Chapter 6

J-Hope - The Secret Matchmaker

Was it creepy to watch someone while they sleep? Definitely. Yoongi was lying in bed facing a sleeping Jimin. He knew that if Jimin woke up and saw him staring at him they’d never talk to each other ever again. Still he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away. Small puffs of breath hit Yoongi as the boy in front of him breathed. They weren’t touching, but still lying close enough to exchange body heat. Jimin’s hair was fluffy and a bit messy. His rose colored lips were slightly parted. He looked calm. But his expression changed. His eyebrows furrowed and he started biting his lower lip. This sudden change of emotions made Yoongi feel very uneasy. What was going on in the orange haired boy’s mind? What was it that made him upset? Yoongi wanted to something about it, but what? He decided that pressing a finger to Jimin’s forehead between his brows to smoothen it out again was the best thing he could do. Surprisingly it seemed to work, Jimin seemed calmer again. He let go of Jimin’s face and noticed that something was different from before. Jimin’s eyes were opened. He was awake and watching Yoongi in confusion. Yoongi panicked. This was so embarrassing, how was he supposed to get out of this one? Humiliated he decided to just turn around in hopes that if he didn’t see the boy he wouldn’t see him either. Of course that was merely a wish and very illogical reasoning.
“Hey! What are you doing?”
Yoongi needed a plan fast. Unfortunately his thinking capability seemed to have stopped. Jimin turned him around so that they were facing each other again. This time they were closer. Their noses were touching. Yoongi thanked the darkness that hopefully concealed that he was blushing like an idiot. Jimin seemed surprised by how close they were. He stopped for a moment, as if he’d forgotten what he was doing. He came to his senses too soon though, but didn’t move away.
“Don’t try to avoid the question.”
He seemed less mad than Yoongi had expected. To be honest he didn’t appear mad at all. Yoongi was trying increase the space between them, but Jimin just pulled him closer.
“Don’t try to get away.”
Jimin’s breath hit Yoongi in the face. His heart was racing in his chest. Jimin was so close and he was looking him right in the eyes. Yoongi tried to avoid the gaze, but he was too close, there was nothing else to look at. Jimin was waiting for an answer. Yoongi gulped.
“You… you looked so unhappy in your sleep… I was just trying to help…” He mumbled. Jimin fired away a cocky smile. Oh no, what now?
“You were watching me sleep?”
Jimin’s smile was so wide and so close. Yoongi tried to push him away again, this was too much, but the boy wouldn’t budge.
“I knew it.” Jimin giggled and snuggled himself into Yoongi’s chest. His heart was now beating so hard and fast that he was surprised that it didn’t beat its way out from his body. He knew that Jimin could both feel and hear it, but he didn’t comment on it. Yoongi wasn’t sure of what to do next, so he did what felt natural; hugged the boy back. He held Jimin in his arms. Jimin’s face was pressed against his chest. They both eventually fell asleep like that.


Taehyung and Jungkook were lying next to each other, neither of them yet asleep. The space between them was uncomfortably big. Jungkook glanced over at Taehyung who was staring up in the ceiling. Why weren’t they cuddling like yesterday? Jungkook moved a bit closer, but Taehyung moved away from him. Confused he moved closer, but Taehyung continued to keep a distance between them. He was almost falling of the bed. What was he doing? Jungkook pulled Taehyung closer and turned him around so that they were facing each other. He squeezed his legs around him so that he wouldn’t escape.
“What are you doing?” Taehyung mumbled a bit annoyed while not looking at Jungkook. Jungkook was puzzled by the reaction. This really wasn’t like Taehyung.
“Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something?”
The room was silent. Taehyung avoided Jungkook’s eyes and bit his lips. Jungkook grabbed hold on Taehyung’s face and forced him to look at him.
“Hyung, what’s wrong?”
Still silent. Taehyung stared him down with angry eyes. He finally spoke:
“Yesterday you didn’t want to cuddle, but now you can’t keep your hands off me. Make up your mind… You’re making me confused.”

