All Before 9 AM

All Before 9 AM

Just because Jongdae didn’t tell him he could, didn’t mean he couldn’t, Baekhyun reasoned, going through the other’s luggage in search of some decent airport wear for their flight later that day.  He couldn’t find any of his own clothes - too lazy to look in any of the six piles of shirts littering his room, or go back through the two suitcases he had already packed, ready to go. He and Jongdae were the same size anyway and it wasn’t like it was uncommon for them to share clothes. Jongdae always asked first and Jongdae always gave back what he borrowed.

Several shirts and fourteen sweaters later, Baekhyun finally found what he wanted - Jongdae’s “breakfast” sweater. It was navy blue with a white stripe on each sleeve and some English lettering on the front Baekhyun never bothered to learn the meaning of. He wanted something to match his blue earbuds today.

After Baekhyun’s search storm, Jongdae’s room was now a splitting image of Baekhyun’s own, clothes scattered from wall to wall, barely leaving any room to walk. But he’d  come back and clean the mess up eventually.

Baekhyun inspected his reflection in the hallway mirror, bottom lip hanging out slightly as his fingers fluffed the tips of his hair, fully concentrated in his preening. Stepping back, tilting his head and batting his eyelashes. Baekhyun let out a smile of satisfaction. Yeah, he was definitely cute as hell. His eyes wandered over the sweater, tugging at the collar and adjusting the sleeves to slip over his small hands so that only tips of his fingers peeked out from beneath the material. He had to admit, he enjoyed wearing Jongdae’s clothes out in public, even if he was the only one aware of it. With the turn of his heel, Baekhyun left his stunning reflection in search of his best friend.

He found Jongdae sprawled across their couch, the couch that had suffered through much wear and tear under the roof of nine guys living together. Jongdae’s glazed eyes were focused on his phone, tapping away at the small screen, paying no attention to his new company. Baekhyun sauntered up to the couch stopping right in front of Jongdae.

“Jongdae,” he asks, hands on his hips, “How do I look?”

“With your eyes, Baek,” Jongdae replies, not once breaking his eyes from the screen, continuing whatever it was he had been doing before.

In an instant Jongdae went from lying on the couch to lying face down on the ground, phone landing somewhere under the coffee table with a soft thud, limbs sticking out in every direction. He was laughing despite his position, thoroughly amused with the reaction he managed to pull from Baekhyun.

Baekhyun, however, wasn’t as amused.

“You’re not funny Jongdae. You keep trying but you’re not funny .” Baekhyun whines, stepping on Jongdae’s for emphasis.

That was a lie, his joke had actually been really funny. Jongdae was probably the funniest guy Baekhyun knew. Sometimes he could be pretty witty, but like any good friend, Baekhyun acknowledged the successful joke by swiftly kicking his friend off the couch and onto the floor.  

Jongdae’s laughing continued as he pushed himself off the floor, returning to his place on the couch. His stupid grin was plastered right across his perfect face and Baekhyun felt both rage and affection for the guy who just insulted him.

Jongdae looked up at Baekhyun, smile fading.

“That’s my sweater.“

Baekhyun looked down at the sweater he was wearing, playing with the hem of his shirt.

“We share clothes all the time Jongdae.”

“Those are my pants too .”

“No they’re not.”

“Yeah, they are ”

“No,they are mine.”

“Where did you get them?”


Jongdae rolled his eyes at Baekhyun’s lack of response before crossing his arms and glaring up accusingly.

“Don’t tell me you’re also wearing my boxers because that’s gross ”

Baekhyun turned around, waving his in Jongdae’s face and smirking over his shoulder. He pursues his lips and tries to give the most over dramatic wink he can muster.

“You’re welcome to check if you want.”

Jongdae double takes, making a noise that could be filed under somewhere between laughing and coughing.

“I think I’m going to pass this time Baekhyun.” He manages to reply after composing himself enough to speak. Jongdae reaches to grab his phone off the floor before standing up and sighing in defeat. Taking a quick glance at the time, Jongdae heads towards the hallway towards their rooms, leaving Baekhyun alone in the living room.

Baekhyun flops down on the couch, lying in a position similar to the one he first found Jongdae in, pulling out his phone and opening the flight schedule. He hears the door to Jongdae’s room shut, followed by Jongdae’s loud whiny voice screaming Baekhyun’s name for the whole neighborhood to hear.

Maybe he should have cleaned up his mess before Jongdae went to change.

He hears another door squeak open and creak shut, then another one of Jongdae’s disgruntled groans echo through the hallway.

He really should have cleaned up his mess before Jongdae went to change.

Oh well, too late now.

Half an hour later, a smug Jongdae reappears and Baekhyun adjusts to make room for him on the couch. Jongdae fits himself snuggly between Baekhyun and the arm rest, their sides pressed together. He’s wearing Baekhyun’s grey sweater with the black leather stripes down the sleeves. It’s a little too big on him seeing as Jongdae’s hips are narrower and don’t have the same sweater perfect hips like Baekhyun prides himself for.  Jongdae’s matched it with a pair of Baekhyun’s jeans that God knows where he found in the mounds of clothing scattered throughout the tiny room.

“Don’t worry, the boxers are mine. You can check if you want,” Jongdae mocks, sticking his tongue out.

A wicked smile plays over Baekhyun’s lips as he leans over, hooking his finger into the waistband of Jongdae’s (well technically Baekhyun’s) jeans, and gives them a slight tug revealing the fabric underneath. Sure enough, the boxers were the pale pink ones Sehun got Jongdae for his birthday last year. Definitely not Baekhyun’s.

Jongdae fiercely swats Baekhyun’s hand away, but he’s anything but angry judging by the way his eyes crinkle at the edges and the corners of his lips tug upwards in the way Baekhyun has become accustomed to. Jongdae closes his eyes and leans his head on Baekhyun’s shoulder, like it was the most natural thing in the world (which to. Baekhyun it really was.) They sit together in silence, each simply appreciating the others  presence. Jongdae speaks first.

“Baekhyun, you know I hate you right?”

Baekhyun can’t help the grin that dances across his face.

“Love you too Jongdae.”


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this is freaking cute
Chapter 1: bless these two idiots