I Miss You...


Jinyoung sat on the edge of the bed, tears welding in his eyes. Holding a picture tightly in his fingers, tears falling from his cheeks, the soft blush mixing with the broken tears. He hates when he feels this way. He sobs broken sobs over the man with him in the picture. Im Jaebum...


His best friend, his hyung, his lover. Something that'll never change. Yet, they did. He started to slowly pull away from the younger. Growing more cold and shielded. His emotions would no longer show. "How could you abandon me? All broken and used..." His love for the older was now unrequited.


His love was for a new girl. When Jinyoung saw her, he had to admit she was beautiful. He couldn't deny his heart ache much more. "I'm sorry for the sake of us..." he whispers more to himself than anyone else. He's alone, and he knows this.





Im Jaebum couldn't help but think back to his younger lover. How much he made him smile and laugh, but he's gone now. Jiyeon taking his place. Who would've thought that he would return to his ex after all these years. He, much to everyone's surprise, was alone.


He and Jiyeon decided to go out with a couple of friends. Was it worth it, Jaebum would've told you no. Going out meant drinking, and drinking led to reminiscing, which always led to something bad.


Jaebum sat in the Booth taking shots of Cognac and Hennessey, not mixed. Just separate. The burn of the alcohol just fueled his mind to consume more. Jiyeon went to go dance and hadn't returned, not that Jaebum cared. He was too busy trying to drink his sorrow and pain away.


His mind went to Jinyoung, it seems to always go back to him. His eye smile, his soft skin, his kind heart...



Jaebum looked through his phone looking for that familiar number. Despite his intoxicated state, he remembered that he deleted his number. But he knew it by heart. He stared at the text messages between his old beloved. Jaebum never had the heart to even delete the messages. He knew he shouldn't but he had to hear his voice.



"Jaebum?" He didn't answer when Jinyoung asked.

"Are you okay?" Jinyoung asked with worry in his voice.


"I'm guessing she's not there..." Jinyoung muttered.

"I miss you..." Jaebum finally responded. He shouldn't of said that.

"Jaebum, where are you?" Jinyoung ignored him, he had to, this wasn't something he could deal with.

"Don't you miss me too?"


"Did you really forget about us?"



"Where are you?" Jinyoung tried again. He was worried, but it's not like he can help it...




















"Out where?"

"Having fun..." Jaebum laughed bitterly.

"Are you drunk right now?" Jinyoung knew it, Jaebum only gets like this when he's under the influence...

"She's not with you, is she?" Jaebum fired back.


"You know who, Jinyoung..."








He paused, hesitating.

Jinyoung knew where Jaebum was getting at.

"I know she's not, cause you answered." Jaebum says nonchalant. Jinyoung bites his tongue, Jaebum knew him too well to fight back.

"What do you want, Jaebum?"

" her man..." Jaebum seethed, irritated. Suzy was always there to steal Jinyoung from him.

"She's not who you think about, I know." Jaebum snarls.

"Jaebum, stop."

"No, that girl that you think your in love with. I know you still think about me. She's not who made you feel special."

"But your the one who hurt me!" Jinyoung fired. Jaebum knew he was right. Jaebum broke Jinyoung's heart.

"I know you still think about me, I...I can't stop thinking bout you..." Jaebum trailed off.



He ran his fingers through his hair as he sighed. Suzy was there when Jaebum wasn't and that was his mistake. She took advantage of the situation and made her move.


"She's not even with me anymore." Jinyoung reasons, him and Suzy were a thing but it just didn't feel right.


She wasn't the one he wanted. That made his heart beat crazily. That would whisper how Beautiful and pretty Jinyoung was. How, with one touch, all the pain would go away.

"Jinyoung, do you miss us?" Jaebum asks, he has to. He can't let go.


"Do you miss me?" He asked cautiously.


"I still want you..." Jaebum knew it was the alcohol was speaking but he wouldn't dare say it's a lie. Jiyeon doesn't spark him like Jinyoung...

"Jaebum, you have Jiyeon. You don't need me-"

"She's not who I want."


"I need you..." Jaebum whispered. "I need you so bad. " Jaebum knew he only had one shot he needed to take it. "Can you just... just listen. I'm not where I should be. There's too much alcohol in my system. Too many bottles. And I can't seem to stop..." Jaebum was losing it. Breaking down to the core.


Vulnerability was not something he likes showing. "I don't understand anything that's happening. I just..."


Jinyoung's heart broke as he listened, he could the sadness in his voice. The want, the need. But he didn't want to risk getting hurt again. He couldn't...


"Jaebum, I'm sorry I-I don't know what to say."

"Jinyoung, I need you here."

"But, you've hurt me once I-"

"I love you..." Jaebum said, and he meant it. It was true as the more he buried himself in bottles he realized he doesn't love Jiyeon. He was just... Pathetic...



"Where are you?" Junyoung cracked, he still loved Jaebum and hearing that just broke him.





























As Jaebum got in the car, Jinyoung held him tight. Inhaling his familiar scent. "Jinyoungie... " Jaebum whispered. Both clutching on each other like if they let go. They'll slip away forever.


After what felt like a life time They finally let go. Jinyoung decided to analyze the situation. He couldn't help but stare at how Jaebum changed. His appearance made him look so... rugged, rough, and built. His features are more defined and Jinyoung couldn't help but gawk.


"How have you been?" Jaebum asked, his gaze down to the gear shift. He was waiting for the moment to fully recover in this situation, he missed Jinyoung too much and if he's not careful he could, no would do something he knew he wouldn't turn back from. The mere thought of his Jinyoungie here just made him feel more sober, less out of control, less...




"I've been... alive." Jinyoung manages, in all honesty, this is the only moment where he feels better. He would say.


"I can understand..." Jaebum states, and his mind is growing frantic, he has to look up. Which he does and he gasp at the sight. The younger was wearing a Lace shirt with a tank underneath with nice black jeans that seemed to show off Jinyoung in all the right places and he felt h like he was going to lose control. 








"C-Can I touch you?" Jaebum asks with so much uncertainty and insecurity. Love always did this. Jinyoung has so much on him, The latter stages into his eyes and Jaebum got all the confirmation he needed. 


He started slow, hesitant as if they were s trying this new unexplored area that neither of them knew what to do. His fingers went to the back of his neck and they slowly let their lips touch. Soft and sweet just like how Jaebum remembered it, not that he forgotten. 


"I... love you too, Im Jaebum..."


Jaebum will always love Jinyoung, no matter what happens. He'll always miss him and no one can replace him..


"I missed you..."

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Pingpongko #1
Chapter 1: I love it
Chapter 1: I love this fic..so happy they are ended together again..
Seoulqueenka #3
Chapter 1: I'm happy JJP got back together!!!!!!!
Leena-shi #4
Chapter 1: I read the prequel first and that was good because i understood it well :D but this needs a sequel please don't finish the story like this >_<
2ndxlee18 #5
Chapter 1: I like it <3
Chapter 1: MORE pleaseeee
Chapter 1: Hi there! Thank you for sharing this! I love this! I do got my hopes up thinking there will be, um, , coughs. Hahaha I'm encouraging you to write more. :3 xoxo

minhhaunguyenlam #8
Though I want JJP for a couple, it's still unfair for Jinyoung in this fic. Jaebum didn't depict any reasons why he left Jinyoung.