Valley of the Fireflies


Somewhere deep in the mountains is a quaint little cottage

Somewhere deep in the cottage lived a little boy

Somewhere inside the cottage was the little boy's best friend

Somewhere near the  house was a field full of fireflies

Some time before in the mountains was the life of Baekhyun


Byun Baekhyun lived with his grandmother and his autistic best friend in a cottage on top of one of the mountain sides outside Seoul, that is until he turned 18 and decided the city was the place for him. His grandmother fell ill due to her old age , making him return to his little mountain side.


"Baek, Channie is going to marry you some day. Just like the happy people we saw on the TV box when mama showed us that movie" An overly enthusiastic Chanyeol whispered into Baekhyun's ear.

He was a special kid and Baekhyun knew it. And it wasn't his autism that was special. It was like Chanyeol had the power of life and it seemed as if life clung onto Chanyeol as well. The cottage where they stayed was full of flowers and wildlife all from Chanyeol and his grandma's hard work.

"No Yeollie. We can't. You're a boy and I'm a boy as well. Plus I'm gonna go to the big city when I'm old enough and you'll stay here with mama" Baekhyun said, playfully elbowing Chanyeol.

Chanyeol replied with a grunt and a small pout. "But why? Chan loves Baekhyun. What do I have to become for you to love me? I can be rich like the guy in the TV! My piggy bank is almost full! I can buy lots of yummy cake and I'll give you more flowers!"

Baekhyun giggled as he put his arm around Chanyeol and hugged him. "You'd have to become a firefly for me to love you okay? Sorry Yeollie"

The larger boy grumbled incoherently as he looked down at the smaller male hugging him. "Promise?"

"I promise" Baekhyun said, planting a soft kiss on Chanyeol's head.


*  *  *  *  *

7 years later

"Changmin! Pack your things now! We need to get to my grandma's house before noon or it'll be too dark" 

A grumble from under soft white sheets followed after Changmin and his waking. 

"Why so early. Later babe. Later."

"You're the worst boyfriend ever!"

"I love you too baby"

Baekhyun's train of thought then wandered to the mountain side- his mountain side. And Chanyeol- his Chanyeol.



"I promise."


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