Eyes, Nose, Lips

Sehun's POV


"Let the good times roll..."



The speaker was blasting with good music here at Junmyeon hyung's home. I came back to Korea yesterday, and here am I now, chilling with my group of friends, not really mindful of being hungover after just a bit of recovery from a jet lag.



"Daebakk~!" Kyungsoo hyung exclaimed, his eyes twinkling as he was looking at the gift I bought him from Australia. I smiled, he looks so surprised and pleased. He was late tonight, so he was the last one to open his gift, while the others had opened theirs already. "Thank you, Sehun-ah! This is so nice, I love it! Aaaah!" He lovingly held the knitted maroon sweater I got him as a gift, along with the post cards he has been collecting.



"I'm glad you like it, hyung." I smiled and took a sip from my gin, subtly following it with a chaser -- lime.



Kai smirked and looked at him. "More post cards to mess his room up again. Yah, your room's starting to look like a travel magazine!" 



"Why, Kai, have you entered D.O.'s room already? Cause we haven't yet." Yixing hyung teased, and almost all of us letting out a chuckle. Kai looked so puzzled.


"Am I the first one to enter your room, Kyungsoo?" Kai turned to D.O., who's still busy fawning over his post cards.



"Bam!" Chanyeol clapped loudly. "First, entering DO's room and next, dropping the honoriffics down the drain. Hmm, something must be..." 



"Yah! Stop it, Park Chanyeol!" Kai said, looking so pissed. The group laughed with his reaction. Kyungsoo hyung has always been known to be very private, and does not like having somebody enter his room except for some considerations.



“Yah, stop it you guys. You’re making Kai dongsaeng confused.” D.O. let out a chuckle. “Don’t believe them, Kai. All of them have already entered my room, half of them even before you.” D.O. explained, grinning and then next, Kai is giving everyone an eye roll.




“So,” Yixing hyung slid to the empty space of the couch and sat next to me. “How was the Land of Down Under, Sehun-ah?” He asked, shaking his glass of wine.




“Yes, Sehun, how was Australia?” Chanyeol asked, and the hyungs started gathering around me. Sure they wanted to hear my story. “Have you met the “noona” you’ll marry?” Baekhyun teased me. They’ve always made subtle fun of me wanting to marry a woman older than me, but it’s okay, I’m used to it. For me, I like to be with noonas, maybe because I like mature people.




“Australia’s fine. I mean, it’s still beautiful as it has always been. But of course, my heart still belongs to Korea.” I smiled. “As for the noona I’ll marry, no, I haven’t met her in Australia.” I said and gulped another shot glass of liquor.




Junmyeon hyung refilled my glass with a smile on his face. “Of course, you won't see her there, because she's probably in Busan." He smiled and turned to the other hyungs. "Still the same old noona, guys.” 





“What?” Kai asked. “Seriously, bro? You haven’t even seen her yet. What if you don’t like the way she looks? Have you ever imagined what she looks like? What if it she doesn’t look like the way you thought she would?” He added, earning a gentle smack in the head from Chen. “Yah! Hyung, what was that for?!”




“It’s for being rude, dongsaeng.” Chen rolled his eyes. “You shouldn’t speak like that. No gentleman ever does.” 




Everyone, except Kai of course, nodded their heads, affirming to Chen hyung’s statement.




“Chen’s right, and besides, it’s the heart that loves, not the eyes, Kai.” Xiumin added. This time, everyone clapped their hands and Kai scratched his nape. Xiumin and Chen hyungs, the love experts.




“So what are your plans, I mean, on finding her, Sehun ah?" Yixing hyung asked me. “You know you have limited resources, right? You don't even know her full, real name. And your only reference is the dormitory for the blind. Are you sure she’s still there?”




“I’m hoping she’s still there, hyung.” I mean, she has to be there. “I’m going to Busan the day after tomorrow. LuHan is going to accompany me there.” I told them. LuHan is my closest cousin from my mother’s side. We’re very close that we treat each other as brothers. He’s living in Busan and is currently a school professor.




“Well, I think we can no more help than to wish our friend here good luck and pray that God grants him his desire.” Junmyeon hyung said, one hand tapping my shoulders. The rest followed the suit.




