


December 1st  I'm in a foreign state, I'm running late I'm all alone, wishing I was home with you baby


It was the 1st of December in the white streets of New York. You could practically inhale the Christmas spirit every time you breathe. The streets were absolutely covered with snow, the children were throwing snowballs and making snow angels and snowmen and you can see tons of Christmas-related decorations all over the city. Everyone was loving the Christmas season, well, everyone except a certain Jung Yunho.
Yunho was walking in the white streets of New York, cursing under his breath every time he’d almost trip or slide down through the snow. He was irritated due to the cold, cold weather, and as he glanced at his watch to check the time, he cursed again and his frustrations heightened. “. I’m gonna be late.”
He tried to quicken his pace without sliding into the snow. He sighed in frustration when he realized that it’d take him about 10 more minutes to arrive at the university gates when his class was starting in 5 minutes. He couldn’t do anything anymore about being late for his first class of the day, so he decided to make the most out of it. He went back to his original pace, and just observed his surroundings as he tried to calm himself down.
As he looked around, he immediately regretted his decision because all he saw were people walking in pairs, most of them were couples. He envied each and every one of these pairs as he thought of his own other half. The people around him were lucky to have their loved ones by their side when his was all the way back in Korea. “Aish… Jaejoongie, I wish we could be together right now.”

He's got a way of making things okay when he's not around When he's not around, I'm going crazy

Jung Yunho and Kim Jaejoong have been lovers for 7 years. They were High School sweet hearts and childhood friends. They practically lived together since they lived in the same apartment complex and had sleepovers almost every day, alternating between Yunho’s room and Jaejoong’s. People always wondered and admired how they never get sick of each other even though they’ve been together all their lives. They knew each other more than anyone else.
They’ve always been together, but that changed right after they graduated from High School. Yunho got a scholarship overseas, and although Jaejoong didn’t want him to go, he had to because it was for his future, for THEIR future. Yunho would learn more things from the prestigious school overseas than in Korea.
Yunho was the man in their relationship, but Jaejoong has always been the stronger one. Although Jaejoong gives off a sort of girly aura, Yunho was the more sensitive one. When Yunho left for the States, he couldn’t hold in his tears, but Jaejoong waited until Yunho was out of sight ‘til he himself burst out. He didn’t want to make Yunho guilty for leaving him.

“Yunho-yah, be a good boy there, okay?”
“Yah! What are you now, my mother?” Yunho asked jokingly, chuckling a little as he wiped away his tears. He knew Jaejoong was trying to make him feel better. “but Yunnie-yah! You have to promise to be a good boy there. Who knows, you might find someone else when I’m not around.”
Yunho faked a hurt expression and made a pout which made Jaejoong giggle at the cuteness. “Yunnie only loves Joongie. There’ll never be anyone else.”
“Of course. I’ll probably go crazy without you by my side.” Yunho’s tears were flowing again as he hugged Jaejoong as tight as he could. Jaejoong also hugged him tight and just smiled a little sadly.



“I’ll miss you, Yunnie. Don’t cry.” Jaejoong said, as he pulled away from their embrace and wiped away Yunho's tears with his thumbs. ”I don’t want to remember a sad Yunnie whenever I think of you.”
Yunho smiled and kissed Jaejoong right when his flight number was called. “I love you, Jaejoong-ah. Please, be there when I come back.”
“I love you too, Yunnie. Of course, I’ll always wait for you.”
 Jaejoong would always knew exactly how to comfort Yunho in whatever situation. They matched each other perfectly.
Yunho was now in his last year of college. It had been a lonely 4 years overseas, but he thought that it’d all be worth it once he gets his diploma, comes back to Korea and claims Jaejoong as HIS and ONLY HIS FOREVER again. He always went home for the Holidays, but this year was different. He would absolutely give anything to have Jaejoong by his side, but he figured that it would be a great help to his parents if they didn't need to buy him a plane ticket back to Seoul just for a few days stay. It was a small sacrifice since he would be able to go home in a few months anyway, but the fact that he would be Jaejoong-deprived this Christmas was quite disheartening.

