creatures of habits

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Lee Hyukjae is, as Donghae has noticed over the few years they’ve spent together as best-friends-slash-boyfriends-slash-lovers-slash-everything-else, a creature of habits. Habits that, Donghae learned the hard way on a fateful Saturday morning, should never, never be messed with. Only life-or-death matters are a good reason enough to disturb Hyukjae’s elaborate routine, and even then, a spike of irritation would most probably make an appearance across his sharp features.  Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on viewpoints, these kind of situations don’t usually happen often.
It’s the second Sunday of December and, much to Donghae’s delight, Christmas day is only eleven days away. He counted. But never mind that fact, Hyukjae would tell him with a sharp look, it’s also sorting-their-bills-out day. Which is almost as important in his boyfriend-slash-the-rest’s books. Donghae sighs in warm exasperation, eyeing the stack of papers that’s already piled on their dining table.
It’s almost ten o’clock in the morning, dark coffee is brewing in the kitchen, a mug of hot chocolate is waiting for its owner, and Hyukjae is almost finished with brushing his teeth. Any minutes now and Hyukjae will walk out of the bathroom, a serious frown on his face that says ‘no trouble with me today, Lee Donghae’, and then demands that they take care of the bills right away. They were supposed to do that last Wednesday.


Snorting to himself, Donghae goes to sit down obediently at their dining table and brings Hyukjae’s hot chocolate along with him. “I hop

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Chapter 3: Omo, They are cute XD
Chapter 3: Lmaoooo I like how the dogs went quiet xD
Chapter 3: Oh my god I love this! Especially the last one, that was hilarious xD good work authornim ^^
MeinAltire #4
Chapter 3: Hahhaha this is funny...
Chapter 3: What are they like five (my dad can take your dad down) but instead it's with their dogs! Hahahahahahaha!
tvxqsujushineeexonct #6
Chapter 3: Hahahahahaha! This is way too cute! I wish someone could draw this. Like chibi drawings or something.
Chapter 3: Cute heheheheh loved it
Chapter 3: Hahahaha this is so cute!!
Chapter 2: This is so freaking adorable, I love this so much