“Thank you, Hyungs. I appreciate your support.” I said and they cheered, and raised a toast.







Joy’s POV




“Hyoyeon Unnie! Hyoyeon Unnieeeeeeeee!” I hurriedly ran into our house, waving the letter I got from the university. “Unnie, unnie!”




I roamed around our house to search for my older sister. Kim Hyoyeon. I found her in the kitchen, busily whipping off something while looking into the recipe book. My sister, she’s always looking great and happy, especially when she’s cooking. Maybe that’s what happens when you do the things you love.




“Unnie!” I ran to her side as soon as I got her attention. She turned to me and smiled, and wiped her hands with the towel that was slung on her apron’s pocket.




“Oh, you’re home, Joy ah! How was your day and what’s with calling me repeatedly?” She asked nicely. That’s another thing to love about my sister, she’s always so warm and pleasant.




“Ah, Unnie! I’m just so happy! Here!” I said and handed her the paper I was waving earlier. It’s the passport to my dreams.




“Uh huh, let me read… Dear Park Joy… We are pleased to inform you that you have passed the university entrance exam… we welcome you to Seoul National University… Joy ah! Ahhhh! I’m so happy for you, dongsaeng!” Unnie then reached for me and hugged me, and even lifted me and turned me around, and then put me down, only to attack me with sisterly kisses on the cheeks. “Joy ah, I’m so happy for you! I know you want this and you worked hard for this, and now you got it. You deserve it dongsaeng!” Unnie said which made me smile. She may not be my real sister, but she’s the best one I can ever had.




Hyoyeon unnie and I were not related by blood. We don’t have the same parents. My mother died of complications when she was giving birth to my baby brother, only lived for a day then died too, leaving me and my dad. On the other hand, Hyo unnie’s biological father did not acknowledge her when he learned that he got unnie’s mom, my stepmother, pregnant. They were young when she got pregnant, they were still in college, and he didn’t want to be a young father. He left unnie and stepmom, making her support unnie all by herself. To make the long story short of how Hyoyeon unnie and I became ‘sisters’, her mom met my dad and they became a couple until they got married. Though Unnie is known as Park Hyoyeon to many, Unnie is still a Kim because she carried stepmom’s surname and didn’t change it anymore. Nevertheless, we love each other as though we’re really bound by blood. 





“Joy ah, did you tell Appa and Eomma yet? I’m sure they’re going to be very happy when they learn about it.” She asked as I got water from the fridge and poured it into a glass. 





“Oh yeah, I’ll tell them about it over dinner. I want to see the look on their faces.” I giggled. Appa works as a Senior Manager for an IT company while Eomma manages our family business of gasoline stations, supermarkets, and restaurants, so they usually don’t get home till dinner time. As for unnie, she is a very great chef and also a business woman because she owns a chain of cafés all over Busan and Daegu and is planning to expand in Seoul. “Unnie, I’m going to change my clothes and call them for now.” I said and put the pitcher back into the ref. 



“Okay, I’ll just call you if dinner is ready. I have to add something in our menu tonight because of your good news!” She said enthusiastically.



“Oh, unnie!” I just can’t help but hug and kiss her on the cheeks. “I’m so thankful God gave me you as my sister. I love you, Unnie!” I said and gave her few more kisses on both cheeks.

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hyohyonie #1
Update soon author-nim :)
Chapter 5: Update soon authornimm ^^
Hyosmilely #3
Please please update
vandhana #4
Chapter 5: Waiting fr ur update
vandhana #5
Chapter 5: Oh god oh God this is freaking amazing story ty ty soo much authornim
Chapter 5: So sweeeeeeeeet ... nosebleeding /.^
kkkkk~ hyoyeon surely match with sehun. Update soon.
Hyosmilely #7
Chapter 5: Agh ~ Hun miss to see Hyo
vandhana #8
Chapter 4: Waiting for hyohun.. ☺☺
vandhana #9
Chapter 4: wow lovely story!!!!!!
can't wait for more
plz update soon :))))))))
Hyosmilely #10
Chapter 3: I'll wait for the meeting of HyoHun

Can you edit page it hard to read in phone