We like to talk about the plans we make And things we say when we're together I hope for better weather this year

 After Yunho’s 2nd class, he had his lunch break. He didn’t feel like eating, so he went to a nearby coffee shop and ordered a hot peppermint mocha cappuccino. He didn’t really like sweet things, but it made him remember how kissing Jaejoong in the morning tasted like. Yunho liked his coffee dark while Jaejoong liked his with extra sugar.


He remembered back in the old days, whenever it was December, he’d probably be in bed with Jaejoong by his side. They’d already be awake, but still wouldn’t want to get up. The weather would always be as cold as ever and Yunho would always complain about it. Jaejoong would automatically cuddle up to Yunho to keep him warm. Every year, Yunho would wish for a nicer weather, but he secretly really loved the cold because that gave them a reason to stay in bed and just enjoy each other’s warmth.
By this time of year, he and Jaejoong would already have been planning on what to do for Christmas Eve. They would most likely have already made a list of people to give gifts to, and have another list for their Christmas shopping.

But you my dear need to know This year I want you alone

Thinking back to the past made Yunho feel slightly happy and slightly sad at the same time. He didn’t really care if he and Jaejoong could cuddle up in bed together anymore or make Christmas shopping lists like married couples, all he wanted was for Jaejoong to be there with him on Christmas, but that wouldn’t happen. He’d have to wait a few more months before they could be together again.


Yunho was staring at the door from his seat. He noticed the mistletoe perched on top and smiled. He’s kissed Jaejoong a number of times because of that piece of decoration. As he was about to take a sip of his coffee, a couple entered the café holding hands The boy looked up the door, as if he expected the mistletoe to be there and smiled mischievously. His girlfriend noticed that he halted his steps and looked up too. The girl blushed as she noticed the mistletoe too and playfully hit the boy’s chest. They both laughed and stared into each other’s eyes lovingly then finally shared a kiss.
As Jaejoong would set up the Christmas décor, Yunho would be there to help him, especially when decorating the Christmas tree. Yunho would be the one to hang ornaments on the higher part of the Christmas tree, but he’d always let Jaejoong be the one to place the star on top, so he’d lift him up for him to be able to reach it. Yunho’s favorite part of decorating was hanging up the mistletoe because that gave him an excuse to ravish Jaejoong’s lips just for the heck of it.
Yunho hung the small but meaningful piece of decoration on the arc in the hallway. He smiled smugly at himself, calculating how much time he has to wait for Jaejoong to pass by.
As he was thinking on how to go about his plan, Jaejoong finally walked to his direction, and just when Jaejoong was underneath the arc, Yunho stopped him. “Boo, wait.”
“Hm?” Jaejoong tilted his head sidewards in question.
Yunho pointed upward, and Jaejoong followed with his eyes. “Mistletoe.”


Jaejoong blushed and laughed minimally as he waited for Yunho to make a move. Yunho was smiling like an idiot at his cute boyrfriend’s reaction.
Yunho hugged Jaejoong by the waist and pressed their foreheads together. “I love you, Jaejoong-ah.”
“I love you, too, Yunnie.” And with that reply, Yunho finally brought their lips together in a sweet and love-filled kiss.

We go together like the winter and a sweater And he makes me feel, he makes me feel alive inside

