Page 5

Because destiny brought us together

It was Saturday - an off day for Lisa.


But that could not mean she will sleep until the sun is directly above one's head. It was 7 o'clock in the morning and she was already on the trackmill in the gym located on the first floor. 


She kept herself fit through exercise occasionally as she could not bear to starve herself. For her, eat whatever you want while you can. Because who knows, in the future when you get old and have illness, you will regret that you did not eat that damn cookie dough ice cream while you were younger.


Fit does not mean one needs to weigh below 50 kg. For her, fit is, when you look at the mirror and you feel satisfied with yourself and you feel healthy. 


The most important thing is you need to love yourself first before worrying about the judgement of other people. You don't live to satisfy others. 


After 30 minutes of running, she slowed down the machine and eventually stopped walking. She took three deep breathes. She grabbed the towel that was hanging on the machine's right handle and wiped her sweats. She then walked out of the gym and got on the elevator. 


She went straight to the kitchen when she arrived at her unit. She took out a bottle of orange juice from the fridge before poured it in a glass. After finishing up the juice, she took out a pan, butter, milk and two eggs. She cracked the eggs open before poured milk into the bowl in the ratio of 2:1. After the pan was hot enough, she melted some butter and pour the egg-milk mixture. After some minutes, her scrambled eggs were ready to eat. She grabbed the plate and a plastic of bread and put them on a coffee table in front of the tv.


She always had her meals in front of the tv. This is how a single person live her life. 


When she was switching through the channels to find something fun to watch, there was Star King showing. She was not a fan of the show but she decided to watch it after she saw Jackson was on it. He was trying taekwondo flying kick or something. Kang hodong was asking him to high kick for 10 times. He tried to do it but then he fell on his tenth kick. His face was all red but he kept on saying he was fine before sat down at his chair. 


"This guy needs to stop going on tiring shows like this. People keep on asking him to do this and that. What were they thinking? He's a robot or something?  He needs to learn how to rest." There you have it. A mother instinct came out again from Lisa.


Ring ring! Ring ring!


Her handphone classic ringtone went off. Lisa jumped out from her seat and ran into her bedroom to take her phone on the dressing table. 


Seunghoon manager.


"Hello, Seunghoon oppa." Lisa greeted after she answered the call.


"Ouh hi Lisa. I called you for a great news!" 


"Really? What is it?" Her heart was beating faster. She put her right hand on her chest hoping that could calm herself down. 


"JYP heard your audio file and asked me to call you. He asked you to come over to the HQ building to meet him. I guess that means a YES!" She could hear the excitement from the manager's voice.


"Ouh my. Really?! I never thought the answer gonna be this fast! When should i go there?" She sat down at the edge of her bed as she did not have enough power to stand on her legs. That was too much to absorb into her brain.


"You can come at 10 am. Call me when you arrived. I will come out to the entrance to take you to the office. Ouh! And the boys asked me to tell you congrats!"


"Alright then. Please say thanks to the boys. This could not happen without them." 


"Okay. See you later then." 


She said bye and ended the call.


'What just happened just now?' Her mind went blank. 


'Am i really gonna be a singer? Out of a sudden? Omg.'




Time passed by as Lisa kept on worrying of what outfit she should wear to meet JYP. After trying on several outfits on, trying to mix and match, finally she was satisfied. She looked at the mirror and smiled at her final result.


'Not too formal, not too casual. Just right.'


White shirt, grey cardigan, black skinny jeans. She went to the accessories shelf and took out her lucky charm. It was a gold necklace with a star pendant. It was something she cherished the most. Her mom gave it her since she was little. Somehow, she believed that the necklace was one of the reason why she became who she is now.


She walked out from the walk-in wardrobe and glanced to the clock hanging on the wall of her bedroom. 30 minutes to 10. She better be hurry. She quickly took her handbag and a pair of pump shoes and went straight out of the building.


She took a bus to the JYP building in Cheondamdong. She was right on time. She reached for her phone in her handbag and dialled for Seunghoon Manager. After she told him about her arrival, she waited a few seconds before Seunghoon Manager opened the tinted glass door. Seunghoon brought her to the sixth floor of the building which was JYP's office.


"Ouh you came?" JYP stood from his seat and patted Seunghoon's shoulder and shook Lisa's hand.


Seunghoon went out from the office after they had a little talk.


