Chapter 14

When a straight girl fall in love with a gay.

Amber POV


 Almost one month and half I stay at this school. And im getting along with everyone and even they don’t care if im a gay or not. Haha and me with my roommate? Urm I think we fine and talked when we need. I do remember when the day she took care of me. I just make her think that my injury because of her haha. Urm well she’s nice. I do remember how she really don’t want me move to much even go to my class. She took care of my breakfat, lunch and dinner. i do remember when she really scared when i need to changed my bandages. her face is really looked very innocent or when im just want to by pretend that my head hurts, she hurriedly go buy me all medicine for head with different brands. to be honest, im not the type who really enjoy if someone took care of me, but when with her i think that i feel warm and comfort and I do really looked like her boyfriend right? Oh talked about her boyfriend, I think they broke up already because there was a time I saw they fight and shouting to each other and what I heard krystal said is “we are over” and I don’t know why they broke up.


But I think she’s fine right? Suddenly I smile by my ownself and someone tapped my shoulder “ yo bro, why did you smile like a crazy people ? or you do have someone in your mind? Come on tell me tell me” minho ask me like a child ask her mother a candy. Ahaha “ it’s nothing minho, I just thinking of something not important” I smiled at him. “anyway I heard just now your roommate is single right now. so why don’t you try her bro?” see I knew it krystal and her boyfriend already broke up. Why he ask me that idiot request?


“well you know that im gay right minho? Anyway where’s the others?” minho suddenly just smirked at me. “heh like I don’t know huh? You aren’t gay right? You like her llama. I know the way you looked at her. And your past? I think you just admire that guy only not like you really love him. Am I right?” what is he try to talked about? I don’t like her. There’s no way I can like her. Without answer his question I just left to my room. on my way back to room, suddenly someone pulled my hand and pushed me hard to a janitor room. someone punch my face and hit me very hard. i cant fight him back,i think that im bleeding too much. when i looked weak he release me, urgh finally."i know youre the reason why im in a messed. you gay boy." 



Krystal POV


I think that me and amber are fine. Since the accident, I think I should be nice at him until there’s a time my boyfriend suho opss sorry his not mine anymore, I mean my ex boyfriend feel jealous with the way I treated amber and I cant stand with him first, at his cocky attitude, I don’t know why his changed from polite and charming suho into rude and cocky suho haih and second because he cheated on me with other girl. I do remember when that time after I give amber his medicine, suho just barged in and ask me to talked outside. He mad and angry at me for treat amber more special than him.


 I cant stand it, we just shout and my final words is “we are over”. Im think its hard to forget but nevermind im strong enough right? Haha. Suho keep calling and text me to forgive and ask to getback but I just ignored it. Suddenly luna unnie call my name. “krystal ah, are you okay?” she looked so concern maybe because of me and suho. “ah im fine unnie. Don’t worry okay?” she just nodded and sulli ask me “well how about you and your gay roommate?” I looked at her, but she just smirked at me


“krystal I know you do have a feelings at him. The way you treated him when the accident. I know youre worried too much at him” I feel blurr right now “eh ssul, I cant be nice at friends at all?? What do you mean by I do have a feelings for him?” she just smile and chuckle. “haha nevermind krys, one day you will know.” What’s wrong with them. I think I should go to my cheer practise right now. I stood up and just left them without looked at them. Hmm what is going on right now? why i cant be so caring to someone. before i cant walk away luna unnie said "well youre not the type who is really concern to stranger the most important is to boys." ah no wonder they think like that. and me myself also dont know why i be like that to amber. hmm i should go now.




hey guys another update ^^ enjoy

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prometheus38 #1
Pls update your story the plot is so interesting
nadzira #2
Author nim plaese update ur story
mareza4 #3
Chapter 25: author ssi when u back i'm miss u story kekeke
123123123123 #4
Chapter 25: the naughty am (smirk)
jasonds #5
Chapter 25: so short author nimmmmm
Sina_neiyz #6
Chapter 25: Next plssss n thanks
11 streak #7
Chapter 25: Can't blame liu here...soojung is irresistable..teacher going in student's room...oh please jung...hhhaha!
Tikaa_25 #8
Chapter 22: You make a interested story buddy
. I hope you will write a next chap.
Sina_neiyz #9
Chapter 24: Thanks and next please
abelirisp #10
Chapter 24: Kryber pls