
진정 난 몰랐네 (Really I Didn't Know)


The next morning, I reluctantly woke up at the sound of the piercing alarm. Turning it off, I threw the covers off my body and swung my legs over to the side of the bed.

Lets face it, I was confused. Last night, Chanyeol made me feel...happy? He gave me feelings that I've never felt before. Just with a flash of his smile, he made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. No. These weren't just any butterflies. They had beautiful patterns on their wings and with every encounter with He who shall not be named (not Voldemort...ew), they flew gracefully and brushed against the pits of my stomach. Putting these thoughts aside, I pulled myself up from the comfy matress when heard a ping from my phone.

Hani: Yah! I'm gonna drop by your house in a while so we can walk to school together okay? So get your arse up from your pillow and get ready.

I chuckled at her message and began to reply.

Me: Urgh but I'm so comfy right now. Anything for you bestie (sarcastic emoji)!

Hani: I mean it! I need to tell you something so hurry up.

Me: Fine, chill yourself.

As I sent her the last message, I locked my phone and made my way to my bedroom door. My dad had fitted a mirror onto my bedroom door a few months ago after I told him about my eating disorder. He told me that I was beautiful and that I should look at this mirror everyday to remind myself. He said I had the same eyes as my mother that made him smile. Whenever he smiled, his eyes resembled a cresent and twinkled.

I tucked my hair behind my ear and walked over to the toilet. Thats when I realised the door was locked.

"Yah Minjoon! Open the damn door" I shouted as I banged on the door, "You better come out when I get to 3"


I heard frantic shuffling.


I heard the sound of his feet running towards the door.


The door flung open with a bang as he stood there panting. "You better be lucky you're my little brother otherwise I would have slapped you to next week.





Opening the door, a girl was leaning on the rails that led up to my door.

"Well that took you a good...30 minutes" she said as she mockingly looked her imaginary watch. She smiled as she ran over to hug me.

"I NEED to tell you about the rumours going around school. Apparently, Chanyeol broke up with Bora yesterday. At the end of class, someone saw her crying alone on the bench outside the school. She didn't wait for Chanyeol like she always does and just left. Crazy, huh?" Hani blurted.

For the time being, I shouldn't really tell anyone that Chanyeol is in hospital. I should keep my mouth shut.

"Really?! Wow, I never thought that would happen. They seem inseparable." I muttered

Hani hummed in reply. She linked her arm with mine and we made our way to school...also known as the fiery pits of hell. But with Hani by my side, I knew I could endure it this time.













All over school, the rumours became stronger when everyone slowly realised that both Chanyeol and Bora were absent from school. I'm pretty sure I wrote gibberish in geography class after failing to concentrate on writing about how rivers flood and its impact on settlements around the area. The girls at the back of the class giggled and muttered saying-

"Omg did you hear about Chanyeol? He's free and available!"

"If they dated any longer, I would have punched Bora. She doesn't deserve Chanyeol after breaking his poor heart."

"If I was his girlfriend, I would never make him sad...if you know what I mean" they said before breaking down into a fit of giggles.

If I got a penny everytime I scoffed at their comments, I would be living the rich life and own 5 Rolls Royces. 

After class ended, I huffed and combed my fingers through my hair. That was the longest hour in my life. I collected my books and walked to my locker. Midway through entering the combination into my locker, I was stopped by a familiar voice. A voice that was similar to fingernails screeching on a chalkboard.


"Heeeyyyyyy Yoonmi! Having fun there? Do you need me to help you out?" Baekhyun teased. His regular smirk had spread across his face that made me all kinds of annoyed. Even his existence was annoying.

"Can you please off Baekhyun before I start clawing at your face?" I said in my most monotone voice.

"Woah there tiger! Are you on edge because your beloved Chan is away today and you can't bear to not see his face at least once a day?" Baekhyun said, leaning his head on the lockers beside mine and crossing his arms. Instead of giving him the reaction he wants and embarrassing myself any further, I turned around and left.













After lying around in my bed reading fanfics (my guilty pleasure), I decided to visit Chanyeol at the hospital. I knew it was going to be awkward, but I had to visit him to check if he was doing well. You know..as a good citizen. Totally not because I like him or something. When I got to his room, I hestitantly slid the door open to find a shirtless Chanyeol sleeping. But there was one thing that made my heart sink. There was a girl lying her head on his chest. Judging by her hair, I knew it was the same person I saw last night. However, I knew it wasn't his mum. Maybe it was because it was dark last night but it definately didn't look like his mum. It looked like Bora. Her hand was gently caressing his cheek. I decided to stand there for a little while more, just to confirm my thoughts.

Did they break up? 

