Going Downwards

Dominance or Romance?


"Jimin?" Jungkook murmurs in the bed, sleepily trying to find him on the big matress.

   Jimin gulps.

   "Let me handle it, okay? I'm just a cleaning staff... nothing more. Jungkook doesn't care about me whatsoever, is that how we play it?" Jimin asks nervously.

   Jungkook's mother nods with a pale face 

   "I will hold him off from coming into his room... please, take your time and... thank you once again Jimin..." She says with a sad smile.

   Jimin smiles back and closes the door again. He turns around and walks towards the bed.

   Slowly he crawls onto it. With careful movement, Jimin manages to get on top of Jungkook without him noticing it.

   Jungkook keeps searching with one arm a bit and finally opens his eyes. He turns around to lie on his back and finds Jimin right over him.

   Jungkook smiles.

   "Did anyone ever tell you that your swollen face looks quite cute?" He says cheekily.

   Jimin's eye twitches out of annoyance. He really didn't see this comment coming.

   "How can you dare to mention that I have a swollen face? It's not that swollen..." Jimin pouts in annoyance. He sits down on Jungkook's lap and grabs on his face to check if it's really that swollen.

   Jungkook starts laughing cheerfully.

   Jimin can't tell why it makes him so happy to hear Jungkook laugh. Especially because he's not a morning person. What is this tickling feeling inside of his body?

   Jungkook grabs for Jimin's face and tries to pull him down to give him a kiss.

   But Jimin protests.

   "Oh, you want a kiss? After calling my face swollen? Keep dreaming, little." Jimin says with a cheeky smile.

   Jungkook smiles back after realizing that Jimin is just provoking him. He turns Jimin over in a flash of a second and ends up being on top of Jimin.

   With big eyes, Jimin stares at the powerful man on top of him.

   "Don't do this to me..." Jungkook growls as he closes the gap between their faces.

   Just one centimeter away from kissing Jimin, Jungkook's mouth gets stopped by a hand.

   "Listen to me first." The once cheerful and happy Jimin says who turned now serious.

   Jimin removes his hand from Jungkook's mouth who looks at Jimin with anxious eyes.

   Jimin decides to talk about it now, because he really doesn't know how much time they really have, even though Jungkook's mom said he should take all the time he needed. As faster as he shows his appearance to Jungkook's father again, the less it get suspicious.

   Now the tricky and exhausting part comes: Convince Jeon Jungkook to follow as planned.

   "I'll keep it short. Alright?" Jimin asks.

   Jungkook nods and gulps dry.

   "Your father returned."

   Jungkook's eyes fill themselves with emptyness. They almost look a bit scared. 

   "He... returned?" Jungkook repeats with disbelief.

   Jimin nods under the weight of Jungkook. The way he replies is no good. Jimin can already feel the trouble.

   "He... he will take you away from me. The cat. We... we should go away from here." Jungkook says anxiously. Now the fear really caught him.

   Jimin knew something like this will happen. He knew it.

   "No, no, no, no... Jungkook. Wait. Listen to my suggestion." Jimin says. Jungkook needs to calm down with his crazy ideas.

   "We will do as it is right now. Only difference: I'm a cleaning staff and you have no relation to me, nor interest. Sounds easy, right?" Jimin asks with a warm smile. He hopes it works. He hopes it so much.

   "I'll tell him the truth." Jungkook replies, convinced. He just started moving to stand up from Jimin, but Jimin takes a hold of Jungkook's arms, pulling him down again to keep sitting on Jimin.

   "No, you won't. Jungkook, I know I'm asking a lot of stuff from you recently. But this is the last thing I want you to do for me. Not just me, think about your mother Jungkook. About yourself." Jimin says serious. He looks Jungkook right into the eyes.

   Jungkook's mother just wants the best for him. And to make  homouality public can really hurt the family business and the person itself in the future.

    "But... why would I hide my love for you..." Jungkook asks with a sad face.

   Jimin sighs in his thought. He really is talking to a child.

   "Jungkook... there are so many reasons... I know it , but... it's really the last thing I'm asking from you..." Jimin keeps begging.

   Now that he thinks about it, he should convince him to go to school again as well. But not now.

   "And also... as long as I know how you feel, it's fine. You can tell me how much you love me every time we are without your dad. As often as you want to."

   Jungkook looks down to Jimin with a sad expression. From Jimin's point of view, he looks like a pouting puppy.

   For a few seconds the room falls into silence.


   "But... will you ever reply to my words?"



   "... Hyung... Hey... Taehyung are you awake?"

   Taehyung slowly opens his eyes, in front.of him he sees Hoseok smiling lightly at him.

   "... Yes?" Taehyung murmurs. He loves this bed so much. It's better than heaven could ever be.

   "Yoongi's here. He says it's urgent." Hoseok says more serious. He looks still a bit pissed about yesterday, because Taehyung yelled at him for no reason.

   Taehyung stands up immediately. Somehow he doesn't feel good about hearing Yoongi. He doesn't know why, but he can't stand this guy at all. Almost on the same level as this Jungkook.

   Taehyung joins Hoseok walking to the living room. And there he is. Standing in his wannabe-gangster clothing, which cost probably more than anyone can imagine.

   "Do you want breakfast?" Hoseok asks Yoongi rhetorically. He knows that Yoongi won't eat breakfast with them. He sits down on a chair, close enough to be part of the talk between these two.

   "Nah thanks. I just wanted to tell Taehyung that Namjoon said that you can kiss his . He said he doesn't need you anymore. You should live your life without him and Jimin. He said much more, but I guess you got his opinion about you trying to still help." Yoongi says emotionless to Taehyung.

   Why does he need to say that in front of Hoseok?

