Chapter 1

The Epitome of All Bad Things

Reina is going to hell.


That was how she interpreted the letter she received from that stupid prestigious- school. She didn't actually want to go to the school if it wasn't for her mother who forced her to. She loves her mom even though she was a sometimes.

Reina rolled on her bed a few times before standing up to get her phone. She wanted to tell her bestfriend about the letter. She also wanted to know if that was going to that school cause nigga she ain't surviving the hellhole alone. But then, she stopped, thinking she might surprise that later. Yeah. Later.

Reina decided to just go out and chill. You know maybe she could just watch some movies, shop for new clothes, eat food she knows she won't be having for a while and all that kind of stuff.

She quickly changed into her casual attire and went out of the house. Good thing was she was all alone. Her parents were of course out of town for their usual business stuff. Her sister was with her friends hanging out in the bar maybe. You know that cliche situation?




" no way!"


" yes way."




Here she was, having an arguement with her bestfriend, again. She already told her about the letter and her bestfriend still couldn't believe about the fact that both of them passed.


"Well, Casiey I'm just happy you're going to hell with me." Reina sipped on her bubble tea and munched on the cookie. 

"Well duh, I'm 2nd in rank after you and we promised each other right?" Casiey slapped the latter's arm and they shared a laugh. It was a picturesque moment. Just a pair of friends laighing their asses off.


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