The First Morning

Queen B
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"Hyung wake up," Kai growled irritably. Already, he was in a bad mood from waking up and even worse- with extreme bed hair.
He also didn't want to wake up Suho who was stretched out half on his bed.
Suho groggily opened his eyes and stared at Kai. "Kaaaiiiiiiiiiii," he murmured pulling Kai into a tight embrace.
Kai gagged and pulled away sharply, letting Suho fall to the ground.
"Get up," he snapped, "it's the first day of school."

​​Kai dragged the half-asleep Suho into the kitchen where DO was struggling to make breakfast while keeping Chanyeol away from the pancakes.
"Good morning hyung," Chanyeol grinned at Suho. Kai grumbled as they took their place at the table.
They heard a loud crash and screaming. "GAHHHHH! It's me! It's Baekhyun!" Baekhyun's desperate voice echoed through the hall. Down the hall Baekhyun was trying to get Sehun to wake up. Usually, Sehun was one of the early risers. But on the days Sehun slept in, he was very VERY violent.
Baekhyun dodged the flying alarm clock, book, ipod, various figurines, and caught the cushion.

"Sehun, we have to go to school," he whined, hating himself for losing the daily rock-paper-scissor that they did to determine who had to wake up the rest.
'Maybe I should just pretend to sleep in,' he thought as he tried to drag Sehun out of bed while dodging the blows and kicks.
He quickly shook his head. It would be okay if Suho, DO, or Kai woke him up but DO was the only one who could make breakfast so he was exempt. Suho will never wake up early. Sehun, the young brat will kick him awake and if Chanyeol was to try to wake him up- he shuddered thinking about the time he woke up to Chanyeol's snuggling. Sehun finally woke up. "Whaddayoudoininmyroom?" he growled. (What are you doing in my room?)
Baekhyun gave a frustrated sigh. "It's morning. We need to eat and go to school," he reminded Sehun.
After a few minutes of battling mentally and physically, a moody Sehun and exhausted Baekhyun joined the table. DO beamed at the late arrivals. "Right on time," he smiled and placed the plates on the table.
Chanyeol grinned at Kai and Baekhyun who both looked ruffled. He was very pleased with himself for not losing their morning game. He smirked at the image of the tough guy Kai being pulled into a hug by their soft Suho hyung. The six of them had been studying the the abroad campus in Canada since middle school and two years ago, they teamed up to compete in the Young Businessmen Awards. Their parents were friends and they were able to work with eachother naturally.
Since their parents were still abroad, they were all living together at Suho's family mansion. "How do you feel about returning to the main campus?" Suho asked chewing on a piece of bacon.

"Excited," Chanyeol grinned.

"I don't know," Kai muttered.

DO shru
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Chapter 28: this story is interesting. it seems like the whole incident is not clearly revealed yet.
Loving it!
monfuy #3
Chapter 4: The story is pretty intriguing!