Chapter 3

House Exchange


Going to Seoul alone in winter without knowledge of the streets was really a nightmare for Sungyeol.

After arrived at a bus stop, he had to use a taxi to take him to Sungjong-ssi’s house. But, seemed it was not the luckiest day for him because there were passengers in almost all of the taxis. Yeah, almost, until 20 minutes of waiting and waving at the passing taxis from the side road, there was a kind taxi driver that didn’t ignore him. Kind, but a little bit clueless.

“Can you take me to here?” Sungyeol gave a paper to the taxi driver.

“I’m sorry, but I’m new here, and I barely knew Seoul." The taxi driver said while gave Sungyeol a nervous smile.

“Oh my God!”

This was gonna be a long tired day for him.


“, I’m lost!” Sungjong bang his head to his car’s steer-wheel.

Sungjong threw the map that he held to the seat beside him. He cursed himself for not able to read maps at all.

Sungjong sighed. “I thought reading a map will be as easy as reading a recipe book. Gosh, what should I do now?”

Sungjong scanned his surrounding to search any people around. He found 2 boys sitting on a bench. But they were making out! Of course Sungjong didn’t want to be an annoying for the couple.

He continued his scanning and found a middle-aged woman, walking on the street, alone, lifting 2 big bags, in this cold winter. Oh no, it was not a really good scene for his eyes.

So, Sungjong got out from his car and approached the woman.

“Excuse me.” Sungjong said to the woman.

The woman looked up.

Sungjong continued. “Err…, it’s really cold out here. So, well, yeah, I can take you to your place if you want.”

A smile appeared on the woman’s face. “Really? Thank you! I’m so tired lifting up these bags!”

“You are welcome, ma’am! But, do you know this street?” Sungjong gave the address to the woman.

The woman’s eyes widen. “Oh, isn’t this Sungyeol’s house? Of course I knew it!”

“You knew? Can you show me the way to there?” Sungjong asked excitedly.

“Of course, dear!”


After several wrong streets and wrong turns, Sungyeol finally arrived at Sungjong-ssi’s house. He swears he would never use the taxi with that Kikwang (that driver told him his name, although Sungyeol didn’t asked, he didn’t even want to know anyway) as the driver again.

Sungyeol took the key under the mat (Sungjong had told him that he put the key there) and unlocked the door.

He was surprised to see the interior of the house. It was so elegant and modern, very opposite to his house in Busan.

“Woah, this is so great! I think I will be comfortable here.”

Then, he explored the house more, one room that really amazed him was the kitchen. Sungjong has many kitchen properties. Unlike him, he doesn’t have many kitchen properties. Well, he barely touched them anyway.

‘It looks like Sungjong-ssi really likes to cook. I think he can be a chef in Hoya-hyung’s restaurant.’ Sungyeol thought.


“Oh God, finally!”

Sungjong leaned his body to the wall. His feet were so tired after 5 hours driving nonstop. Then, he quickly searched the key under the mat (Sungyeol-ssi has told him that he will put the key under the mat too) and unlocked the door.

Sungjong observed the house. Sungyeol’s house is not as big as his house, but it’s not too small either. But what he likes the most is this house has a comfy-feeling. It’s really good for someone who wants to relax and stay away from a busy city like Seoul.

Then, he wandered around the house.

Sungjong frowned when he checked the kitchen.  Kitchen is his favorite place among all of the places in the world. Cooking is his escape when he felt depressed. But, this kitchen was barely empty. How could he cook just only with these things?

‘Tch, this Sungyeol-ssi is really similar to Myungsoo!' Sungjong thought.


A/N: I knew Busan is the second metropolitan city in South Korea. But in my story, just imagined Busan is a not-too-big and peaceful village. I used Seoul and Busan because they were the only regions in South Korea that I knew. Anyway, did you guys notice my ultimate favorite group is Beast? Just want to tell you guys that probably all of Beast's members will make an appearance here! XD

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Ariam82 #1
Authornim please write a new MyungYeol fan-fic story they are my fave please.......
Chapter 29: Awww, I loved it <3
And I really enjoyed Beast's presence! DooJoon as ert ajjushi killed me xD His boyfried was YoSeob, right?<3
Myinahla #3
Chapter 29: I already read this and now that I'm reading this again, I realize that I haven't commented... I'm sorry :/

Well ! I immediately though of the movie The Holiday and as I loved it, and I love MyungYeol, I decided to read it ;)
I really liked it even though, to be completely honest with you, I think all the relationship were kinda rushed. Hope that what I just said did not hurt you :/

I even liked HoJong in your fic :D

Thanks for your hardwork ^^
Chapter 29: I love it (: It's really good :D
Omg I love this story!
The ending is shooo sweet :">
Great job, author-sshi ! <3 :)
casi39 #7
I love it!!! Thank you for this amazing story^^
rain_sound #8
ohh.. Mianhe! I didn't read chapter 28! Silly me! This story is great! I love it! Thanks author-sshi xD