Jungkook released his grip on Taehyung. He didn’t mean for this. What’s wrong with him? Taehyung wasn’t the only one he made confused, he himself was confused too. How come he didn’t want the hugs from Taehyung yesterday but now when he had thrown that chance away he wanted it more than ever? He sighed. What exactly did he want?
“I’m sorry… We don’t have to cuddle if you don’t want to.” He moved away a bit from Taehyung.
“No, what do you want? Do you even want to be with me now?”
Jungkook was shocked. He wasn’t sure what to say. He cupped Taehyung’s cheek and looked at him with a slightly pleading and frustrated eyes. He was really bad at expressing himself. Taehyung noticed that he was struggling. He soften up and gave Jungkook a sweet smile. Jungkook sighed in relief. He didn’t have to explain himself. Taehyung moved closer and pressed his forehead against the younger boy’s. Jungkook felt how his face heated up. He wondered if Taehyung felt it too.
“Is this okay?”
Jungkook was too nervous to answer. Taehyung giggled and hugged him. He seemed to have turned back to normal again.
“I really like you, Kookie”
It was so quiet, Jungkook could barely hear it. His heart fluttered in his chest. Did he imagine what he just heard?
“W-what did you just say?”
Taehyung giggled.
He pecked Jungkook’s cheek and nuzzled his face into the younger’s neck. Jungkook slowly died on the inside. His blood rushed to his face. His heart beated so fast. He had millions of butterflies playing in his stomach. What all this meant, he couldn’t seem to figure out. He couldn’t seem to figure anything out for that matter. He was currently lying in a bed, covered in fluffy blankets, and he had a boy that was cuter than he could ever imagine someone could ever get, snuggled up against him, embracing him tightly. He forgot about everything that had ever happened to him before in his life. The only thing that existed was now. He laid his arm around Taehyung and pulled him closer. How’d he ever be able to fall asleep now? Taehyung seemed to have already succeeded as he was breathing soothingly into his ear.

“Jin, are you asleep?”
“Are you sleeping?”
Jin rolled to the side to face Namjoon.
“No I’m not… Why?”
Namjoon too rolled to the side. They looked at each other for a moment before Namjoon spoke:
“I just wanted to talk.”
Silence. Jin cocked an eyebrow and waited for the man in front of him to say something, but nothing came. He sighed.
“So, what do you want to talk about?”
Silence again. Namjoon seemed to be struggling with what words he was going to choose.
“About what happened in the forest.”
He paused. Jin got a slight flashback of what happened earlier that day. Namjoon’s strong hands against his skin, and his face that inched closer and closer… He shook his head lightly. He shouldn’t be thinking about that now.
“I just wanted to apologize.” Namjoon continued. Jin didn’t understand.
“Apologize for what?”
Namjoon thought for a second again.
“Apologize for what I did… Or almost did… You must have felt very uncomfortable.”
Although it was dark in the room Jin was still able to tell that Namjoon’s face shifted color. Jin realized what he was talking about. He knew that his face too had changed its color.
“Oh no! I wasn’t uncomfortable. I liked it... or I would’ve liked it... or maybe I would have or… I’m sorry I’m just stumbling!” Jin hid his face in his hands. What was going on with him? What was he thinking with? Namjoon moved closer to him and carefully started patting Jin’s head.
“Shh… It’s okay.”
Jin slowly moved away his hands from his face. Namjoon was really close now. His heart started thumping. The pink haired boy in front of him smiled. He felt it again, the feeling he couldn’t describe. He looked down on Namjoon’s lips. Oh, how he wanted to… What did he want? He felt how his and Namjoon’s face inched closer. He closed his eyes. And there it was, the thing he never got the last time. A kiss. It was innocent, sweet and soft. It didn’t last for too long. When they parted they were both looking at each other with shocked expressions, but it changed fast as Jin started giggling. Namjoon chuckled too. Jin threw himself on Namjoon and gave him another peck on his lips. He did so again, and again. It was so addicting! Eventually he laid down on top of Namjoon as they both had to sleep. Namjoon’s hand was pressed against his back. His arms felt so strong and protective. What just happened? Had Jin gone mad? Whatever just happened, he knew that he’d never been this happy in his entire life.

Oh oh oh! Well look at that! Stuff's happening between the boys, hehehe...
This was such a fluffy chapter... I had to take so many breaks while writing it, hahah!

Next chapter will be a really fun Yoonmin chapter, and after that I'm lacking a bit with ideas. Don't worry, guys, I got this! What I'm saying is that I'm open for suggestions... If you have any~

I'm thinking about giving the chapters names... Still not sure though...

Once again I wanna thank you for your support! You make me wanna continue writing this! Love you guysss <3


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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 4: Tbh, that did scare me...(QAQ)
Chapter 13: This is seriously funny and cute ><
Chimslunatic #3
Chapter 13: I love this story!!!!
Chapter 13: Ah and one more thing: the pictures for each chapter are absolutely hilarious XD
I love the way you made Hoseok's head stick out of nowhere in each picture XD XD XD
Chapter 13: I finally finished reading and I must tell you, this is the fluffiest story I read on the last few months!! I loved it ^.^
I'm really looking forward new stories from you. This is the writting style I enjoy the most :)
I'm going to start reading this one now. The description sounds really funny ^.^ I'm curious towards the story itself.
Chapter 13: ahhh~ I can't believe it's finished~ I was reading the whole story once again~~~ It really had me squeling and laughing + making whale noises a few times >~< J-Hope is awesome<3 it's such a nice fic~
Chapter 9: The gif, everyone was looking at the girl, but Taehyung ? Who are you looking at huh ??l
KwonAtie #9
Chapter 1: wow it was funny! it coincidence I read this on hoseok birthday :'D god I love you hoseok!!
Chapter 3: THIS IS SO CUTE I'M CRYING (in a good way, of course) :'D