

A/N: Every Twice One Shot I write becomes tragic in the end lol. Oh well...



Mina has had enough of Momo’s flirtatious . From the blonde sitting in Jungyeon’s lap, to her practically making out with Dahyun on V app, it would appear that the older girl didn’t want a girlfriend. Or maybe, she just didn’t want Mina to be her girlfriend.


“Mina~chan.” Momo sings as she bounces onto the couch next to her redheaded girlfriend.

Mina glances up from her phone for a mere second before jumping to her feet and walking off down the hall. Momo follows after her like a little lost puppy only to have the door to Mina’s bedroom slammed shut in her face. Momo doesn’t know why Mina is so upset with her. She can’t think of anything she’d done recently to make Mina mad. Come to think of it, Momo can’t even seem to recall the last time she’d spoken to Mina today.

“Hm… Ah, yes!” Momo mumbles to herself.

The last interaction she and Mina had, had been early this morning, the younger girl whispering a soft ‘I love you’ followed by a chaste kiss before they’d gone off to their last fan-signing for their ‘Like Ooh-Ahh’ promotions. She hadn’t spoken to her since. How could she possibly have upset her?

“Mina~chan” Momo whines, softly banging on the door. “Why won’t you talk to me?”

“She’s probably had enough of your flirtatious .” Jihyo answers dryly, appearing out of nowhere. “I know I have.”

“What do you mean flirtatious?!” Momo gasps, making Jihyo roll her eyes.

“Please.” Jihyo scoffs. “You flirt with everything that moves.”

Momo opens to defend herself. An ‘I do not!’ at the tip of her tongue.

“You’re looks great in those shorts!” Momo half yells.

“What the hell?” Momo thinks to herself. “Betrayed by my own brain!”

Jihyo whacks the blonde on the top of her head with her rolled up magazine.

“Bad Momo. Bad.” Jihyo scolds.

“It’s not my fault,” Momo wants to stop right there, but her mind betrays her again. “you look so good in booty shorts!”

Momo didn’t even mean for that to come out. It was like her subconscious was overpowering her conscious mind. Although, Jihyo’s did look really nice in those shorts… Momo felt another whack from the leaders magazine.

“Stop that!” Jihyo reprimands, earning a small whimper from a now sore-headed Momo.

The door to Jihyo, Nayeon, Mina, and Sana’s shared bedroom flies open, a fuming Mina stepping between Jihyo and Momo. Momo loses the ability to speak as Mina brushes by them, storming out into the living room where the other members reside.

“Ooooo, you’ve done it now.” Jihyo taunts.

“What do you mean?” Momo asks completely clueless.

Jihyo smirks. “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

Jihyo vanishes into her bedroom, slamming the door in Momo’s face as well.

“I have no idea what that means!” Momo shouts after her.

Momo huffs. She’s really tired of having doors slammed in her face.


Mina has had enough of Momo’s flirtatious . She has the balls to flirt with Jihyo right outside her bedroom door?! Did Momo not have any sense at all? Mina scoffs. Of course she didn’t. Mina makes her way into the living room, her members arguing amongst themselves as usual.

“It’s not fair!” Jungyeon cries.

“So Chaeyoung doesn’t want to shower with you. Big deal.” Nayeon shrugs.

“It is a big deal!” Jungyeon glares at her.

“If you really need someone to shower with, I’ll shower with you.” Nayeon ends with a flirtatious wink.

Jungyeon visibly shudders.

“No! I don’t want you.” Jungyeon mutters in disgust.

“That really hurts you know.” Nayeon feigns upset.

Mina catches a glimpse of Momo coming around the corner. If the older girl can flirt, than so can she. Maybe even better. Mina walks up behind Nayeon and back hugs the older girl, whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

“I’ll shower with you Unnie.” Mina hums.

Nayeon releases herself from the younger girls grasp, spinning around to face the fiery redhead with a mischievous smirk.

“I mean…That works too.”

Mina internally panics. Maybe she was better at flirting than she thought. Oh crap.

“The hell you will!” Momo shrieks, yanking Mina by the arm into her protective embrace. “Back off Im, she’s mine.” Momo growls.

Nayeon scoffs. “One of these days.” She mutters under her breath.

Momo glares at the older girl as she slowly backs out of the room, dragging a now trapped Mina with her. Momo shoves Mina into her shared room with Jungyeon, locking the door behind her so that the younger girl cannot escape.

“What the hell Mina?!” Momo shouts.


“You’re my girlfriend! How can you offer to shower with Nayeon?”

“It’s just a shower. Calm down. We all shower together all the time.” Mina shrugs. “Why are you being so possessive?”

“Because you’re my girlfriend.” Momo says, making sure to put extra emphasis on the word ‘my’.

“Doesn’t feel like it.” Mina mutters under her breath.

Momo is taken aback by the younger girls words.

“It doesn’t feel like it?” Momo repeats.

“All you do is flirt with everyone. I’m tired of it. Do you even want to date me?” Mina asks.

“What? Of course I do. I love you.” Momo says.

“Then stop flirting with everyone!” Mina yells.

“I can’t help it.” Momo cries. “Our members are all so attractive!”

Mina glares at the older girl.

“But I’ll try to keep it to a minimum.” Momo smiles sheepishly. “And I’ll use my best flirting on you.” She winks.

Mina rolls her eyes. “This is the best I’m going to get, isn’t it?”

“No, No, No.” Momo shakes her head. “I’m the best you’ll ever get.”

“Well that’s awfully tragic.” Mina sighs.


~Sometime Later That Evening~

Jihyo remerges from her bedroom, still wearing those all too short booty shorts. Momo’s head shoots up from it’s spot in Mina’s lap.

“Damn Jihyo…” Momo’s catcall trails off as the older girl feels Mina boring holes into the back of her head. “You’re is not nearly as nice as Mina’s.”

Jihyo smacks her own hand to her forehead, muttering something Momo doesn’t quite hear, something along the lines of “Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.” Momo falls back into her previous position, feeling quite proud of herself for not giving into her lustful thoughts about her leader. She looks up at Mina with a bright smile, but the younger girl doesn’t look nearly as thrilled as Momo is.

“What?” Momo asks. “I didn’t flirt with her.”

Mina rolls her eyes. “That’s not exactly what I meant.”

Momo shrugs. “Eh, close enough.”

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1241 streak #1
Chapter 1: GayMo in action,keke..tq author-nim for this cute ff ^^
Chapter 1: Lmao this was so funny! Clueless flirt Momo with Jihyo surrounded by idiots and Mina thinking she is better at flirting than she thought. Re read this like probably a billion time lol Mimo just pleasures the heart <3
Leanne19 #3
Chapter 1: Momo being momo hahahaha
lalalahai #4
Haha, nice try, Momo. Nice try.
Chapter 1: How can i not love authors here?
bknight2k #6
Chapter 1: Poor Mina would love more Mimo fanfics
minamomo #7
This is so accurate *^* it's like I'm stalking mimo in their dorm >//< btw can I translate your oneshot into Chinese and share it on China baidu tieba? I'll make sure cr to you
yuki_momoko #8
Haha. Funny one shot for our MiMo couple XD
Mina had enough of Momo though. ^_^
Thank you so much for this. Hope u write more Mimo: ))
J_T-ara_M #9
Chapter 1: Momo is so funny!!!
Mimo~ mimo~
Hope could read more fanfic about them.. i'm shipping them ~