Let's Not Be Complicated: Sana Chapter 10 [Season 1]

Cheese in the Trap
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Momo blinks to see her arms wrapped around on a girl with a freshly dyed raven locks. Sleeping soundly as the soft snores come around, Momo places a hand on the girl's soft cheek, caressing, thumb rolling over.


"You look so pretty when you sleep..." It rolled off of her tongue naturally, like the first snow on the first winter day. She was staring, eyes boring as the girl continued to wander on her dreamland."I'm such a fool for not noticing that a time earlier."


When the girl moves, cuddling into Momo's arms where she assumes is moving for a better position to sleep, Momo drapes her other arm over and hugs her lightly, chin on top of her crown with soft hair.


She kissed her forehead once and started to stand up the bed gently.




"Where's that girl?"


Momo peeked at Nayeon's face with that usual scowl. She guessed the girl never really like her pleasure servant's presence.


"Still asleep." She replied nonchalantly, scooting over the table to check what meal is waiting.


"She knocked at the middle of the night, I had to wake up from my beauty sleep to open the door for her." Nayeon continued, her arms crossed over her chest,"You know how that pisses me off soooo bad."


"Dahyun could have done it but you woke up first." Momo shrugs,"I just had to."


"Had to..?"


"Release my frustations."


Nayeon perks up when she heard the blonde's reply. Momo is busy adding butter on her toast when she walks closer.


"Last night you want me to ready the black room for you. I did. Been awhile, actually. And isn't that enough, I saw how badly you'd beaten up the guy. And how Jackson added permanent bruises. You just had to call her?"


Momo finally sits in one of the wooden chairs. She chews because she doesn't want anyone interrupting her mealtime, but Nayeon is Nayeon and she's always going to be that one annoying who makes Momo uncompletely happy on the times that she's devouring her food. She always interrupts.


When she's finally done, and most likely— the other girl's patience is too— Momo dusts up her hands on the side and drinks her glass of water.


"Stress." Momo says shortly before standing up, leaving the kitchen. In return, Dahyun enters, still in her pyjamas.


"What's for breakfast?" She rubs her eye and Nayeon chases over Momo, making the girl startled and wondering as she followed them with her gaze.


"You should know that I hate having her around!" Nayeon hisses, hand gripping the blonde's arm tight.


Dahyun caught what she said, starting to walk closer to the both of them.


The youngest girl was fast to crease her forehead when she heard the word hate and her in one sentence from Nayeon herself.


"I know." Momo replies, her hand landing on top of the elder's and fingers working to take it off completely.


"Why do you keep asking for her service? There's someone better out there and I'd gladly search for you."


"Why do you even hate her in the first place?" Momo then stopped to look at the elder on eye to eye,"You answer me and I'll cut my connections with her."


It was silent, Nayeon looked down at the floor. She sighs before turning around to spot Dahyun looking at her, the same way she did when they fought about Sana.


Nayeon shakes her head before sparing one last glance at Momo, walking away and heading outside the mansion with no words being left said.


"I'll talk to her about it."


Momo glares at the younger girl,"No," she says firmly,"The last time you did, I had to suffer in the middle. I will, I'll catch upon her."




Dahyun was cleaning the dishes by the sink when she heard footsteps behind her. She looks back and already expected that girl near her back, dressed only in a white big tee with blue short shorts that she's sure the girl took from Momo's closet without any permission.


"Breakfast is at the table if you would want to know..."


"Yeah, but I'm not really a fan of french toasts."


Dahyun dries up her hand with the towel on the side, eyes peeking on the girl who tousles her newly dyed hair with her white slender fingers.


"And today you should be. It's all that's served." She says, trying to make her tone firm. But Sana only puts her arms over her chest.


"I don't like french toast. Cook me something else."


She saw that playful glint at Sana's eyes and Dahyun could only hitch her breath.


She knows.

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omg.. hello?


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Chapter 15: please come back authornim!! TT^TT I was craving for this kind of plot and you made it amazing! <3
Chapter 15: You're writing is bomb honestly!! I wish they can see each other soon! xc
babbyoink #3
Chapter 15: No worries author. As long as you update.. no rush. Thanks. ^^
Chapter 15: thank you for the update ^^
uncelops #5
Chapter 14: please dont let this fic die dkskdkdks
blanketlove 93 streak #6
Chapter 14: i need an update... dying so badly here TT
blckswnniiee #7
Author-niiiiim wer r u huhu
wheremacookie #8
Chapter 14: im rooting for nayeon and dahyun here they deserve better
themicah #9
Aww, Dahyun. She knows Sana isnt able to reciprocate (yet?) and yet she never lets it stop her from showing how much she cres. It's the kind of pure, innocent love that's rare to see these days. And oh, okay, I thought Nayeon liked Sana all along. Turns out it was Dahyun she liked all along :))
Chapter 14: ok nayeon i thought it was sana you had a crush on, hmm.. i guess i was wrong.