
It's soojinnie-3-.

I just wanted to apologize to everyone who had been waiting on this fanfic for idek how long oh my god.

I wanted to let you all know that (I really should have done so earlier) I was so busy with school and now it's over but I have SAT prep school to go to. I'll be a bit more free? because it's summer and I'll really try to update more.


I reread my draft for chapter 2 and I think I need a whole re-do on this entire story because I've been having terrible writer's block.

I think I'm going to have to re-do the first chapter as well.

I'm really sorry for being super late.

I'm doing my storyboard right now so I'll try to update back as soon as possible.

Please don't hate me.

Actually jk you should hate me.

~ soojinnie-3-




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kpop100 #1
Chapter 2: your story sounds interesting.....i see you are re-doing it....well i hope the first chapter will be kind of the same
Kyungsoos_yoghurt #2
Chapter 1: I feel so sorry for Jimin >.< I hope his mother comes back and nothing happens to him either.
I feel worried about Yoongi and Taehyung, too...
Please update soon~! ^^
Chapter 1: Nawww... Poor Jimin... This story seems interesting so far though!! Keep up the work!
Yoonminpus #4
Chapter 1: Omg please update soon
allisonlee21 #5
Chapter 1: wahhhhh plsss update so soon plsss
Chapter 1: OHMYGAWD!!!!