
진정 난 몰랐네 (Really I Didn't Know)


"Look at me" Chanyeol breathed.
The next thing I knew, my lips were being cradled in the warmth of Chanyeol's kiss as his fingers combed through my jet black hair. He bent back my head and kissed me again, softly at first, and then with a swift movement, his lips parted and his tongue began to explore the depths of my mouth. It was like the weight of  the world had lifted off my shoulder. It felt liberating. His hands rested on my cheeks. His face tilted forward as he broke the kiss, as if he didn't want this moment to end. We sat there, staring into eachother's eyes, wondering what will happen next. That was until a wide grin broke into Chanyeol's face and a soft chuckle escaped from his lips. His smooth, soft, luscious, incre-

"Yah, Lee Yoonmi?!"

"Huh?" I said as I awoke. "Was I sleeping?"

"Yeah. It sounded like it was a good dream!" chuckled Hani 

You see, Hani was my best friend. She was always there for me, through thick and thin. She was there as a shoulder to cry on the day my mum died. Ever since then, we've been inseperable. I could never forget the day we met. It was the first day of school, and I was crying my eyes out and clinging onto my mum for dear life.



It was that moment when Hani took my hand and held it tight.

"Don't cry, or you'll make me cry" she giggled, "My name is Hani, what's yours?"

My mum smiled and she gently let go of my hands. She tucked my hair behind my ear.
"Don't worry Yoonmi, looks like you've already made a friend."


The next day, I practically had to drag my feet to school. It was yet another day of school. As the rest of the school quickly filed their way through the double doors, I was still trudging along behind them. When I got to my locker, I entered my locker combination. My locker wouldn't budge. I tried shaking it, slamming punching it. I tried everything. When I gave up, I saw a familiar face at the end of the corridor. It was Chanyeol.


I cursed as I frantically tried any way possible to open my locker, suddenly getting this surge of energy that came from no where. If I put half of this energy into my schoolwork, I would definitely be a staight A student.

Chanyeol opened his locker, but was soon joined by his friends; Baekhyun and Jongin.

"Hey did you see the way that girl looked at you? You can tell she's totally obsessed with you Chanye-"

Baekhyun stopped in the midst of his sentence when he noticed my presence.

"Oooh soz Yoonmi, didnt want to crush your dreams with old Channie over here" giggled Baekhyun as he lightly pat Chanyeol on the shoulder. Chanyeol's facial expression didn't change and he quickly shut his locker.

"See ya around Yoon" he said in his grumpy, yet husky, tone of voice.

I could tell he only spoke to me like that. Whenever he was chatting to other girls, he greeted them with his usual bright eyes and charming smile.
I scoffed 
"See ya around Chan" i muttered to myself.

Me and Chan used to be close. But ever since that day, we slowly grew apart.


Elementary school

One day, Chanyeol walked up to me with a stern look on his face.

"Hey, why didnt you reply?" He asked with a slight crack in his voice. I could tell he was upset,

"I told you I liked you.

I gave you time.

You said tomorrow.

Its tomorrow."

I sat there, blushing and swinging my legs under the table. I glanced at the tween magasine that was under my desk. It read


I grinned

That was the moment when Chanyeol hesitantly leaned forward and placed a kiss on my lips. It was slightly awkward, and it seemed like he practiced this for hours in front of a mirror.

"...Chan", I stuttered. It was so sudden. But...I liked it. In fact, I had been dreaming of this moment ever since I met him.

Just as he left the door, I got up and ran over to him. I grabbed his hand, whisked him around and smiled as our lips crashed together.


D-Day. The time came when we were all pushed into middle school. And with middle school, came changes.

-Chanyeol had a growth spurt

-My chest got...How should I say it? Bigger? Questionable.

-Chanyeol got popular and became known as the hottest boy in school.

-He learned to play the guitar and the piano.

But there were things I knew that gave me the advantage over all these thirsty girls who desperately wanted his attention. Things only I knew.

-Chanyeol loved banana milk.

-Chanyeol hated Shrek. It gave him nightmares, but don't tell anyone.

-Chanyeol was clumsy.

-Chanyeol hated the colour purple. Not the movie...

Unfortunately, as time went on, we grew further and further apart. We were in junior year. With his new found popularity and his string of girlfriends, he didn't even bother to look at me. He was too busy cuddling with his latest girlfriend on the bench in front of the school building. Whenever I walked home, I would see them cuddling, kissing eachother goodbye, parting ways before meeting up again to say goodbye once more. What's that I hear? Stalker? I was nothing of the sort.

His latest girlfriend went by the name of Kim Bora. She had it all. She was pretty. She had long, black wavy hair they cascaded all the way down to her bellybutton. She had..ahem..a larger chest than me. I didn't blame Chanyeol. I mean... Look at her. She was an expert in the art of seduction. With short flicks of her hair and the sweet smelling perfume she wore so much, Chanyeol was hooked. However, the way Chanyeol's eyes shone everytime he spoke to her made me think. I had to face reality. Chanyeol really did love Bora.


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