the plane

life is strange

            On a warm Saturday afternoon, Yixing closed his eyes and enjoyed the cool wind that blew across his cheeks. He stood outside the sliding doors of a Chinese airport where dozens of his fans had clustered around to wish him a safe trip back to South Korea. He flashed a bright smile—dimples exposed—and waved to them all. The fans cheered and clapped as they waved homemade posters and banners in the air. "I love you all!" Yixing shouted in the air. "I'll be back soon!" The fans chanted a loud "I love you!" reply back to Yixing. Bowing a few times, he happily crossed over the threshold of the airport and headed for the escalator. He let out a relieved sigh and shut his eyes once more. "I'm so tired." he uttered under his breath followed with a small chuckle. "I'll be much more engergized when I can sleep on the plane." He pulled out his phone and read the time aloud before a call started to come through. He slid his finger across the screen and pressed the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

             "Yixing!" Joonmyeon chirped from the other side. "Are you well? Have you eaten today?" 

             "That's what I forgot to do..." Joonmyeon huffed. Yixing could visually see his leader's hand comb through his hair with concern like he usually did when the members had either forgotten something important or he was just completely fed up. "I'll eat on the plane. How are you? How are the members?" 

             "We're all good!" he answered. "We're just patiently waiting for you to come home. We'll go out to eat to celebrate your achievements in China!"

             "You don't have to do all of that for me!"

              "Oh? Why not?"

               Yixing inflated his cheeks and did his best to think of a way to tell Joonmyeon all he wanted to do was sleep. Thankfully, he had reached his terminal. A bullet that was perfectly dodged. "I have to go and board my plane!"

               "Be safe!" Joonmyeon said. When Yixing hung up, he handed the flight attendant his ticket and walked up the ramp leading to his boarding plane. It didn't take him long to put his things away and sit in his assigned seat to wait for the rest of the passengers to board. Fighting to keep his eyes open, Yixing focused on the airport workers outside sending baggage and refilling the plane's tank but his fight was lost and he went to sleep in a matter of seconds.

                        Yixing was awoken hours later by a loud siren and flashing red lights. He quickly blinked away the blurriness resting his eyes and looked to the window. At an alarming speed, the plane in a nosedive into a cluster of mountains. Yixing's heart heavily pouded against his ribs as screams filled the plane's cabin. "God watch over us all." The pilot said over the headset. 

                        "I can't die now!" Yixing shouted, throwing his hands in front of him and shutting his eyes tight. Suddenly, the air around him was warm and soothing. The screaming had ceased and everything was slowing to a stop. Yixing cracked open an eye and noticed a small white circle forming at the front of the cabin. It grew larger as time slowly ticked on then showed Yixing's window view of the workers from earlier that day. Yixing watched the memory closely and witnessed a careless worker remove the hose from the plane and shut the small door without closing the opening to the tank. "The leaked out." he stammered. He rose from his seat and took a few hestiant steps closer to the circle before him. With his fingers extending, Yixing reached to touch it. "I must be dreaming..." When his fingers slightly brushed against it, he was violently through and into a white space with dozens of voices were talking at the same time.  

                       Yixing awoke back in the plane with the same people boarding from before. His eyes darted around the plane confused, frantically looking for an answer no one would have an answer to. Did the plane really crash? Did it even happen? Yixing looked out his window and watched the same workers carry luggage to the plane and fill the plane's tank. "The fuel!" Yixing jumped from his seat and walked towards a flight attendant and the pilot at the head of the plane. "Excuse me?" The attendant batted her eyes at Yixing and gave him a grin. 

                       "Is there something you need sir?" 

                       "Can you make sure the workers double check their work? I saw someone carelessly adding fuel to the plane. I don't want to have anyone hurt." The pilot smiled and gripped Yixing's shoulder firmly.

                         "Thank you. I'll make sure they go back and look over before we take off." Satisfied, Yixing went back to his seat and buried his face in his hands. This plane was going to crash. Wasn't it? We were about to die! Weren't we? I just want to get home. 

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