
Used to

The boring day that i go everyday

The lonely night that I have everynight

The few people that I know

My aloof life

Everything gone back like my childhood since she left

My related bloods left me behind

They have been busy with all of company they had

My grandpa have gone busy and cold since grandma passed away

I miss my granpa and grandma at past

They raised me since deapers

Everynight grandma would always tell story tale before i go to sleep

Grandpa always brings me fishing and sharing all love story he had

But it was past, grandma has gone, and grandpa has changed

But she came to me when my parents and grandpa turned their back to me

She cheered me up, she was always by my side

I just want to be woth her forever and ever

But you know there is the meet the is the farewell

I know she wants to reach her dream and she told me she would come back

But i know for real that she had left me

Since that moment, my life has been getting more useless and lonely

I want to have normal family, that your mother welcome you home, cook for you, scold you, nag you, hug you, take care of you when you sick, chi chat, and love you

The father that will be the first love of his daughter, that teach you about life, guard ypu, protect you, favor you, pamper you, and love you

And I wish I have friends that can understand me, be my side, be my pillar, listener, advicer, and my best buddy

That wish had already came true since she came to my life

But that wish was only the moment and temporary as I said always there farewell

Since she left me, I believe my self everyone comes to your life will have to say goodbye to your life

And I make sure that incident wil never happen again in my life




*incident = incident that she came to and gone fromyuri'slife





I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. This is too long. Actually i had made this chapter one day after i made jessica chapter but there is error that make my writting yuri chapter is not published so it lose. After that, I really almost hiatus and turn down this stories (sorry). But this stories keep continuing but i hope you are patients enough for updated stories. Actually I am still confusing how to make storyline to next chapter and next next until ending. So guys thanks for subcribing ,comments, and reading this story. Sorry for my lack of writting this story in english. 

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angeliana89 #1
Chapter 2: Update soon..
jmbaculao #2
Chapter 1: Yulsic, finish this T.T
TheRedScarf #3
Chapter 1: Its interesting.. Keep it up!!
yeah! yulsic, i love the couple