
Would You ..

Today is the day! I need to make a good first sight! 



Baekhyun always act like diva. He is a cheerful person. And he's verY veRY vERY VERY noisy!! He love to make everyone laugh even though he know that he make a testeless joke.



Baekhyun had to change school beacause of his parent's work. Tbh, Baekhyun really want to change school because of something.



Today, Baekhyun will go to his new school. He felt a little nervous or very nervous. He afraid that nobody will accept him as friend because of his diva act which can make everyone annoy with himself. 



He always try to throw away his diva act but he can't. I'll just be myself! It's up to everyone want to accept me or not! Baekhyun though while look at his reflection at the mirror.



He tidy his school uniform. He smile confidently. He then lift his bag to his shoulder. He down the stair and sit on the couch, wait for his father. 



"are you ready Baekhyun? go to new school~" Mr Byun greet.



"hm yeah..." Baekhyun mumble.



"hey, don't you excited? you will go to your new school~" Mr Byn said happily beacause he want to delightful his son. 



Baekhyun just hummed and drink milk brewed by Mrs Byun.



"okay, are you done yet? I'm waiting at the car okay" Mr Byun said and walk out from his house and go to the car.



Baekhyun stand. He looked the door before go to his father's car.



Baekhyun open the door and sit. He then sigh heavily.



Mr Byun look at him "Baekhyun, it's okay, maybe at this new school you will have many friends. I can feel it" 



Baekhyun just bow down his head. He then hummed to what his father's said. 



Mr Byun smile and drive to Baekhyun's new school.



After 5 minutes, they arrived at the school. 



SM High School. Hm nice name. Baekhyun though.



"Okay! we're here~" Mr Byun said happily and out from the car. Baekhyun follow then. 



They go to the office and Baekhyun's father give the diccument that they need to the worker.



While his father settle that stuff, Baekhyun take a look at the school. This scenery look great!



After his father settle, they go to teacher's room to know what class that I in.



"Okay, Byun Baekhyun, your class named is light" Mrs Kim smile and look at Baekhyun. 



"woah! your class name is light! woah! how great!" Mr Byun said happily. I know, you just want to make me happy,that's why you said like that, dad.



"okay" Baekhyun replied simply.



"so daddy will go first, okay. Baekhyun, be a good to everyone, okay. bye" Mr Byun said while wave to Baekhyun.



Mrs Kim show the direction to Baekhyun. Baekhyun just follow quietly.



The teacher stop then "okay, this is your class. if you need anything just call me at teacher's room. bye and good luck for your first day" Mrs Kim said while smile at Baekhyun. If I''m just quiet, it so rude! 



"thank you Mrs Kim, I'll will" Baekhyun relpied and smile back. And then she leave.



Baekhyun inhale and exhale his breath. I need to smile right? hm okay.



Baekhyun enter the class with smile face. Every eyes look directly at Baekhyun.



"H-hi I'm B-bbaekhyun, Byun Baekhyun" Baekhyun said shyly.



"Oh HI BAEKHYUN!! welcome to this class!" someone shouted from the back of the class and walking towards him.



"Hi! I'm Kim Jongdae! nice to meet you, new student, Baekhyun" Jongdae greet him and take Baekhyun with him to the back of the class. 



Baekhyun introduce himself to the others and be their friend. woah, they're very friendly.








Sooooooo how was it~ okay,that's what happen for my first day at new school. I'm felt nervous! hehe. But about the reason why I'm change school, it's not beacuse of my parents's work but I'm the one who want to change school :'( hm but it's okay, I'm happy at my new school rn :) 

I'm sorry for the late update because I have many things to do since my country already holiday, I have to help my mother to take care of my house(clean the house) HAHAHA! XD

About next update, I'll try ASAP ;)

And I know very well, there's must be many wrong garammar :'( so just pretend that you understand~ ;)

And there maybe typoo so, just pretend that you understand too~ :)


And thanks a lot to ~~




Because subscribe my story before I update <3


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ahjussi not ajeossi unnie
Chapter 1: This is short. But yeah, nice start. Im curious for his meeting and 'Ajeossi'
Update soon and hwaiting!