Chapter 1: Sun?

Life means Sunlight and You

Jamie just got home from school. As soon as he enters the house, His sister, Lace came running "Jamie! Tell me what happen at school today?" Jamie holds his sister, astern his body to avoid his sister's sudden barge "Whoa..! Hold on. Let me take a breath first sis."Lace pouted as she linking her arms with Jamie. Boys got taller easily, aren't they? Lace like holding onto a tall pole since she only grew up to 157 cm and Jamie was like 183 cm.

Jamie throws his body on the sofa and let his sister slid under his arm "Jamie, tell me, what happen at school today? How's everyone at school?" Jamie sighed "Well, as usual, bell rings, I enter the class. Study... Recess... Study again. Bell rings and I'm home" Lace sighed "You must be bored, Jamie" Jamie nods, agreeing to his sister. He sighed heavily and smiled. He kissed his sister's head and say "One day, there'll be someone that will give you sunlight. I know you can be cured"

Lace stunned for a while. Just for that time, she wished that the one kissing her head is no more Jamie Dan. She wishes that it would be someone else. Jamie take his bag and get to his room. Lace pouted. She goes to the window and open it.

Jamie hears the scream makes him running out from his room. He shocked to see Lace was crying. Her body has turned red. Jamie quickly shut the window and yell "Lace, are you crazy?! You know you could burn yourself" Jamie lift up his sister and brings her to the shower. Slowly, he turned the faucet to the coldest water and pour it to Lace's body. Lace whimper and hold Jamie's shirt tightly. She cried "I just want to feel the sunlight. I want to feel the warmness"

Jamie shook his head. He cupped Lace's face and look straight into her eyes "Lace Dan, you acknowledge your weakness. Why are you putting yourself in danger?" Lace become speechless. She let go of her grip on Jamie's shirt and let Jamie continue to pour her with cold water.

Mrs. Dan come back home with some groceries on her hand. Jamie running downstairs greeting his mother and help her with the groceries. When Mrs. Dan put down the groceries on the kitchen island, she looks around "Where's your sis?" Jamie answers "She's asleep" Mrs. Dan nods. Jamie silence for a while before asking "You want me to wake her up?" Mrs. Dan shook her head "No, it's okay. Let her rest. Have she took her vitamin?" Jamie nods "Yes she did." Jamie quiet again, looking to his mom that was busy with the groceries. Jamie sighed. He get the carrots in Mrs. Dan's hands and look straight to his mom eyes.

"What's wrong Jamie?" Mrs. Dan ask, as Jamie's eyes become lowered with sympathy. Jamie take a deep breath "Mom, Lace can be cure right? She just don't have that much antibody that invincible to sunlight right?" Mrs. Dan silence. Her lips curved to a faint smile "Let's pray for your sister. She's a strong girl, she can be cure" Jamie pull his corner of the mouth, slightly smirking responding to the simple answers and helps Mrs. Dan with the groceries.

Mrs. Dan knock on Lace's door and open it "Lace?" Her soft voice seems to be the only thing that can be hear in the room. Lace was reading, accompanied with her study lamp and her iPod. Probably she can't even hear her mom's voice. Mrs. Dan pat her body softly "Lace?" Lace startled and look around. When she realized her mom, she quickly unplugged her earphone "Mom" Mrs. Dan smiled and ask "What are you reading?"

She looks at the book "Eleanor and Park. The one that you gave me on my birthday last year" Mrs. Dan wrinkles her eyebrows "Aren't you finish reading that last year?" Lace nods "Yeah, I read it again. This book is cute" Mrs. Dan can't say anything. She bought that book because she thought that Lace would be a little happy because somehow, the book resembles her. But now, she felt sorry because at least, the character got somebody to love and Lace Dan couldn't even meet children at her age. Mrs. Dan kissed her head and says "Keep on reading, and don't forget your vitamin darling" Lace nods and plug her earphone back.

Mrs. Dan walks outside and slowly shut the door. She lean on the door, wondering how on earth her first child suffering a mystery symptom. The doctor said that she's having a phobia to sunlight but they can't explain why she really loves sunlight. A person that phobia of sunlight but she loves sunlight. Lace is very small and a little bit skinny because she didn't get the real Vitamin D she needs.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan has done many thing to help her, and now they can only pray so that if they are not the one that can brings her to sunlight. At least, somebody will do.

Lace set down her books and bag on the table as soon as she enters the night school. Just a few students that are studying for the upcoming exams. They reminded her of Jamie, he already open his book and study with their mom, the principal of Jamie's school. She wanted to study with Jamie but what can she do? She only able to do the core subject. Lace sit down and take out her homework. Additional Mathematics, she just got to that subject last week but Jamie already study Chemistry.

While she was busy with reading the twisted, dizzy textbook, somebody pull the chair at the table beside her. Lace look at the person. A lanky, tall boy. Almost in shape with Jamie but he looks more athletic. He has his cap on written "BOY" and the cap covering her eyes. Lace mesmerized for a while. She never see that boy anywhere. That boy set down his cap on the table and fix his hair.  Lace's eyes widened. This boy is pretty. No! She means, handsome and... Chic. He has a shiny doe eyes that capture Lace's attention firstly.  She don't even aware that the boy realized she was looking at him.

"Hello" Lace startled and stuttered "A... Err... Yes" The boy asks "Is there any problem?" Lace stammered. Her heart is beating fast, like she's really nervous. The butterflies in her stomach is flying around. Lace was completely lost by the attractive, young stranger. She shook her head fast "Nothing" That boy chuckled "Well... nice to meet you" Oh my God! His chuckling is the cutest thing Lace ever seen. Lace nods evenly "Nice to meet you too"

When the boy sits down, Lace knew that she must look back to her textbook. But she can't pay her attention to the textbook anymore. That boy attracts her. Lace glares at the boy, he's writing something in his book. Lace sighed and trying to pay her attention again on the textbook.

The night cram school finished earlier since Lace can already pick up things that are new to her. While she was packing her things, that boy come to her place "Hi" Lace got shocked makes her stationaries fall on the floor. The boy quickly helps her to pick it up and hand it to her "Here" Lace got embarrassed. She slowly take her stationaries from his hand "Thank you" Their finger touched, makes Lace want to running around and scream. She just can't describe how happy she is.

The boy ask "Are you Lace Dan?" Lace's eyes widened "Huh... How do you know my name?" That boy laughed. How Lace really wished to have a box that can contain those contagious laugh. His eyes even formed a bow, makes he looks so cute "Jamie Dan is my friend. He's your brother right? By the way, I'm Jungkook Jeon. Just moved here from Korea" He reached out his hand to shake hands with Lace. Lace was nervous, like really nervous. Her hands try to reach Jungkook's hand which seems further little by little. At last, Jungkook's the one who take her hand. Lace was shocked as if she could just fainted there "Nice to meet you, Lace Dan... And send my regards to Jamie" Lace nodding along. Jungkook bid farewell as he gone out of the class. Lace involuntarily touch her hands. They were cold, and her heartbeat is really fast. Lace can't blink her eyes.

Is this love?

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