Rainy days flashbacks

Author's pov 

Monday 24th July 2015... 

It's raining hard in Seoul, the weather is as gloomy as Jihye who is bundled up in her blankets on her bed, with a cup of coffee on her nightstand. Jihye sigh for the umteenth time that day as tears run down her cheeks, she sniffed and wiped her tears. "It's been 2 months and a week Jihye-ah get over him!" She said to herself as she was messing up her hair. The thunder strikes making Jihye jumped up from her position shocked she looked down and scoff at herself "Really Jihye? stop being jumpy" she said to herself, and suddenly tears fell from her eyes again "No one is going to hold me when I jump anymore haha" she said sniffing looking down. The rain fell harder and harder and Jihye's tears also continued pouring down her face, memories of her and Mark keep on filling her head, the memory of the first time they met in high school suddenly fill her head.


It was Jihye's first week of highschool, she just moved school from the US because her parents decided to move back to Korea again. Jihye had managed to get herself some new friends already. That day all of the 2nd year student was told to go to the basket court Jihye was walking with her new friend Jamie who is a Korean American, While she was talking to Jamie there was a guy who was playing basketball who almost hit her with the ball that he was throwing, it didn't hit her luckly. Jihye look at the guy she was feeling mad, she was about to yell at him but she suddenly froze, as the guy ran to her apologizing for his careless act. Jihye didn't catch a word he was saying, she just stare at his face speechless.... he's gorgeous. "Jihye-ah!" Jamie tapped Jihye's hand, and she snapped out of her daze "eoo?" she blinked looking back at Jamie. "I'm sorry" suddenly the guy cut in, Jihye looked up and meet his eyes. His eyes are brown, she felt like she's home when she stared at them "YAAA!" Jamie hit Jihye's arm, Jihye once again snapped out of her daze "I'm sorry I'm sorry" Jihye said bowing to Jamie and the guy "No... hey hahaha I'm the one who should say sorry" The guy stopped her from bowing and he bow instead then he get up. He smiled and held up his right hand "Hai I haven't seen you around before... I'm Mark" he said, Jihye look at his hand and look upto his face returning his smile then shake his hand "Yes I just moved here, hai Mark I'm Jihye" they keep on holding hands until Jamie cleared then she pretend to cough "AHEMMM AGHH, Yes Mark I know my new friend is pretty but can you stop holding her hand" Jamie said and both of them pull their hands away from eachother, "umm sorry" Mark said rubbing the back of his neck "no it's okay" Jihye said looking down biting her bottom lip. 

She smilled at the flashback, but the tears from her eyes didn't stop falling... and again she sigh and wipe away her tears with the sleeves of her sweater. She sit on her bed and leaned her back on the headboard of her bed, she took a sip of her coffee and she checked her phone. It's been a while since she checked her phone too. She scroll trough her notifications and found her family and friend's miss calls and messages that she had been ignoring for days now, she locked her phone and put it down.. she drink her coffee again, she bit onto her mug as another flashback comes into her head again... their first kiss.


Jihye was sent to the clinic that day, she wasn't feeling well. Jihye text Mark saying not to wait for her at lunch time because she will be at the clinic resting. She is laying down on one of the bed in the clinic after the nurse gave her some medicine, the nurse left the clinic because it was lunch time and she wanted to get some food leaving Jihye alone in the clinic. Jihye was closing her eyes, half asleep. She heard the door of the clinic open, she thought it was the nurse.. But suddenly she felt a pair of lips on her own, her eyes shot open to see Mark's closed eyes, Mark pulled away and took her right hand, Smilling... Jihye was stunned looking at him "Are you feeling better now babe?" he said putting his other hand on her forehead "You're burning" he kissed her forehead and sigh, he sat on the chair next to her bed "I told you not to come to school today" he said squezzing her hand in a comforting manner. "I'm sorry" Jihye said sitting up taking his hand in both of her hands "noo lay down" Mark said trying to make her lay down again but she refuse.... Her head is pounding and so is her heart, she still can feel his lips on hers, then she asked "Why did you kiss me Mark" she said bitting her bottom lip, "Because you're my girlfriend, and I have been holding the urge to do so.." Mark said smilling looking like a 10 y.o who just got candies, they stared at eachother and Mark decided to lean in again, he stared at her eyes and then his gaze shifted to her lips... he kissed her, and this time she kissed back. Mark cupped her burning cheek and Jihye circled her hands on his neck. But then Jihye suddenly pull away "What if you got sick too" she said dropping her hands on her lap, Mark gave a peck on her lips and said "Then we'll skip school and we'll have a sick day tomorrow" he said smilling. Suddenly the door of the clinic opened up "Mark Tuan is that you?" said the nurse, "Yes..." Mark said suttering for a bit "What are you doing here? lunch is over" the nurse said looking at her wrist watch. "Oh...Um.. the teacher told me to check on her" He said pointing at Jihye.. Jihye scoffed, They're not even in the same class how could the teacher told him to do that haha. "Go upstairs Mark I'll look after her" the nurse said, Mark turn to Jihye one last time and he squezze her hand "Bye" he said then he went upstairs..."He's lying isn't he?" the nurse asked smilling "well yeah kind of" Jihye answered then lay down on the bed again.. Her cheeks is red, her body is burning, her head is pounding, and so is her head.... She smilled and slowly drifted to sleep.

Her tears fall once again, she remember the feeling well. She smilled bitterly..... *ding dong*  She heard her doorbell ring, she groaned standing up not forgetting to wipe her tears, she walked to the front door of her apartement and open it.. It was him..... Mark Tuan is standing in front of her, eyes swollen, clothes soaked....



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gaylay27 #1
Chapter 1: Omg yessssssss make a squeal....*crying* omg u made me cry and please make a squeal please please please
Chapter 1: Yessssssss please make a sequel
SvtNuest17ie #3
Chapter 1: Yyyaaaasss