It was finally the end of Yunho’s last class. He was walking back to his flat where it’s warm and relaxing. He noticed all the bright colors of the Christmas lights. It was nearing night time, so the shops and some houses already had them . He admired the sight as he walked. He stopped to look through the window of a certain clothing shop. It was filled with couple stuff. The thing that actually caught his attention was a pair of sweaters that looked like they should be worn by couples. He and Jaejoong had couple sweaters too which were personally made by Jaejoong.
On their first Christmas together as a couple, Yunho was arranging the pile of gifts under the Kim’s Christmas tree, so Jaejoong’s nieces and nephews wouldn’t have a hard time looking for their later on. Jaejoong’s sisters already opened theirs, so the mountain of gifts was now only a hill.
The truth is, arranging the gifts was just an excuse, so he could look for Jaejoong’s gift for him. He frowned as he fixed the last of the wrapped up items because he didn’t find Jaejoong’s gift for him. He heard steps come up from behind him. “Yunnie~?”
Yunho stood up and turned around and his frown turned upside down at the sight of his lover. “Joongie-yah~ where have you been? And what are you holding behinf your back?”
“Uhh… I was just…” Jaejoong trailed off and tried to change the subject. “Do you like my sweater?”
“Hmm? Is it new? I’ve never seen it before.” Jaejoong pouted. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“It’s nice.” Yunho chuckled, inwardly fanboying at the sight of his cute lover.
“Just nice?”
“It would look better on your bedroom floor.” Yunho said suggestively.
“Yah! ” Jaejoong hit Yunho’s head which caused Yunho to see what Jaejoong was hiding behind his back. 
“Hmm? What’s that?” Jaejoong’s eyes widened.
“Oh my.”  He tried to hide it, but huffed when he realized that it was futile since Yunho has already seen it. “Well, this is…”
“Hey, they look exactly the same except for the color.” Jaejoong blushed at being caught red handed. “This is my gift to you, Merry Christmas, Yunho-yah.”



Yunho took hold of the sweater and admired it. He noticed that there was no tag anywhere around the sweater.  “Did you make this?”
Jaejoong nodded shyly “Yeah. D-do you like it?”
“No. I love it.”
Yunho was near his flat already. He nearly tripped a few times as he was spacing out on the way. He smiled as he thought of Jaejoong and their Christmas memories. “This is my first Christmas without you.” he mumbled.
“Really?” he heard a familiar voice say. He then suddenly felt a soft and fragile hand hold onto his. He was startled by the contact and halted in his steps. “Uhm, excuse me? Is there something wrong?”
He stared at the person trying to look at his face, but all he could see was a view of a red beanie since the person was looking down. ‘Who is this?’ “Uhm. May I help you with something?”
“Yeah.” the stranger said barely audible that Yunho almost missed it.
“Uhhh… What can I do for you?”
“Take me home.” Yunho was really searching his brain for possibilities. He knew, he knew that voice, but just couldn’t point a finger to whom it belonged to. “Where do you live?”
“With you.”
“Excuse me?” Yunho was utterly confused with how the stranger acted, but he also felt like he was so familiar. He couldn’t bring himself to let go of the other’s hand, afraid that if he detaches his warmth, the other would freeze on the spot.
“Please?” The stranger finally looked up. It started to snow as they looked at each other..

And when I look into his eyes I see the blue and green like Christmas lights Like Christmas lights, oh what a sight

Yunho’s eyes met the strangers’ big, doe, round ones, and then he realized that the stranger wasn’t a stranger after all. “Jaejoong?”
Jaejoong giggled. “Yunho-yah.” He caressed the taller man’s face, admiring his lover’s handsome face.
Yunho couldn’t help but stare at his beautiful lover. His eyes alone could beat the colorful displays of Christmas lights all around the world this Christmas season. Jaejoong’s fair skin was glowing even though the white snow was surrounding them.

He says I've got a way of making everything okay He's not alone, he's not alone and never will be

The two walked hand in hand headed to Yunho’s THEIR flat. It was still slightly snowing, but their entwined hands was more than enough to keep the both of them warm. They walked in comfortable silence, stealing glances from each other.
Yunho took the keys and unlocked the door, he tossed his schoolbag inside and quickly dragged Jaejoong's bags inside as well which earned him a strange look from Jaejoong. He smirked at his lover’s cluelessness, and suddenly, he carried Jaejoong bridal style heading inside. “Yah! Yunnie~ put me down, I’m heavy.”
“No you’re not Joongie-yah~” Yunho’s heart was almost leaping out of his chest. He couldn’t believe that his lover was there with him in New York. He’s been missing home and his lover all this time, but now that Jaejoong’s finally by his side (or more like in his arms, literally) he couldn’t help but feel at home already.
He laid Jaejoong down on the living room couch and hugged him as tight as ever. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.” Yunho hugged him even tighter, afraid that if he let go, he’d suddenly wake up and find out that this was only a dream. “Y-yunho-yah, let go, it’s really hot.”
Yunho finally let Jaejoong go when he remembered that they were still wearing their winter coats.
After taking off their coats and changing into more comfortable clothes, they plopped down on the sofa, Yunho remembered all the questions he wanted to ask Jaejoong. “Boo, why are you here?”
“Don’t you want me to be here?” Jaejoong feigned a hurt expression.
“Aww, Joongie, of course I want you to be here.” Yunho cooed, wrapping his arms around Jaejoong’s waist and nuzzling his head on Jaejoong’s neck.
“I know, I know. It’s just… I missed you so much, and I couldn’t wait to see you. And besides, we always spend Christmas together. It’s just INCOMPLETE without you.” Jaejoong blushed, not used anymore to Yunho staring at him intently for so long. It was slightly embarrassing but he has missed being in such close proximity with Yunho.
Yunho smiled at his boyfriend’s confession and kissed him briefly on the cheek.
Jaejoong let out a meep and blushed furiously.

