Learning the Devil

Falling for the Devil

Cha Hakyeon

Hakyeon was furious. This was a very unusual and rarely seen side of him. Normally he was the most jolly, happy-go-lucky person anyone had ever seen. In fact he was virtually the class clown. His day would start with a grin on his face and he was almost always smiling.

Except now.

Their dorm had been trashed by 3 uninvited guests and take out cartons littered the floor. The 3 boys had taken up nearly all the space and were fast asleep in one of the 3 bedrooms. Hakyeon was about to March up to them and demand they wake up when a voice spoke up preventing him. To his surprise, the voice belonged to Taekwoon.

"Let them sleep, they're probably extremely tired and wo--" he got cut off by Hongbin.

"TIRED?!" Hongbin cried incredulously, "and what have we been doing? Relaxing all day? I think not! They come into our dorms and trash it then they just fall asleep!"

Someone else spoke up, "Hongbin's right--" but he stopped midsentence after noticing Taekwoon's glare.

"They DID trash our dorm, but let's just put it aside for now and make them throw it away tomorrow. That way they'll feel guilty. And won't do it again. Besides, cameras are probably filming us, do you really want your first first appearance on TV to be you screaming at the youngers?"

It was a silent glaring contest between the two eldest, but finally Hakyeon sighed and gave up. He knew Taekwoon had a point but he was already so tired; he did not want to add cleaning up to that list. In the end, they shoved the cartons of food into a trash bag and got ready for bed.

As he was preparing, Hakyeon remembered he had to confirm his new name with the CEO. He had planned on changing his name into a stage name for the show to N. Just N. He wanted ask the other members what they thought of it. On second thought though, they'd probably judge him for being so full of himself, even though that wasn't the case. Oh well, they'd find out soon enough. 

Wonshik, or Ravi, had introduced himself as Ravi. It was already his stage/ rapper name. For that matter, N had consulted Ravi before changing his name and he'd approved. At least he wasn't the only one who wanted/ had a stage name.

He was utterly worn out. Almost everyday, he stayed back at the studio or went to the park where he could focus on practicing making choreography for dances. He was a dancer and he loved choreography. Hakyeon really wanted to create dances for his new group. Even if he didn't make the cut, he still wanted to choreograph and dance in his profession.

N was allowed to stay out a little later than the others and he spent most of his time dancing or helping organize everything. Whether he made the cut or not was irrelevant to him. He wanted this group to succeed. Though they were his competition, they here his hyungs as well. Even Taekwoon. Whether he liked it or not. Because even if they didn't need N, he needed them. And he'd make sure to look out for them for as long as he was around.

Some would say that his caring personality was charming, but to him, most of the time, it was a flaw. He never was competitive enough and didn't think people were capable of hurting others. He saw the best in everybody and cared for everyone, even when they didn't care much about him. One day, he would fall because of that weakness. 

He sighed and stretched. The last bit of the mess had been cleaned up and they were all tired. In the other side of the room Taekwoon wiped his forehead. After playing outside he was sweaty, and N watched him go into the bathroom for a shower. 

A couple seconds later he heard someone yelp and slam the shower knob. Taekwoon stepped out with sopping hair and a towel slung around his waist.

He stomped over to the generator to see if the warm water setting was on, and it was. He cursed under his breath. 

"They used up all the hot water," he muttered angrily under his breath. He went back into the shower and finished showering quickly.

Hakyeon went into the bathroom to take a shower as well, as Taekwoon stepped out. N noticed how lean he was. He had a narrow waste and slender, swift legs. However, he wasn't bony or extremely muscle-y. Because of his experience with soccer he had an athletic build. It would be a great asset. He was built for dance, yet he claimed to be a singer.

N had seen him dance and he was rather exceptional at it. One of the best dancers there for sure. He wasn't exactly sure about Taekwoon's vocal abilities though, since vocals were practiced more privately. N was sure, though, that if Taekwoon's singing was good as his dancing, then he would be Jellyfish's first choice. The only drawback for him was his social seclusion.

Hakyeon finished up showering, got dressed, and went to his room that he shared with Nakhun and Jaehwan. As he walked he noticed Taekwoon hunching in a corner, furiously scribbling down in some sort of journal. He found it perplexing that such a distanced person would be writing in a diary. Has he not been the person who so coldly dismissed Hakyeon's attempt at friendship? Although it was a little endearing and chic, it had hurt N's feelings slightly. Why would someone like that write down their thoughts? That was something he'd have to figure out later.

For now, he would have to rest for the next day for their first shooting for MyDol. They had filmed short snippets earlier, but following day would be the first real shooting for MyDol.  They were having a photo shoot. This was a crucial yet simple evaluation. Being an idol meant many photoshoots and if you couldn't pose comfortably it would be a major draw back.

 Tired, N slumped into his mattress. He couldn't help but squint at the light escaping through the crack of the door. He could make out a figure sitting against the wall, writing. 

Slowly his eyes dropped as he fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, or more precisely, 5:00am an alarm started ringing waking N up. He muttered under his breath groggily and attempted to locate the source of the sound. He stumbled across the hallway and grabbed the vibrating phone.

They were allowed phones as long as they stayed at the dorms 24/7. Hakyeon squinted at the screen. The red case signified that the phone belonged to Taekwoon who was fast asleep. 

N noticed that he looked peaceful, calm, and in general less guarded when he slept. Hakyeon shook his head and turned his attention back to the phone screen. He swiped the alarm away and just as he was about to set it down he noticed the lockscreen was a kitten and a puppy.

They were absolutely adorable... Except they were on Taekwoon's phone. N would've guessed it to be something like the grim reaper to scare others away... Certainly not a furry, cute animal.

Hakyeon set the phone down and walked back to his mattress. Although he didn't know much about Taekwoon, his actions kept surprising him. There was someone else behind that cold exterior and N was going to expose. Someone worth befriending.

And with that resolution, Cha Hakyeon fell back asleep.

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I just read the description and it sounds interesting but I have a question if you don't mind........ who is the top?
taylor_fox #2
This story is interesting, pls update soon~