   "Wait.. .in the end you do want to help them? Why didn't you tell me, Taehyung?" Hoseok asks slightly annoyed by Taehyung's secrets.

   Taehyung gulps.

   Just when he wants to open his mouth, Yoongi starts speaking.

   "It was quite late, Hoseok... gotta protect him in that. But Taehyung... Personally, I don't think it's a good idea to help at the rescue of Jimin. I heard your family is finally doing alright financially. You shouldn't make your family trouble. They are already lucky that they aren't getting robbed in this poor area."

   Taehyung's face starts to loose color. Why does Yoongi know about his family. And why does he mention it now?

   Hoseok squeezes hid eyebrows together.

   "What? Poor? I thought one of your parents is a dentist or something?" Hoseok asks Taehyung.

   Yoongi lets out a laugh.

   "Dentist? Taehyung can be lucky when one of his parents are able to rob or sell drugs. Sadly, Taehyung lives in an area where the word 'poor' is one of the best titles you can have."

   Taehyung starts to freeze. Why does Yoongi do this to him?

   "Are you ing serious, Taehyung?! Is it true what he's saying? I thought you were done with lying to me?!" Hoseok asks in a loud voice angrily.

   Taehyung spaces out and stares at Yoongi shocked. Why would he do that to him? From where does he know all this?

   For a moment, Taehyung thought he saw a tiny movement of one edge of Yoongi's mouth, forming itself to a devilish smile.

   "Why?" Taehyung mouths. 

   This not good. Now Hoseok will surely throw him out.

   "Well... that's all I wanted to say. Sorry for disturbing you guys." Yoongi says and makes his way out without waiting any further.





   "So my sister was right in the end. You do just want my money," Hoseok talks to himself and lets out a sharp breath. He stands up and gets a jacket from another chair.

   Walking back to Taehyung, he pushes the jacket against Taehyung's chest.

   "Take this and go." Hoseok says sharp and nods towards the door.

   Taehyung's eyes get wet.

   "I... I would have told you... I..."

   "I will call the police, if you don't leave now." Hoseok keeps saying in this tone. 

   Taehyung stares at Hoseok.

   He s for the jacket, that is still pushed against his chest, and gulps.

   Hoseok steps back and keeps his glance down to the floor.

   With slow steps, Taehyung makes his way out of the apartment.

   Taehyung feels how slowly everything drips down from his skin. Everything he has. He lost it in less than a week.

   For the last time Taehyung looks back. But he sees no one. It hurts him that this is his reality now. Taehyung didn't know that a few mistakes can make you lose all you have.

   And with that, Taehyung closes the door behind him.




   Arriving at the good old mainstreet, where Taehyung belongs, he finds Yoongi leaning against his cat not too far away from this apartment block.

   Anger fills Taehyung. He might have done decisions. But he doesn't deserve this yet.

   "Why?!" He yells over to Yoongi while he steps there.

   A few people look at Taehyung disregardedly.

   Yoongi raises his head. He's talking to someone on the phone, but hangs up and waits until Taehyung arrives.

   Finally arriving in front of Yoongi, Taehyung's anger gets massive. He grabs Yoongi by his collar and grinds his teeth.

   "From where do you know so much about me?!"

   Yoongi starts to smile.

   "Why are you so angry that I tell the truth about you? Hoseok is my friend. I don't want him to have such a loser as his boyfriend. Questions answered?" Yoongi explains. No signs of fear nor nervousness are shown in his face.

   Taehyung lets go of Yoongi and stares at him.

   "I'm not trusting you on so many levels." Taehyung hisses.

   Yoongi keeps having his dirty smile on his face. He opens his car by a remote somewhere in his pockets and opens the door.

   "Goodbye, Taehyung. Was nice to meet you." Yoongi says and gets in his car.

   It doesn't take long until his car swooshes away in a fast pace.


   And there Taehyung is. Left alone on the big street of Seoul.



"Ah... seriously, how can he dare to just hang up like that?" Jaebum asks and lets his phone drop onto the big bed. He turns around to Jinyoung to spoon him from behind.

   "Who?" Jinyoung murmurs under Jaebum's embrace. He's still half asleep and doesn't really care.

   "Yoongi. He said something about Taehyung. I guess he started it. Doesn't that sound like fun, baby?" Jaebum growls and places a wet kiss on Jinyoung's shoulder.

   Talking about Yoongi, it really starts to get interesting. He wants to warn Jin so badly about Yoongi, but if Jaebum finds out then..

   He doesn't know what happens then. And that's what scares him so much.

   "I thought about shortening the time with Jimin. How about two days?" He keeps asking.

   Jaebum really has much. But what he doesn't have is patience, which makes him only more scary.

   "That's too short, isn't it?" Jinyoung asks carefully.

   "Of course it is..." Jaebum replies with a rough voice.

   He starts to slide down Jinyoung's adam's apple. Whenever he does that, Jinyoung feels threatened. And he knows Jaebum good enough to know that he will say something bad now.

   "But a specific person in this room likes to warn specific people about my decisions..." He growls out.

   Jinyoung's face starts to loose color and suddenly he is wide awake.



Stop hating on baby TaeTae guys. -KookieCrumbies.


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vicky__young #1
Will you ever update this fanfic?ㅠㅠ
3laya_1998 #2
Chapter 30: Please update soon♡
Chapter 29: Now I really wonder what happened to Jinyoungie~~
Armella #4
Chapter 30: Just plz tell me if i should give up my hopes...
Chapter 30: Update
Chapter 30: Aww please update soon T^T
Chapter 30:
Chapter 30: Update
Armella #9
Chapter 30: Plz update already plz plz plzzzzzzzzzz