January 26, 9826

The Diary

I, Taemin, is part of a rare human species. We are like everybody else but we posses a power that no other have. We are the Seraphims. The highest angel in heaven and Earth. My powers enable me to read minds, pull out people's secret desires, and whatever I draw or write, when I sign my name afterwards, will happen. The king of heaven, Onew, and the king of Earth, Donghae, were close allies until that incident. Donghae stole the celestial staff that broke the seal that kept evil away. Chaos possessed Donghae and he became a mad king. He raged war against Heaven. Onew would never let me fight and kill those "germs" because I am his prized angel. I know that I had to do. I flew down to Earth carrying the Serastine, a crystal that can get rid of anything. I was face to face with the prince of Earth, Minho, and his best friend Jonghyun. I pulled out my stone. "HER WHISPER IS THE LUCIFER!!!!" I yelled. The stone shone bright and after a while Earth became what it was before. I knew that using up all my powers were going to kill me. Kibum, my best friend, if you find this, just know that I love you. Tell that to Onew too. This is the first and last entry in the diary as all the"germs" are gone and I approach my last minute. I love you...

                                                                Yours Truly,




And with that Kibum closed the diary as a tear rolled down his cheek. "He really is gone," Kibum said. Onew nodded. Kibum never saw his best friend again...


How did you guys like it? It's just a short little story. Just some fun. ahha. Be sure to check out my other stories








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Such a sad story...
Oh...so sad...