched the room with his eyes for inspiration. He stopped at Taehyung. He had to say something.
“I wanted to talk to you because…” He had no idea what to say. What was his plan to begin with anyways? He started biting his lip. The older boy was sitting waiting patiently for him to continue.
“I wanted to talk to you because I’m feeling… weird because of you and I can’t seem to get any rest.”
He might have been able to express himself in a better way. Taehyung looked as if he was going to tear up any minute.
“W-what? What did I do? Can I do anything to help?”
Jungkook facepalmed himself internally. Great job! He grabbed Taehyung’s hands in desperation of calming him down.
“No, that’s not what I meant, I…”
The puppy like boy looked up at him with puppy eyes. Jungkook totally lost what he was going to say. The room was quiet as he was searching for words.
“It’s just that I can’t seem to take my mind of you! And whenever I see you it feels like my heart is escaping my body. I don’t know what to do!”
As he spoke he saw how a blush crept onto Taehyung’s face. He felt a squeeze on his hands.
He felt bad. Had he made Taehyung feel creeped out? Did he put him in an awkward position now? He wanted to take it back. He wanted to scream his lungs out. He wanted-
“...I feel the same way.”
Everything stopped. Jungkook thought he didn’t hear correctly.
“You what?”
“I feel the same way.”
Everything went blank. He didn’t know what that meant. He didn’t know how to talk. He didn’t know how to breathe.
“Kookie are you okay?”
Jungkook shook his head lightly in an attempt on trying to get his senses back.
“Uhm… What does this mean exactly?” He asked. He wasn’t sure if Taehyung knew either.
“I don’t know.”
They sat in silence, still holding hands. It felt like Taehyung wanted to say something else but he was hesitating.
“Do… Do you want to kiss?”
Jungkook exploded, or at least it felt like he did. The boy in front of him had just asked him if he wanted to kiss. His body activities were maxed out. He looked at Taehyung. He examined every feature of the boy’s face. He felt it. He felt how he wanted to so badly. He sat up more properly. Taehyung was waiting for an answer. Jungkook leaned forward. He had to hover over the older boy slightly to be able to reach. It was soft and sweet. Jungkook wasn’t sure if he was supposed to pull away now. He didn’t want to. Taehyung didn’t seem to complain either. The kiss continued. Taehyung laid a hand on Jungkook’s cheek and tried to bring him closer. The kiss deepened. Just as it did the door flung open. The boy’s separated as fast as they could.
“Guys! Do you want to play another- uhm, what are you two doing?” It was Hoseok. Neither of them knew what to say. They had totally been busted. Taehyung’s face was now in a deep red color. Jungkook squeezed his hand to show him that he was there to protect him.
“Oh! You two are so cute! I’m gonna go get the others!”
“No you’re not!” Jungkook flew up from the bed, dragged the hyper dancer in to the room and slammed the door behind him.
“What? Why? What are you doing?” Hoseok seemed confused.
“Hobi... “ Taehyung tried, but Jungkook saw that he was struggling, so he filled him in.
“Don’t tell anyone about this.” He said bluntly. Hobi seemed confused.
“Huh? Why? Isn’t this a good thing?”
“You think this is a good thing…?” Taehyung asked shyly and a bit hopeful. Jungkook sighed.
“I’m not ready to face the others with this just yet. The moment will come, but it’s not right now. I’m begging you: Please keep this a secret.”
Hoseok looked at him for a moment before he smiled.
“My mouth is zipped! Won’t tell a thing!”
Jungkook sighed again, this time in relief.
“Should I leave you guys so you can continue? If you need I have some co-”
Jungkook interrupted before he could finish:
“No, we’ll get back to the others!”

Hoseok couldn’t help but smile the widest of smiles when they walked back to the others. The friends looked a bit questioning at him. Jungkook sighed and probably wished that he’d be more discreet. But how could he be? His plan was actually showing some results for once! Two of the members he’d set up together actually kissed! Hobi was fangirling like crazy on the inside. He wondered if any of the others had made any progress like this without him noticing. This was a huge success for him, and he still had some plans left! He smiled satisfied to himself. He sure was a genius.

I thought I wouldn't be able to update this this soon, but I got really motivated and productive!!

Look at how good it's going for everyone! Hobi has no idea of how well his plan is working. 

I found this gif and I feel like it describes very well how Hobi is feeling right now:

Thank you so much for all your support!! I couldn't do this without you <33

On another note: I feel so sad since Yoongi isn't feeling so depressed... He's being too hard on himself... Aish, I just wish I could give him a big hug!

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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 4: Tbh, that did scare me...(QAQ)
Chapter 13: This is seriously funny and cute ><
Chimslunatic #3
Chapter 13: I love this story!!!!
Chapter 13: Ah and one more thing: the pictures for each chapter are absolutely hilarious XD
I love the way you made Hoseok's head stick out of nowhere in each picture XD XD XD
Chapter 13: I finally finished reading and I must tell you, this is the fluffiest story I read on the last few months!! I loved it ^.^
I'm really looking forward new stories from you. This is the writting style I enjoy the most :)
I'm going to start reading this one now. The description sounds really funny ^.^ I'm curious towards the story itself.
Chapter 13: ahhh~ I can't believe it's finished~ I was reading the whole story once again~~~ It really had me squeling and laughing + making whale noises a few times >~< J-Hope is awesome<3 it's such a nice fic~
Chapter 9: The gif, everyone was looking at the girl, but Taehyung ? Who are you looking at huh ??l
KwonAtie #9
Chapter 1: wow it was funny! it coincidence I read this on hoseok birthday :'D god I love you hoseok!!
Chapter 3: THIS IS SO CUTE I'M CRYING (in a good way, of course) :'D