"So Lisa, right? Your name?" Lisa nodded her head as they took their seats face to face.


"Jackson sent me something that I could not even imagine happening to me right now. If you don't mind, can you sing a bit? I need to hear it live." JYP talked like a father. The tone he used was very delicate. Like he was careful not to scared a little kid.


Lisa adjusted her vocal chord and sang the same part of the song from yesterday. As she ended her singing, JYP clapped his hands.


"When I hear your voice, there is nothing for me to change. Everything is on point. Your techniques are great, the way you breathe. You can sing in low voice and high voice which are perfect. So now, real talk. I heard that you are working in a bank. Yes?"


Lisa felt her hands were sweating. She wiped her hands on her jeans. Her heart was beating nervously. "Em yes. I am."


"That is the only problem here if you want to become a JYP artist. You cannot have 2 jobs at the same time. The law doesn't allow that to happen. Will you willing to let go of your job to join us?" JYP took off his glasses and put in on the table.


"This is something that I have never thought I'm gonna be. Everything is just too sudden. But I am sure that I really love singing and I enjoy to be on stage."


Lisa was unsure with this. Was she really going to let go of her successful career? She still has a long way to go. Those years she spent studying like hell just to finish her degree. All those efforts will then turn into a trash.


"You can have your time to think of your decision. But to let you know, we really need you in this company. And I have laid some plans for you right after I heard your voice. So you don't have to worry. You will not be a trainee. You will straight be an artist after you sign the contract. You are a special case here."


Lisa was shocked when she was hearing that. She touched her pendant. 'What is this, mom? Is this some kind of miracle?'


"JYP PD-nim, if that's the case, I am willing to sign up in JYPE."


"Great! No time wasted. I will have the contracts ready by tomorrow. So you can come here again around this time tomorrow. You also will need to quit your job at the bank. Just hand in your resignation letter and that would be enough."


JYP stood up followed by Lisa and they shook their hands. Lisa said thank you and goodbye as she walked out from the office. To her surprise, the whole members of GOT7 were waiting for her outside. They quickly ran to her when they noticed her was walking out from the office.


"How was it?"


"Did he said okay?"


"Will you be JYPE artist?"


They were anxious. Lisa held her laughter as she found that situation was unbelievable. It was funny that these kids were really wanted to know about her and that caring for her.


Lisa sighed and made a sad face. She shook her head before looked down to the floor.


"What? He said no?"


"But then why would he call to meet you if he doesn't want to accept you?"


"It's okay. At least you've tried."


The boys patted on her shoulder as they showed that they were also disappointed to hear that from her. Lisa could not stand it anymore.


"HAHAHAHAH!" Lisa laughed out loud while holding her stomach.


"What is this? Why are you laughing?" JB asked her as all the members were glancing to one another trying to figure what was happening.


"You guys need to watch your faces. They were so funny. Why do you even sad when the one who is failing is me?" Lisa tried to continue with her acting.


"Well, we were the one that pushed you to sing. So, somehow we felt guilty for it." Jinyoung said while looking at her.


"Okay. Okay. Stop it. I can stand it no more. I was just joking just now. I got accepted into JYP. And not as a trainee, but as an artist!" She held up her arms as a sign of victory.


"Aih what is this? Noona why are joking about this?" Yugyeom said as he let out a sigh.


Some of them had 'are you joking right now plus a fed up' face while Mark and JB were clapping their hands and screamed in joy. They congratulated and high-fived her.


"We already ordered our lunch and planned to eat at the rest room. You want to join? Plus we can celebrate on your debut news." Jackson asked Lisa.


"Wait. You guys want to eat in the toilet?" Lisa could not understand him. 'Why would they want to eat in a toilet?'


Everyone laughed. Some of them are even rolling on the floor.


"No. It is a room that is used to rest. Not the toilet. But we used the room to eat usually." Mark explained to Lisa while wiping his tears and fanning his red face.


Lisa mouthed an 'Oh' and scratched her head as she felt like she was embarrassing herself. 'I should just said yes.'


"Sure. I don't have any plans for today." She let out a small laugh, trying to calm herself down.


"Alright then. Let's go!" Youngjae said as the maknae line ran to the elevator.


As she was walking to the elevator, she felt someone patted her shoulder slowly twice. She looked up and saw Mark smiling at her.


Her heart skipped a beat.

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Juliahamy #1
Chapter 8: Please update soon,i really like your Story :)