Ho ho hopefully This holiday will make us believe that We're exactly where we're supposed to be

Yunho knew Jaejoong probably had jetlag from the 15 hour flight from Seoul to New York, but he just couldn’t help but ask him to make dinner. “Boo, I missed your food.”
Jaejoong laughed at Yunho’s childishness. “Neh, arasseo, arasseo, I will cook for my Yunnie even if I’m really tired.”
“Eh~! Jaejoong-ah, don’t make me feel guilty. I just miss home.”

And we're ho ho hoping that we all come back And as a matter of fact I know We're exactly where we're supposed to be

After eating Jaejoong’s home cooked dinner, Yunho washed the dishes as Jaejoong wansered off to explore Yunho’s apartment. He noticed the Christmas tree in the living room and chuckled at the sight of Yunho uncoordinated designing skills. His gaze shifted upward to the top of the tree and noticed that the star was missing.
He noticed the missing piece of décor was actually on the coffee table. He took it and saw that there was a note attached to it. “For my Boo.”
He smiled as he remembered that Yunho would always save the star as the last piece of decoration to be put on the tree, and he’d always make sure that Jaejoong was the one who put it there. “He hasn’t changed.”
Jaejoong was startled when all of a sudden, a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist. “Ah… Yunnie~”
“Let’s complete the decoration now, shall we?” Jaejoong nodded in agreement and reached for the top of the tree which, just like any other year, he couldn’t reach. Yunho lifted Jaejoong up, so he could place the star easily.
After letting go of Jaejoong, Yunho engulfed whined like a child “Boo, I don’t have any mistletoe’s around.”
Jaejoong smiled and replied, “We don’t need one.”
“You still owe me a welcome home kiss, pabo.”
Yunho’s lips formed a wide grin as he realized that it didn’t matter whether they were in New York or in Seoul, as long as Jaejoong was with him, he was at HOME, he was where he belonged to be, he was exactly where he was supposed to be, and that was wherever Jaejoong was.
Yunho took the few steps to close the distance between them and finally gave Jaejoong the kiss they both waited months for.

 Together by this Christmas tree
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Elrhumy #1
Chapter 1: Awwww YunJae... really really beautiful love.. my personal dream of romance *sigh* LOL ignore me haha..
Chapter 1: aigooooooo
so sweet,
yunjae yayy
this is cute!
the pictures make it even better :)
Awwww!!!!! Soo sooo cuteee
I love my yunjae umma and appa!!!
God I liveon yunjae fics haha!!!
Plz keep writing fics like this hehe^^
SHINee4ever5 #5
Love the pictures and the story <3 very sweet and adorable!!!
DecidedFanficLover #6
This is so sweet~<br />
I like the pictures + this is perfect for christmas :D
Erikaoi #7
Oh my this is so sweet.love love love.
Axiela #8
Awwwww.... this is so sweet... And the drawings were so cute! I'm in the mood for an early Christmas now though XD I want a matching sweatshirt with JaeJae too!!!! Yunnie, you're so lucky... You even get his kisses... XD YunJae forever!!!!!<br />
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful little piece! Take care~<br />