
Wednesdays Are Not Zen Days

Title: Wednesdays Are Not Zen Days
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Sehun/Jongin
Length:  3153 words
Summary: College librarian Sehun keeps dropping the books he's supposed to be shelving. Jongin has an essay due and he needs Sehun TO STOP. Library!au
Notes: Written for wall-palm: the kabedon challenge on AO3.


Read the fic here.


A/N Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this story! If you liked it, it would mean a lot to me if you could leave a kudo and/or a comment. Thanks for reading! Much love, Adele




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Chapter 1: Awwww... so cute ^_*
I've been planning to read this ever since I saw an overview of the kabedon challenge and guessed your FF by only looking at the title.
I still can't really explain why I somehow knew that it was you but anyway...
After reading for the whole day (this damn text for literature was way too long) I thought it was time to reward myself and this was definitley what I needed.
I was laughing and giggling already 20 lines into the story and it made me realize how much I missed reading your works - will definitely catch up with more stories soon!

I really liked the way you described the tension between Sehun and Jongin and their little (well not so little actually) crushes were absolutely adorable. I also think that this is the first kabedon scene I read that I liked and didn't feel like it seemed... 'forced'?
I always like how you incorporate real life things (this sounds clumsy but I hope you know what I mean...) like the titles of the books and how they add up to give the story a really realistic kind of feeling. I also could vividly imagine the library though you didn't actually describe it too much.
It was so cute and so much fun to read and grumpy Kyungsoo was just the cherry on top of it!
Loved it! <3
Chapter 1: why is everything you write so cute ?? (:
oohsekaix #4
Chapter 1: I loved this! It was so cute.
Chapter 1: this is so so cute I'm squealing x)
Chapter 1: Oh gosh why so cute??? The idea of shy crush between them is adorable omggg.
But I can't even angry to Kyungsoo for being a er, because I love satansoo so much lol.
panicattheexo #7
Chapter 1: OK ACTUALLY REALLY REALLY CUTE like the concept and like books And libraries and AGSGGSJSJAKSHHDD D REALLY CUTE
Chapter 1: Ahhh, I can't handle the cuteness! And Kyungsoo in this gives me life. Btw, I'm about to stalk your profile and read pretty much all your stories cause they're so good, so be prepared for that...
Rosasaur #9
Chapter 1: Haha sekai so adorable and lol at SOO being so grumpy xD
kimmml #10
Chapter 1: this is so cute, kyungsoo though hahahaha! satansoo is here