It certainly doesn't look like they broke up...

She looks like they didn't even fight...

Why was Bora crying on that bench?


Whilst in the midst of my thoughts, I saw that Chanyeol had woken up. He looked startled, as if he had never known that Bora had come to visit him. He thanked her for looking over him through the night. For a second, Bora looked confused. He pushed her hands away and turned to look the other way. Unfortunately, he looked my way. Great going Yoonmi. Now you look like a stalker.

His eyes widened and his face looked almost apologetic. 

I looked down at my hands. I was holding two bags of fruits and other items to help Chanyeol recover. I decided to put the bags down onto the floor and go to the bathroom. As I was washing my hands, I looked up at the mirror.

"I bet l looked like a loser. I don't know whether to leave or to stay since Bora is there. But...why did he thank her for staying the night. She had only come at the early morning when I had stayed with him through the night." I sighed, "Why do I feel so hurt?". After one quick look in the mirror to check my hair, I left the bathroom and went to Chanyeol's room. Bora was no longer there and her bags were gone. I approached Chanyeol, who was laying down with his back to the door.

"So she stayed all night huh?" I asked him

"...uh. Yeah. She did. Why do you ask?" He replied. His big brown eyes squinted and his face scrunched up as he moved into a more comfortable position. Now he was facing me, giving me his undivided attention.

"Well. Ermm. Its just that there are rumours going around school that you broke up with Bora. I couldn't even focus in class without hearing girl giggling and saying that they finally have a chance. They seriously need to stfu." I huff as I comb my fingers through my hair, pushing my bangs out the way.

"Sounds like someone's angry." Chanyeol teased, flashing a smirk.

"Don't even start. Oh, right. I brought you some stuff." I said as I pulled the bags I brought with me earlier. "I brought a Rubix Cube, to pass the time. I brought spare pyjamas, cuz...hospital robes are just ew. I brought some fruits and fried chicken, cuz...hospital food is just ew. I brought a book that guys like to *cough* read. Aaaannd I brought a dead flower.You know, to show you how much I care." I said with a fake smile.

"Wow. You actually read my mind. Guess thats what happens when you've know a person for all your life. And you knew I love dead flowers? Awh thats so cute of you." Chanyeol chuckled. "Come sit" he said as he cleared a space on his bed and gestured for me to sit. I freezed for a moment, wondering if we were becoming too friendly. I liked this side of Chanyeol. The happy, playful side of him that he only showed to me. But I stopped seeing that side of him as soon as we moved into high school. I dismissed these thoughts and plopped onto his hospital bed.

"Do you want to...talk? About how you got injured. I mean, its fine if you don't want to talk. Is it too soon? Ah, am I rambling too much? I'm sor-

My sentence was cut short when Chanyeol wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head into my neck. Maybe he didn't want to talk about it. Staring at his back, I saw he had several red marks that were covered with white bandages.

"Chan?" I mumbled. "What are you doing?"

Chanyeol didn't say anything, but only buried his head deeper into my neck. I found myself melting into his arms, strangely not wanted to let go. His warmth was addictive and so was his familiar scent. Vanilla and a scent I couldn't quite figure out. Eventually, he retreated from the embrace with tears rolling down his cheeks. He turned away to avoid making eye contact.

"Sorry. I don't know what came over me. I guess I just needed a hug. Nothing else, so don't misunderstand alright?" he huffed. He looked flustered and he ruffled his hair in embarrassment. I flung my head back and doubled over in laughter. "W-whats funny...?" He stuttered. I continued to laugh, ignoring his question. He lightly hit my arm and asked again, only to be met with more laughter. He joined in and began to laugh, clutching at his stomach.

"Yah! Lee Yoonmi! Stop laughing at me!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

"You're cute." I replied.

Wait...did I just say cute? Out loud???



Yoonmi's log: I want to ask him about his injuries. But I can't. I want to ask him about the rumours. But I can't. I want to ask him why he's being so nice to me. But I can't. There are so many things that I want to ask him, but something is preventing me from asking. I don't know what it is, but its making me feel weird. It making me nauseous and queasy. He's so unpredictable, but I think I like it.

Chanyeol's log: I want to tell her my problems. I desperately want to open up to someone, to tell them my deepest feelings. To tell them my deepest problems. Maybe she can do that. Maybe she can listen to me. But something is stopping me from asking. Its like there's a barrier in between us that's stopping us from being us. From how we used to be. But I can't figure her out. Even though she hasn't changed and hasn't become one of those girls, I can't figure her out. She's so unpredicable, but I think I like it.


Phew! I'm done! I was a little preoccupied with...other things, but here's the chapter. Hope you like it!

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love, author-nim

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