Hidden (03)

Am I Alive?

“… so I’ve taken to calling it Hidden,” she concludes. It all made sense now. Kind of. The part about how this is even scientifically possible is still a bit blurry (If you get my jist). She stands up suddenly, brushing herself off.

    “Are we going somewhere?” I stand with her. She rolls her eyes and began walking away, “We are not going anywhere. I told you what you wanted to know and now I’m leaving, okay? Or do I need your permission?”

“No way, you have to come with me. I hate you, but you’re the only one whose head registers my voice, so you’re coming with me.” Forgetting that my body has passed through everything for the past two days, I reach for her wrist before gasping in shock as my hand actually made contact with her’s.

“Ohmigoshohmigosh HUMAN CONTACT!” I lunge towards her and gather her in my arms, squeezing tightly.

“OH MY GOD! YOU REEK!” she shrieks, scratching at my arms like an untamed cat.

I quickly let go and step back, my face the color of a tomato. Awkwardly, I scratch the back of my neck, “Haha..a-are you sure you’re not the one who smells? You look like you would.”

“Scum.” She brushes past me and continues walking down the road like nothing happened.

“WAIT! Where are you going? Don’t leave, I wasn’t thinking, I swear! I would never hug someone like you!” I hurry after her frantically. She comes to an abrupt stop, causing me to crash into her. Mechanically, she slowly turns her body towards mine. I feel a cold sweat drop down my face. Her eyes are cold and her face is hard. I gulp for air.

“What did you just say?” her voice frighteningly soft. The aura around her is like the calm before a storm. My eyes widen; I don’t think I’ve ever screwed up so badly. She scoffs suddenly and once again walks off before I can say another word. I sigh dramatically. Women. Being a first hand witness of my father when my mom makes a fuss, I knew that at these times what was necessary to appease the woman. I bound after her, a bright smile plastered on my face. Just pretend like it’s all good. Yeah, never fails.

“Yumikooo~!” I sing and loop my arm through hers. She gives me a startled look before shaking me off. Ok, that didn’t work… Step 2. I pouted and poked her cheeks. Women were ers for my aegyo.

“Can you not.” she deadpans. I blink slowly. Why isn’t it working? This always works.

“Yumi, I’m sorry. Forgive me?” I take her hands in mine, swinging them back and forth. She will accept me. She must! One, because no woman has ever not accepted me, and two, because I currently have no one else to talk to.

“Did you hit your head? Or are you always this annoying? Let go of me, you giraffe.” She snaps, pushing my hands away. I throw my arms in the air, losing my patience.

“DARN IT LADY, JUST WHAT DO YOU WANT?” I rage. “As of now, you are the only one who I can talk to and for that reason, I really need you. I admit that. But would you please speak to me?” She turns around and rather than the look of surprise I’m expecting, plastered upon her face is an evil grin.

“Good,” she says, “Keep it coming with the praise. Just like that. Now, don’t ever insult my huggability again, and follow me.” Yumiko then stalks off towards who knows where with a spring in her step. I sigh. I’m just the luckiest guy in the world, aren’t I? First, I become some odd thing called “Hidden” and then the only person who I can rely on is a difficult female.

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