Inside The Coloured Houses.


Just when you moved to a town you thought that things coulden't get any weirder. you moved to this colourful town to have a new beginning and get more socialized with other people but soon, you got behind it that there is a mystery hanging around this town, will you sort it out? or is it just a myth? what else can there happen in this town? now together with your friends and maybe 'loved' one on your sides you will find out! 




red velvet

( You will get to know more about the characters in the chapters and more characters will be featuring!! ^^ )


soooooo i will make this story a little crazy but also fun! and you know, i hope you guys will like it! hehe. no silent readers okay? feel free to comment! thank youuuu < 3 don't ask me why that icon for luhan it's my favorite! XD i will try to make it interesting as well! btw this is my first story XD


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HufflepuffBaby #1
Sounds interesting
Looking forward to read ^^